Hey Willyboy! Stick this up yer Anton Kreil!

i agree with scouse

someone else was saying on another thread that anyone who teaches or coaches must be bogus and obviously not good traders with nothing worth learning from but i think this is wrong.

anton and jean 😀 have lots of experience in trading and for someone who is new and maybe doesnt know about good books or forums can probably learn alot from there courses.

also look at it from their point of view (i think lex van dam still has his own hedge fund so he is probably a bit busier from anton) like scouse said even if you only get 25 people everry two weeks that is like more than a quarter of a million pounds a year with is probably more than the people on this forum are earning from their trading 😉

also you only have to learn the course once and give the same one each time (maybe change some examples and things like that to keep it up to date) nd its 4 days a month work thats it.

and anyway some peoples trading only takes three or four hours a day mon-fri so if their trading is like that (maybe not lex bacause he has opm but anton maybe) it snot like they are pressed for time. but trading is also about risk management and diversification and look - they were on telly and so are a bit famous in the tradin gworld so they would be stupid not to capitalise on that. there will always be fresh people coming to trading and your bank balance doesnt come with pictures on it!
Not sure I follow your logic there BS. If Van Dam can find 1m to let a housewife p1ss about with I'm sure he could get a few more if he needed it :S

As for why they do what they do, I assume that it's easy taking money off of mugs and I imagine it involves less stress and politics than working in IB.
5bill a pop is nothing to sniff at if you get 50 punters a month for a weekends work.

Demo account I'm sure. If it was real money then you'd have to question his judgment.
Demo account I'm sure. If it was real money then you'd have to question his judgment.

it was real money i think but lvd was clever with the name of the show.

because in the beginning i think they only got 25000 each (i think) and i dont know what leverage but i bet not alot if any (i think it was all cash equities?) with very strict limits on them.

and also some people got fired from the program because they were losing money!

at the end there were three of them and i dont know how much money they had but i dont think it was the full million... it was always "up to" $1m
it was real money i think but lvd was clever with the name of the show.

because in the beginning i think they only got 25000 each (i think) and i dont know what leverage but i bet not alot if any (i think it was all cash equities?) with very strict limits on them.

and also some people got fired from the program because they were losing money!

at the end there were three of them and i dont know how much money they had but i dont think it was the full million... it was always "up to" $1m

It was cash equities with strict limits. The final three ended up with limits @ 250-350 each if I remember correctly but it never gave proper disclosure as to what extent they were invested. If I remember correctly he came down on people if they were not generating ideas to get in >50%.
It was cash equities with strict limits. The final three ended up with limits @ 250-350 each if I remember correctly but it never gave proper disclosure as to what extent they were invested. If I remember correctly he came down on people if they were not generating ideas to get in >50%.

Fagan would have been proud...

If these guys were interviewed/grilled by some of the top head hunters in the industry they'd be fried. They have gaps in their cvs that suggest failure. Look at it objectively, GS > JPM > flogging courses from a two grand website inside 5 years...that's spectacular failure and no mistake. If they had anything to offer they'd have coined it big time pre. 2008 and even more since given their supposed profie and expertise, they wouldn't be wasting their time training folk/flogging courses.

Wow! Do you know what? I actually agree with this. Yes. I said it. I agree with something that Black Swan has posted.

But then...........you have to go and spoil it with this:

Why can't they just pick up the phone have a lunch and raise 10ml? Why can't they just put together a bullet proof biz plan, do the rounds and raise 50ml from all the contacts they've made...?

Why Black Swan, why? Why must you do it? You realise that there is only one possible response to the above 10 mil over lunch nonsense don't you?

I mean, 'kin 'ell bud, it's not fookin rocket science is it mate, raisin 10 mil? I reckon I could make 10 mil scalping the smalls on NFP, but tbh I cba...
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It was cash equities with strict limits. The final three ended up with limits @ 250-350 each if I remember correctly but it never gave proper disclosure as to what extent they were invested. If I remember correctly he came down on people if they were not generating ideas to get in >50%.

And do you not recall them (Antoinette and Lex Luther) going postal when a few of them were 1-2% down? Stop being a mug scouse..it was pure fantasy. The older guy of the group posted on here for a while.
And do you not recall them (Antoinette and Lex Luther) going postal when a few of them were 1-2% down? Stop being a mug scouse..it was pure fantasy. The older guy of the group posted on here for a while.

what is goint postal? i guess it means going off on one like being well mad?

what is wrong with being mad if you lose 1 or 2 % ?
i dunno what a trading desk is like. is that not normal in industry?

