Hey Willyboy! Stick this up yer Anton Kreil!

If this is turning in to a debate about his promotional video then all it proves is just how petty this anti-Anton campaign really is.

"But guyz, teh v1deo is rubbish so he must b a sc4m lolol"

... is all I'm hearing.
If this is turning in to a debate about his promotional video then all it proves is just how petty this anti-Anton campaign really is.

"But guyz, teh v1deo is rubbish so he must b a sc4m lolol"

... is all I'm hearing.

This thread wouldn't even exist if it wasn't for someone 'campaigning' in his favour and it would be a lot shorter if you weren't putting forward your illogical responses. The moral of the story is if you dont want this sort of attention then just keep quiet.
Thanks for not only ignoring the points I made in my previous post but classing them as illogical, without addressing any of them.

Hey, if this trading gig doesn't work out for you, you've a great career in politics round the corner.
This thread is implying he is a jackass. You are a major contributor to this thread. 2+2.

If I recall correctly, didn't the guys on the show outperform other Hedge Funds?

I dont know, how much did they make in total?
Well, silly me for assuming you'd have watched it before using it against the bloke.

The question I raised was how many of them were still profitable and how many are still trading. But seeing as how I didnt watch it all can you tell me how it worked out?
... and like I said earlier, Anton was clearly there as a floor manager. The training didn't appear to have anything to do with him, nor does what they did after the show have anything to do with him. Hence your question is both incorrectly suggestive and ultimately useless for the purpose of your argument.

I don't want this to turn in to anything excessive especially since, like I said, I couldn't care less either way - I'm just the devil's advocate here. However, I've seen you and other members cropping up in so many similar threads, all too ready to troll away about how everything is a waste of time and money. All I'm here to say is that you shouldn't be so hasty to slag things off. If these courses get people interested in the markets, they are a success. If they give people fresh ideas, they are a success. They shouldn't be judged by how many millionaires they produce.

For your sake, relax on the course-bashing. It's tiresome and unproductive. If you do decide to carry on though, be sure to go here: http://tinyurl.com/4ak438v to find a bargain. You will eventually need one.

What's blatantly obvious is that Anton is simply using his fame (gained from Million Dollar Traders) to make some nice cash from wannabe traders. It's as simple as that. Why else do you think he was never teaching before his show?

Whether or not he is teaching the correct material is up for debate. I don't doubt he's been successful - he's worked for Goldman and JP Morgan for many years. But do you honestly believe he'd simply give away all the wisdom he's gained over the years for the measley price he is charging for his seminars?

Trading takes a lot of experience to master. It really isn't as simple as reading a powerpoint slide.
... and like I said earlier, Anton was clearly there as a floor manager. The training didn't appear to have anything to do with him, nor does what they did after the show have anything to do with him. Hence your question is both incorrectly suggestive and ultimately useless for the purpose of your argument.

I don't want this to turn in to anything excessive especially since, like I said, I couldn't care less either way - I'm just the devil's advocate here. However, I've seen you and other members cropping up in so many similar threads, all too ready to troll away about how everything is a waste of time and money. All I'm here to say is that you shouldn't be so hasty to slag things off. If these courses get people interested in the markets, they are a success. If they give people fresh ideas, they are a success. They shouldn't be judged by how many millionaires they produce.

For your sake, relax on the course-bashing. It's tiresome and unproductive. If you do decide to carry on though, be sure to go here: http://tinyurl.com/4ak438v to find a bargain. You will eventually need one.

No I couldn't find it in google either, I suppose you'd have to watch the last episode again.
Forgive my apparent ignorance, oh internet elite (aka t2w members) but I'm a little behind on the "snake listings" these days. Why is Anton getting ripped? Was he not a Goldman trader in his day? And if Lex hired him for that BBC show, is Lex a numpty also?

He's getting ripped because the concept (take beginners and help them in one day by lifting 500 bones off them) is ridiculous.

