Help!! Career advice needed.

It's good to be back!

Traders, posties, hr and milkmen, i have missed you all. I have been away for a little bit just doing bits and pieces to get by, still not into an IB yet but hey, im confident il get there one day. Interesting to read a lot of your replys, i appreciate all good and bad posts and hope to learn from some of your mostly good . . and bad experiences! PM if you would like a 1on1 chat.
mace_d_ace2 said:
Traders, posties, hr and milkmen, i have missed you all. I have been away for a little bit just doing bits and pieces to get by, still not into an IB yet but hey, im confident il get there one day. Interesting to read a lot of your replys, i appreciate all good and bad posts and hope to learn from some of your mostly good . . and bad experiences! PM if you would like a 1on1 chat.

Good luck mate and keep trying, try to find out about board boy/assistant trader jobs and take it from there! Ignore all the bulls*** some people are sayin, if u wana do something bad enough there is always a way.
Thanks RagingBull, that reminds me, I must tape Mr DeNiro in Taxi Driver soon. Sure there is always a way, but the one thing i really lack in is patience, hence im after big bonuses! Fair enough, i didnt always put the effort in at school, but what you learn on the street can never be taught from a book. Not trying to make myself sound like a Marta or anything, Lol. I will certainly keep a look out. Im only 20, but i think its important to give my parents something back before there gone, hence that is why i am very determined.
mace_d_ace2 said:
Thanks RagingBull, that reminds me, I must tape Mr DeNiro in Taxi Driver soon. Sure there is always a way, but the one thing i really lack in is patience, hence im after big bonuses! Fair enough, i didnt always put the effort in at school, but what you learn on the street can never be taught from a book. Not trying to make myself sound like a Marta or anything, Lol. I will certainly keep a look out. Im only 20, but i think its important to give my parents something back before there gone, hence that is why i am very determined.

Thats it mate, im from a similar mould and can relate to your position, and without going into too much detail im now very comfortable indeed. GET THE PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS AND IF YOU CANT GET INTO THE CITY YET WORK IN SALES WHILE STUDYIN FOR THEM. You're not going to get anywhere unless you can apply yourself for the Sii's ,have a genuine interest in the markets and want money.
mace_d_ace2 said:
Thanks RagingBull, that reminds me, I must tape Mr DeNiro in Taxi Driver soon. Sure there is always a way, but the one thing i really lack in is patience, hence im after big bonuses! Fair enough, i didnt always put the effort in at school, but what you learn on the street can never be taught from a book. Not trying to make myself sound like a Marta or anything, Lol. I will certainly keep a look out. Im only 20, but i think its important to give my parents something back before there gone, hence that is why i am very determined.

Ask them what they would like first...

I gave mine couple of grand children and that made them happy...

Just remember the cost of bringing them up is not cheap... 🙄
Atilla said:
Ask them what they would like first...

I gave mine couple of grand children and that made them happy...

Just remember the cost of bringing them up is not cheap... 🙄

Haha, i dont think they would appreciate me having a couple of dustbin lids at the grand old age of 20. Whatever floats your boat i supppose.