learntotrade / knowledge to action


Legendary member
Just had a closer look at one of the myriad spam I get, and noticed a video on learntotrade site.

its our friend darren winters. (you know the one, drives up in a black lambo, gets on a helicopter)

has knowledge to action rebranded as learntotrade?
I know I am probably behind the curve on this.

if rebranded, any reason given for why?
Greg.....Darren .......Rob......Vince ......Jason **.....the list is endless..... and more always to come .....

ya gotta lovem .......most people here at T2W with a considerable combat years under their belt know the score with trading ......its hard and unforgiving but can be profitable if you persevere, find your edge and continue to apply solid consistent principles and practices ....but its hard and returns can be unpredictable at times as the Market can be a fickle friend....

these guys know that ....they're not stupid believe me ........and actually I have no doubt they have or could be very very good traders ......but they have also decided to create income streams from building networks and systems that persuade people they need to pay them for Trading Training...and of course they are very very good at selling and marketing this training ......

and that business will be consistently more lucrative and profitable than trading if leveraged correctly

I used to be very resentful of these guys .....in fact if you look back at my Correlation thread a few years back I ran a long campaign against **Jason Fielder who seemed to "discover" his Correlation Code system about a year after I published and shared here (for free) a lot of ideas about this style of strengthmeter training .....

and after talking to others it seemed to be spookily in line with my freely shared ideas on the thread (although his was more naive and "dumbed down" in many ways which weakened the messages I try to portray but maed tghen easier to sell......) and he was adding a $2k kicker being charged for some simple Free indicators....in fact it fell short of the mark in many many ways in my opinion ....but he naturally sold shedloads to mainly unhappy customers if you around the forums on the unofficial feedback (I know he had alledgedly 4,000 people on one webinar.....4,000 !)

But what the hell............thats life.......you walk your own path

So whats my point ?

Guys - we Just continue to alert people to the fact that the initial path in Trading is available free on-line and from the great Trading books out there that again are all available if newbies search for forums on "best tradign books"

so again on behalf of some of the old school here.......


Spend 6 months to a year reading , researching Forums and learning and playing with Demo Accounts - all FREE !!

by then (hopefully) the magic has faded and one can make logical and sensible choices regarding any mentoring or advanced training one requires .........the Holy grail is inside you and will be unique to you....this is not a copycat based business opportunity ...its based on leveraging your own traits and talents and applying them to the business of Trading

all the best.....and please buy my megatron whoopsy trading system if I ever decide to go to the Dark side

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Just had a closer look at one of the myriad spam I get, and noticed a video on learntotrade site.

its our friend darren winters. (you know the one, drives up in a black lambo, gets on a helicopter)

has knowledge to action rebranded as learntotrade?
I know I am probably behind the curve on this.

if rebranded, any reason given for why?

They have rebranded and i attend I can understand why!

I went to a "learn to trade" seminar and the whole thing was a total load of crap. They make you feel like a child and promise the world with their proven trading strategies. The guy presenting even had a slide with him standing next to his "Aston Martin" i mean, did they think everyone in the room was a total fool. Proper Brainwashing session! I went in there a bit early and there were around 50 chairs laid out and when we eventually were shown in through there were only 15 chairs, so lots of people didn't turn up. They told us the course was £15k and that we had to trade our own funds as well. Then at the end they told us that they still had a few places left on there "new marketing campaign" and told us the course would cost us £5k for three months. Basically they were pricing the course and then marketing the same course and a special offer to try and draw people in. Some guys ran up at the end, they were probably planted there, who knows.
I would ADVISE everyone who thinks learn to trade/knowledge to action is good to attend a seminar and see how brainwashed you get. i felt physically sick when i left.

