Hello, I'm New Here


Hello All,

Meegwell here. I've never "traded", and I dont know if I ever will. I'm just a curious sole at this point. I haven't filled out anything in the profile and I'll get to it but I will make one thing clear: I'm not selling anything.

I'm in my 40s and make a comfortable living in the business world at a F250 public company. Family guy. I did the B-school thing and my undergraduate is a bs in finance. That being said, my fundamental analysis skills are sound, but I have only lived on the outside looking in to what I once referred to as "witch doctor charting stuff" in the arrogant days many of us experience when we have a fresh sheep skin in our hands.

In the back of my mind I knew some day I would research/study technical analysis. Here I am. My plan is to at least read a few books, ask a few questions, maybe do some back tracking anaylsis to get me comfortable with concepts and such. I've finished my first "foundational" book (Elders TFAL) and am reading my second (Achelis AtoZ) (its obvious now that I should have done the order differently).

Judging by my premature thought process my guess would be some day I will begin to test modified versions of popular techniques. As modification ideas pop into my head I jot them down, realizing that soon I may learn that the idea is old news. Knowing myself I can say that day of testing may never come...I may just research and read...tinker and then move on to something else in life.

For now I'm interested and my brain is adapting well to what I'm learning...I know this because it is thinking ahead as I digest info...and it's warm and emitting a little bit of smoke out of my ears.

What I've read around here so far has been helpful but much of it goes over my head. It's where my book ideas came from anyway. Obviously there are many others and endless opinions but at some point you need to crap or get off the pot so I just picked up a couple and started reading.

Hello again and Happy New Year,

Welcome meegwell!
If you can read Achelis cover to cover - then that entitles you to some sort of an award, IMO. A useful reference tool to have on the TA bookshelf, but nothing more!
Welcome meegwell!
If you can read Achelis cover to cover - then that entitles you to some sort of an award, IMO. A useful reference tool to have on the TA bookshelf, but nothing more!

I think Im realizing that. I switched to Elders entry and exits this afternoon shortly after my post. I've only read the first interview but it's much more interestig to me at this point. I am using the second part of that AtoZ as reference, as was predicted in the forward.

I'll just be cruising at my own pace here, I'm never in a hurry to lose money.
