Have i found the holy grail

Only a numpty believes in the holy grail being possible. There is only one holy grail and it's called arbitrage.

That is why there is so much ridicule on this thread.

The use of the term "Holy Grail" is nonsensical and invites all manner of disrespectful posts.

But you are quite right about arbitrage.

I backed a horse called Arbitrage once and it romped home at 16-1.

Talk about horsey grail.
to the Originator of this thread

enough of the talk ......now do the walk here calling it as you go

show us what you got my friend 😈

A very bold statement to say but give me a chance to prove it.
I have come up with a little system that is giving me spectacular results.
The system is so easy even i find it hard to believe how it gives you the pips on a plate most trading days just for the taking, it is so easy it does not even play with your emotions the reason for this is because of its accuracy.
First of all i do not expect people to believe me without live results.
I will try to post trades on here just before they occur, it will not be easy in a fast flowing market but i will try.

A little taster for yesterday 19th March
eur/usd 2 trades with 25 trailing stop 88 pips
gbp/usd 2 trades with 30 trailing stop 200pips
brent 3 trades with 50 trailing stop 466pips

Would you like to put me to the test? :smart:

Nah, there is no such thing as the holy grail, what you have found is your edge, tbh, the figures you mentioned are pointless, as they weren't live, If they were made, you can surely, give us a screenshot, all platforms allow you to do that.

If you want to be taken seriously, drop the Holy Grail, scenario, promote your edge, backed up by posting your calls, or evidence of the above, you can keep the set up to yourself, and if your live trades back up the above statement, then Hats off to you, until then, I'll be a doubter.😏
While the holy grail indeed exists the problem is that nearly everybody goes looking for a gleaming golden chalice when in fact they should be looking for a battered old wooden spoon.
sell 11568
Looks like daily brent crude (may) to me.
Currently ranging until U.S. open, got a look of a standing in the track waiting for an express train to come through look about it to me...I'd be waiting for open TBH.
I'm assuming from OP trailing 50sl?

At one stage 37 points against, currently be ish
May have been places earlier than I would have, but looking good atm.
Under my rules my entry would ahve been 11575, so 68 aint too far away,
keep it up 🙂
currently 11535

possible stall?
From the look of entry it looks like an S&R flip strat.
Do you bear in mind market times as part of your ruleset?

For me I set range alerts between 1100-1300 as its generally quiet then, don't touch unless a breakout occurs. Looks like 0958 pause and 0500-0730 support was the entry trigger?

Needless to say still looking good despite consolidation at 1340-1410
currently 11508

Nice one sunset, I take it back 🙂
Exit trigger at 11509 for me.
Watch it fall through the floor now 🙂

BTW apologies, no more from me, just realised I'm hijacking your thread.
Sunset, you still in I take it?
Looking range bound, possible intra reversal?

Tell me to STFU if I'm clogging the thread 🙂
Trailing stop stopped me out for 50pips positive

Good trade, you have your ruleset and you stuck to them.
Thats the point of a ruleset as you obviously know, there will be days when they may not perform as you'd hoped, its the longterm average that counts.
Nice job.

Once again apologies for some of my earlier posts in this thread, all meant in good humour 🙂
You stuck to your word and posted the calls 😎