Anyone heard of the Trend-O-Meter ?



I don't trade the Forex at present so doing some research. I notice that the Forex is getting loads of exposure these days and therefore a battleground of systems and software all claiming to be the next Holy Grail.

One that I've come across on Ebay has loads of good feedback (which I know can be misleading) so wondered if anyone has tried or heard about the Trend-O-Meter thing.

Here's the link :

MetaTrader Indicators - Awesome for Forex Scalping! MT4 on eBay, also, Personal Finance Investing, Software, Computers Networking (end time 03-Oct-08 03:00:02 BST)

I do not wish to start a thread off that becomes another anti system/software thread whereby all the comments are about how much you hate system or software sellers.

So if we could just keep it about whether or not you've tried it or if you think this type of software could have any merit then I would appreciate it.

I do realise the Ebay feedback system is flawed but this guy hasn't even one negative which may suggest his software does what it says on the tin.

Anyway would appreciate anyone's comments/thoughts.


I've not tried the system. As with all the others up for discussion on here it could have some merit. Is that all you want to hear?
Wow, what a worthwhile post ! Think I'll treat that one with the contempt it deserves.

I was simply asking if anyone who may know about software and trading whether or not it is indeed possible for a piece of software to achieve what it claims but more importantly if someone had tried it.

As you obviously haven't tried it and you have no idea about software capabilties then I see no reason why you even bothered to post. But hey ho this is what happens on T2W sometimes, there's always one.

I've not tried the system. As with all the others up for discussion on here it could have some merit. Is that all you want to hear?
Wow, what a worthwhile post ! Think I'll treat that one with the contempt it deserves.

I was simply asking if anyone who may know about software and trading whether or not it is indeed possible for a piece of software to achieve what it claims but more importantly if someone had tried it.

As you obviously haven't tried it and you have no idea about software capabilties then I see no reason why you even bothered to post. But hey ho this is what happens on T2W sometimes, there's always one.

Hi Crofton,

Did you ever get any more info on Trend-O-Meter - I also saw it on Ebay and was wondering if it really works -

Many thanks - !
if you want to know if a system is a scam or not its simple, the seller should allow a no payment trial period of the software. This would suggest the vendor believes in the system he is selling. (would you buy a car without taking it for a test drive, does the dealer ask for payment which he will refund if you are not happy before letting you test drive).

So only pay for systems that allow you to try before you buy. Then you can decide foryourself if it is worth the outlay.
if you want to know if a system is a scam or not its simple, the seller should allow a no payment trial period of the software. This would suggest the vendor believes in the system he is selling. (would you buy a car without taking it for a test drive, does the dealer ask for payment which he will refund if you are not happy before letting you test drive).

So only pay for systems that allow you to try before you buy. Then you can decide foryourself if it is worth the outlay.

Have you found a good software package like this?? Doing research on the Trend-O-Meter led me to another one called FX4Caster- someone named Tom Yeomans, who appears to be in Canada...

Thanks for any help/direction....
I use sniperforex, theres a thread here discussing it and you can use it free for two weeks. Results are mixed depending on who you speak to. Also its not an automated ea its a manual system so you have to place trades yourself.nnTry it for free and make up your own mind.
Sounds a bit similar to FX4Caster. However, FX4Caster uses MT4 price feed to measure the strength or weakness of individual currencies (not pairs), eg. AUD, USD, JPY etc. You then choose a currency which is weakening and a currency which is strengthening. For instance, if JPY is strengthening and EUR is getting weaker, you would then look for opportunities to short EURJPY.

It also comes with a simple strategy based on moving averages for trade entry and exit.

A short term system based on 5 minute charts. Could be useful if you like to trade at a certain time of the day and not hold positions for longer than about an hour.

I only heard of it recently and so have only tried it to a limited extent, but it seems to be a very logical approach. The most appealing aspect is that it minimizes prediction - you trade what you are seeing in real time.

Courtesy of Tom Yeomans, who is regarded by some as a bit of a genius.