help for my research regarding spread betting sites


Hello dear forum members!

I would like to ask you dear fellows if you be kind and please help me in the research that i am conducting for my Master degree.

I know that You want to know for witch degree so I will tell you to set any doubt from you i am an
Ergonomics Engineer in the Tel Aviv University, the theme that i choose for my research is how those web sites Ergonomics Affects on new costumers and help them to become new consumers of your products and services.(For all of you that don't understand what does Ergonomics means, it is the "science of the human factor engineering").

So for the questions that i want to have some answers for' if you be kind to answer are:

1. Do you think that the current spread betting sites are easy to under standing to a person who never had any experience in spread betting or in any financial investment?

2. Do you think that the current spread betting sites are explaining in a good way the ways that you can "earn" money in them?
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I'll take a shot at some answers to your questions , although I am fairly new to spreadbetting:

1. Mosty spreadbetting sites are not particularly easy to understand to anyone who has no experience of such instruments .The concept of selling something that you dont own is fairly difficult to grasp, as is the idea of losing more than your initial stake. I think the websites assume that most punters know the basics of betting at the very least.

2. I wouldn't say that many spreadbetting websites offer any particular trading recommendations, in fact the risk warnings that most sites carry would put the layman off before he/she had even started !