Back to the point, most of the threads on this site that bash courses are inevitably populated by most of the same t2w members. I know full-well that there are a heck of a lot of useless garbage courses out there, but to be content (no, arrogant) enough to slag off every one of them is fairly naive, no?

To be honest, I think that all those £500 a day, £3000 for a weekend, Vince Scamzione style things are a complete joke. I'd be amazed if there had ever been a single one that was of any use whatsoever (unless it taught you never to go on a trading course ever again).

I'm not endorsing any course over another, nor would I personally go to any of them, but I'm not sure I understand the sentiments towards Anton. Is it a t2w prerequisite to disagree with the opinions of Goldman Sachs and a Hedge Fund big-timer (Lex)?

Out of interest, I looked at his biography. It looks like he got into the industry in the wake of the dotcom crash and left it just before the bull market ended in 07 before going travelling. Frankly, if your trading method in that period was to put the names of all publicly-traded companies up on a massive wall, and then get a monkey equipped with a big bag of sh1t to sit in the same room, and encourage the monkey to fling pawfuls of sh1t about at random, and then bought whatever companies the sh1t had landed on, you would have made a lot of money.

It doesn't prove that he was a good trader, because everyone was during that time. The rising tide allowed a lot of very mediocre managers to hide. It also says nothing about his ability to impart anything of use.


In fairness to the bloke, he must have had a hard life. He can only be early thirties, but he looks about 45. He said he went travelling round the world - he could have packed for 6 months in those bags under his eyes.
i think the fact that he was doing what he did and is now doing what he is doing is definate proof off one thing:

you can always make money from the fool in the market.
I like him 'cos he's from Liverpool 🙂. BTW, Paz, he was VP @ JP Morgan Equities by 26 not just a trader.

Still think his course is likely to be a crock though. Sorry, Anton.
I like him 'cos he's from Liverpool 🙂. BTW, Paz, he was VP @ JP Morgan Equities by 26 not just a trader.

Still think his course is likely to be a crock though. Sorry, Anton.

Sure he might be a good trader / manager / egg. Although I'd want to check that VP thing - was he the VP, or a VP? Some of these American companies have more VPs than employees.

I'd also want to know why someone who had achieved such phenomenal success, and was clearly so highly thought of at GS and JPM would chuck it all in to flog courses to muppets.
I'd also want to know why someone who had achieved such phenomenal success, and was clearly so highly thought of at GS and JPM would chuck it all in to flog courses

I expect it is the huge reduction in hours needed to work. When I interviewed him (and when I interviewed Lex for that matter) they both said that the length of their day was 16 hours and often more. The rewards may be great but you are literally living to work only.

I expect it is the huge reduction in hours needed to work. When I interviewed him (and when I interviewed Lex for that matter) they both said that the length of their day was 16 hours and often more. The rewards may be great but you are literally living to work only.


If these guys were interviewed/grilled by some of the top head hunters in the industry they'd be fried. They have gaps in their cvs that suggest failure. Look at it objectively, GS > JPM > flogging courses from a two grand website inside 5 years...that's spectacular failure and no mistake. If they had anything to offer they'd have coined it big time pre. 2008 and even more since given their supposed profie and expertise, they wouldn't be wasting their time training folk/flogging courses.

Why can't they just pick up the phone have a lunch and raise 10ml? Why can't they just put together a bullet proof biz plan, do the rounds and raise 50ml from all the contacts they've made if their track record is that good?
Not sure I follow your logic there BS. If Van Dam can find 1m to let a housewife p1ss about with I'm sure he could get a few more if he needed it :S

As for why they do what they do, I assume that it's easy taking money off of mugs and I imagine it involves less stress and politics than working in IB.
5bill a pop is nothing to sniff at if you get 50 punters a month for a weekends work.
Not sure I follow your logic there BS. If Van Dam can find 1m to let a housewife p1ss about with I'm sure he could get a few more if he needed it :S

What the fu*k, you'll be telling me that Dragon's Den is real next..wake up you pussy. 😀