Hey All


Active member
My name is Nick, im 20 from East London 😎

I've always been driven towards money, and have been in and out of different jobs since finishing an IT Admin course in 2005. Right now i work part-time in retail while spending the rest of the time playing poker seriously or watching the financial news.

My blog is here at LiquidPoker - Poker Career Updates.

I feel i can succeed in the stock market due to my disinterest towards losing money, as you have to be like that towards poker when your betting on the odds of winning and hoping your hand holds vs possible draws.

I think i'm going to start with cheap ETF penny stocks with only a small bankroll of around £200 or so and slowly build up my portfolio, like i done with my bankroll in poker from $50 turning it into over $3000+.

I'm either going to Day Trade during my days off work (as im part-time as stated above), or just do long in some positions and re-evaluate every month or so.

But since im new, i have no idea what online brokerage firm give the best rates on commission, and i have no idea on how to display data on my screen and what software i need.

If a buddy would like to get me started i would gladly appreciate it, if anyone has MSN and would like to discuss stocks or willing to give me some help/advice, please PM me the address.

Thank you in advance! 👍
With £200, I'd forget any sort of margin product (spreadbetting, CFDs). You'd likely wipe it all out very quickly. Not sure what ypu mean by ETF penny stocks. Hope you don't mean penny shares, as most of these end sorthless - you might be lucky and hit it big, but chances are you'd lose everything. Your £200 would be eaten up pretty quickly with commission if you're trading ETFs.

have you tried a demo / practice account to see if you can make money? Definitely the first step
Where can i find this ns1000 and thanks for a good response 🙂.

And ya i meant ETF penny stocks, some look really good like the oil ETF, we all know oil stocks in general are bound for a rise at some point, its just a matter of when.

And ya i realise spreadbetting at £1 a point is VERY risky, but i feel i have good instincts and i research everything.

Problem is, like poker i didnt really take it seriously with playmoney, it took harsh lessons with real money that i started to learn + be a constant winner.