Forget what a "trading desk is like" that's not relevant..he was asking them to position trade/invest in equities, a 1-2% drawdown is nothing, particularly over that timescale.
Forget what a "trading desk is like" that's not relevant..he was asking them to position trade/invest in equities, a 1-2% drawdown is nothing, particularly over that timescale.

sorry black swan but

well if they are trading cash equities and had training from hedge fund and bank traders then they probably have learnt about diversifivation and everything. so even of you are 100% invested from cash equities things like even basic CAPM will say like dont put more than 5% in one trade and look out for correlations as well.

so if max per stock is 5% of money then a 1% loss on whole portfolio is 5% on the stock and 2% is 10%. this is enough on this stock to be shoutiong about!

as well if its a true absolute return hedge fund then its benchmark might be maybe repo rates or MM funds something? anyway during those markets it will have been well low... so earning 2% per month is 24% per year which is a well goof return for no leverage and as well you have to think about sharpes ratio and things like that. losing a months return is definitly bad!
If these guys were interviewed/grilled by some of the top head hunters in the industry they'd be fried. They have gaps in their cvs that suggest failure. Look at it objectively, GS > JPM > flogging courses from a two grand website inside 5 years...that's spectacular failure and no mistake. If they had anything to offer they'd have coined it big time pre. 2008 and even more since given their supposed profie and expertise, they wouldn't be wasting their time training folk/flogging courses.

Why can't they just pick up the phone have a lunch and raise 10ml? Why can't they just put together a bullet proof biz plan, do the rounds and raise 50ml from all the contacts they've made if their track record is that good?

What I don't understand is what happened here...

Morgan apparently wanted him to be long the market and Kreil refused. He left JP Morgan in May 2007, and consolidated everything he owned into cash. Rumour has it that Kreil's conviction to be short was so high, that he used his life savings to go short the market, using his personal trading account before travelling around the world. When the rest of the world wanted to buy, Kreil was selling out.

Read more: http://www.articlesbase.com/finance...tock-market-mentor-3054118.html#ixzz1CKqgKkYP
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution

If he used his life savings (I am sure they were considerable considering his CV up until that point) and he went short the market in 2007...It should have been retirement time...

Unless, he went short in August 2007 and puked it in in October 2007 after the S&P went from a low of 1374 to a high of 1586 before topping out. That's a 15% squeeze against the bears...

The timeline fits...
What I don't understand is what happened here...

Morgan apparently wanted him to be long the market and Kreil refused. He left JP Morgan in May 2007, and consolidated everything he owned into cash. Rumour has it that Kreil's conviction to be short was so high, that he used his life savings to go short the market, using his personal trading account before travelling around the world. When the rest of the world wanted to buy, Kreil was selling out.

Read more: http://www.articlesbase.com/finance...tock-market-mentor-3054118.html#ixzz1CKqgKkYP
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution

If he used his life savings (I am sure they were considerable considering his CV up until that point) and he went short the market in 2007...It should have been retirement time...

Unless, he went short in August 2007 and puked it in in October 2007 after the S&P went from a low of 1374 to a high of 1586 before topping out. That's a 15% squeeze against the bears...

The timeline fits...

I thought he was in real estate for a couple of years, that was definitely mentioned in the deleted thread.
What I don't understand is what happened here...

Morgan apparently wanted him to be long the market and Kreil refused. He left JP Morgan in May 2007, and consolidated everything he owned into cash. Rumour has it that Kreil's conviction to be short was so high, that he used his life savings to go short the market, using his personal trading account before travelling around the world. When the rest of the world wanted to buy, Kreil was selling out.

Read more: http://www.articlesbase.com/finance...tock-market-mentor-3054118.html#ixzz1CKqgKkYP
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution

If he used his life savings (I am sure they were considerable considering his CV up until that point) and he went short the market in 2007...It should have been retirement time...

Unless, he went short in August 2007 and puked it in in October 2007 after the S&P went from a low of 1374 to a high of 1586 before topping out. That's a 15% squeeze against the bears...

The timeline fits...

That's a 5hitty press release, not sure what for but it's 5hite all the same.