After reading the reviews on here i decided to go and visit a few others training prop firms and found one that will train me everyday on their trading floor in The City and who will provide me with funds to trade with. I was impressed by how full the office was with trainees and the level of training they were offering. I am currently weighing up my options.
Don't waste your money on any of these schemes. Believe me they are a waste of time.
I suggest newbies listen in to this show to see how this business really operates


Yes Peter, it cannot be said too often that novices who are thinking of spending this kind of money, on the basis of promises that I suspect most professionals would say are unachievable, should listen to this programme. Caveat Emptor.

My own view is that spending a tenth of that on some good books, and then being prepared to put the hard graft into it for at least a couple of years, taking the losses that will inevitable come before consistent success happens. And of course for those that have never traded, and do not have the aptitude, the gains probably will never come consistently or at all, but the losses almost certainly will
Just had a closer look at one of the myriad spam I get, and noticed a video on learntotrade site.

its our friend darren winters. (you know the one, drives up in a black lambo, gets on a helicopter)

has knowledge to action rebranded as learntotrade?
I know I am probably behind the curve on this.

if rebranded, any reason given for why?

Learn to trade is not a darren winters venture, but that of greg secker. However the promotional methods seem similar to me!

Secker according to one of his web sites is "an international sensation". Other people would have a different opinion, I am sure!
Hello there,
I have just joined T2W, and I was sent a link re: Learn to Trade. I recently attended one of their seminars in London. I left there intrigued ... but also unsure about the truth of it all. After looking into things further - including reading sites such as this - I have decided against enrolling with Learn to Trade. I was surprised to read that you had found a company in the City willing to train you for free. I had no idea that such companies existed, to be honest. I am completely new to the whole business, and I was wondering if you would be kind enough to give me some advice on how and where I might start looking for this sort of company ?

They have rebranded and i attend I can understand why!

I went to a "learn to trade" seminar and the whole thing was a total load of crap. They make you feel like a child and promise the world with their proven trading strategies. The guy presenting even had a slide with him standing next to his "Aston Martin" i mean, did they think everyone in the room was a total fool. Proper Brainwashing session! I went in there a bit early and there were around 50 chairs laid out and when we eventually were shown in through there were only 15 chairs, so lots of people didn't turn up. They told us the course was £15k and that we had to trade our own funds as well. Then at the end they told us that they still had a few places left on there "new marketing campaign" and told us the course would cost us £5k for three months. Basically they were pricing the course and then marketing the same course and a special offer to try and draw people in. Some guys ran up at the end, they were probably planted there, who knows.
I would ADVISE everyone who thinks learn to trade/knowledge to action is good to attend a seminar and see how brainwashed you get. i felt physically sick when i left.

After reading the reviews on here i decided to go and visit a few others training prop firms and found one that will train me everyday on their trading floor in The City and who will provide me with funds to trade with. I was impressed by how full the office was with trainees and the level of training they were offering. I am currently weighing up my options.
Hello there,
I have just joined T2W, and I was sent a link re: Learn to Trade. I recently attended one of their seminars in London. I left there intrigued ... but also unsure about the truth of it all. After looking into things further - including reading sites such as this - I have decided against enrolling with Learn to Trade. I was surprised to read that you had found a company in the City willing to train you for free. I had no idea that such companies existed, to be honest. I am completely new to the whole business, and I was wondering if you would be kind enough to give me some advice on how and where I might start looking for this sort of company ?

Forget about it, they are all just selling a dream.
Hello there,
I have just joined T2W, and I was sent a link re: Learn to Trade. I recently attended one of their seminars in London. I left there intrigued ... but also unsure about the truth of it all. After looking into things further - including reading sites such as this - I have decided against enrolling with Learn to Trade. I was surprised to read that you had found a company in the City willing to train you for free. I had no idea that such companies existed, to be honest. I am completely new to the whole business, and I was wondering if you would be kind enough to give me some advice on how and where I might start looking for this sort of company ?

There is no such thing as a free lunch, sadly so few will be able to teach you.you will have to learn the hard way. There are lots of free seminars put on by sb firms ind internet firms. Attend and watch them,but seriously do not pay for training.
Youd be very lucky to be taken on by a bank etc and given free training