Has/does anyone use this


Established member
Hi there!

Does anyone use this software? I have seen the webinar (if thats what you call it). Its sounds interesting, not like 99% of trading systems out there that are said to be the 'grail' this seems to require some learning and skill to make it work, but still not as much as a art form as a MA xover system.

I would very much appreciate it if someone could tell me more about this.


Explosive New Forex Trading Software - FX Money Map - Complete with Forex Trading Training
Well at least the website doesn't have one of those Minimee/Borrower type characters, that jumps out from the screen, starts talking & freezes my browser, so thats a start!
You may learn something from this but, as always, buyer beware and don't invest too much money or time in anything which is promoted aggressively - he's pretty honest and open in the way he sells it - just don't expect too much!

The funniest promo was the one in which Shearman compared himself to Newton and Gallileo, "since the dawn of the universe", etc., but I can't find that one now, so I guess he realised he had gone a bit far with that one!

FX Money Map | FXMoneyMap.com |Andy Shearman | Fxmoneymap.co.uk reviews and ratings
I found it- this is priceless... enjoy
YouTube - FX Money Map Fibonacci Infomercial

You know, the Yani Instrumental swaying in the background after being taken on a Carl Sagan type ride through the Milkyway Galaxy and shown how the Fibonacci sequence can be found at the heart of our own galaxy, might look and sound funny at first glance (even I laughed out loud - could not help myself), but the concept here is rather amazing when you stop to think about it.

I for one like the concept and I do understand the significance found in the Fib series as it relates to some financial markets, the Forex being one of them. Now, I have no shares outstanding with this company, nor do I know the principle personally, closely or even remotely, but I must say, I do like the visual presentation of the tool and I can see the pedestrian nature of having multiple time-frames in a very easy to read and understand visual format that lays a "road map" for understanding where the trading opportunities reside at any given time in the market.

Of course, I just like new concepts that work, period. I could care less whether or not they get wrapped up in a neat package. Now, I've never used this application before, but it looks interesting and I wonder if there is anybody here that has used it and noted their results.

There is absolutely nothing new about the concept of Harmonic Cycles and it appears as though Fibonacci Harmonics within four (4) different bars of data is at least the starting point for what's being used here. Quite frankly, I like that idea and I'm not ashamed to say it. It is a very cool graphical presentation of what you could produce on your own in Excel or something like MT4, or your own OOP application, if you had the time, talent and skill.

So, don't laugh at this unless you KNOW for certain of someone that uses it and that person can certify that it does not work, at all. Otherwise, the concept of visual synergy is very appealing, especially if he pulls this UP from solidly researched Support or pulls it DOWN from solidly researched Resistance. If he has done those two things successfully, this could be a very nice visual aid for some consistent short-term profits. And, that is what this business is all about.

So, Kudos for at least making the thing. I think people desperately NEED better and improved ways of looking at the same market data. Often times, your trading can be taken to the next level, merely by adjusting the way you approach and/or view the data.

We all use the exact same data but we DO NOT all see the exact same details within the data and that is potentially what makes this plausible.

My 76 pips worth as a seasoned systems developer and trader, turned money manager.

There all just Fib Numbers. The banks use them, so he uses them. Smart.
I guess im reviving an old thread, but just wondering of anyone recommends the services from this guy??
I don't know about this guy but i know u can't go wrong with Fibonacci, combined with other indicators and good money management.

