Hi folks, I'm new here

If you are going to trade forex with MT4 then you'll probably never make a cent. A lot of MT4 brokers are ripping off their clients with dishonest slippage practices. Even without being ripped off you'll still lose money for several years and you may never make it.

Sorry but that's the reality.

The last week felt like swimming upstream, had some awful luck and made a silly "pilot error" mis-click today that cost me a pretty penny. All good experience though. But despite the woes the fund has grown to 190.6%, so glass-half-full-wise that's fine for just the first couple of weeks. Hoping the next few days of trading will go a bit more smoothly. Meanwhile no open trades, taking a little break.
Hi guys just some info on something which may be of interest

First of all my names Shaun and I'm a broker for a company called OneTwoTrade.

All I'm going to do is post a link of a video entailing abit about what exactly we do, and if learning a profitable trading skill for free or even making money through smart options interests you

I remember reading this somewhere else.
Ahh, I remember now. There's a guy with the same nic as you posting this on 13 other threads.

Now at 240.6% and... 🙂 no open trade over the weekend! Target is to reach 334% by the end of month 1, so just over a week to try to do that, I reckon it will be do-able with a bit of luck. Read up a bit on swap fees - it helps actually understanding how they are calculated.

Withdrew my initial deposit today as planned so pretty much on track. I could get hooked on this forex lark 🙂
Missed the monthly target but now at 359%, providing I can at least zero an open trade that's running modestly negative at present. It's oscillating fairly regularly, so hoping I can make at least a little profit out of it on the next rebound.

I didn't realise my trades had the power to move the markets, but that seems to be what's happening. I've lost track of the number of times I've opened a trade only for the index to charge off, within minutes, in the WRONG direction. Only a few times has this happened in my favour. So maybe I need to do the opposite trade each time, it would be a lot less stressful. (Ah, but then the market would say, "That's just what we were expecting you to do", and would go the new opposite direction. *sigh* ) If this kind of luck doesn't even out over time then it'll be conclusive proof that life really does suck...

And I found out the hard way that having multiple trades running can have drawbacks. I found myself with two trades running negatively, but against each other. So as one currency pair rose the other fell, and my virtual loss remained about the same. Doh! Eventually as one approached zero I dumped it and had to wait for the other one to recover.

Do most of you forex traders stick to one trade at a time?
Missed the monthly target but now at 359%, providing I can at least zero an open trade that's running modestly negative at present. It's oscillating fairly regularly, so hoping I can make at least a little profit out of it on the next rebound.

i should be at +100% for last week when (not if) my massively offside open position comes back onside on sund eve.
I wouldn't describe my mobile life as "slumming it", I have everything I'd have in a non-moving abode and without many of the bills and issues. And almost any drawback I encounter can be fixed by a quick and easy relocation. And I consider my inflatable kayak to be more versatile and fun than a yacht, but I won't rule out the larger craft altogether...

Well one day to go until end of trading month two, and I need to have a good day on Tuesday to hit target. I'm sitting at 502% and I need to hit 570% tomorrow, so it's unlikely. But I'll be very happy with progress either way. There have been quite a few difficult situations recently, so it was great today to have an easy one, it moved quickly and smoothly in the RIGHT direction 🙂 for a personal best profit from a trade, and it only took 3 hours.

I haven't taken any profit out of the account yet, but maybe a little reward soon.
I was very close to achieving end-of-month-3 target but I was caught like a bunny in the headlights when I should have closed my deals. Instead I ended up taking a bit of a hit. But getting back on track again and now at 662% with about 10 days until end of month 4. Highest has been 739% and I'm learning where's best for me to close after a good run.

Closed all open trades last night and no new ones opened today as I was out and busy all morning and didn't see anything worth getting into when I got back. Gradually refining the way I do things and making sure I stick to my rules list that has evolved over the months.

My next project will be to look at the programming options available with Metatrader and see if I can automate some aspects and eventually maybe all of them and then perhaps enter the annual robot-trading competition that Alpari sponsors 🙂
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I was very close to achieving end-of-month-3 target but I was caught like a bunny in the headlights when I should have closed my deals. Instead I ended up taking a bit of a hit. But getting back on track again and now at 662% with about 10 days until end of month 4. Highest has been 739% and I'm learning where's best for me to close after a good run.

Closed all open trades last night and no new ones opened today as I was out and busy all morning and didn't see anything worth getting into when I got back. Gradually refining the way I do things and making sure I stick to my rules list that has evolved over the months.

My next project will be to look at the programming options available with Metatrader and see if I can automate some aspects and eventually maybe all of them and then perhaps enter the annual robot-trading competition that Alpari sponsors 🙂

You appear to be talking to yourself.
Well, myself plus at least one. It'll be handy to have these notes to look back on, so if a Mod is reading, perhaps it would be better in the Trading Journal section.
Well, myself plus at least one. It'll be handy to have these notes to look back on, so if a Mod is reading, perhaps it would be better in the Trading Journal section.

how do u learn forex so quick?? reckon ur a natural buddy - can i invest?
But getting back on track again and now at 662% with about 10 days until end of month 4. Highest has been 739% and I'm learning where's best for me to close after a good run.

omg That's no bad) I see you will have a lot of clients now) Think of being an IB 🙄