My understanding is that TA guys do not make a living trading.
That's been the problem all along here.... your understanding. And, there you go again, casting a false premise and generalizing about what TA is all about.
I do however understand and have outlined why many people look to TA.
Your over-generalized 'outline' was perfect. It was perfectly wrong. You did not accurately articulate the reasons WHY some use TA, nor did you accurately articulate why some do not. You gave an over-generalized preemptive assumption that was flat out perfect......... perfectly wrong.
You are an engineer and so are looking for the finite and repeatable.
If you can't see by now, the problem with this statement, then you never will. Over-generalization is your calling card. You just incorrectly equated
Finite with
Repeatable. Do I need to explain why that is a total contradiction?
What does the Fundamental Trader look for? How does the Fundamental Trader make a decision about whether to go Long, Short or stay Flat the market? Scenario 1: U.S. Rates are Low. U.S. Economic Reports turn High. The Market begins to move the USD higher. Why? Why does the market do that? Scenario 2: U.S. Rates are Low. U.S. Economic Reports turn High. The Market begins to move the USD
lower. Why?
In both scenarios, the over-generalized bet would be for the USD to go higher, but in the second case it actually went lower. Why? To understand WHY, you would have to go
inside the numbers an properly
account for the internal relationships between
all underlying Economic Reports that influenced the market's final decision about where the USD should go. That is how you derive the best trading decision based on Fundamental Analysis. And, that is precisely what a System does.
It analyzes data, filters data, interprets data and then makes a determination about what to do based
on the data. Approaching the market (any market without insider information) in any way that ignores the analysis, filtering and interpretation of data before a decision is made about taking a market position, is not trading at all - it is flat out guessing.
Fundamental based trading
is a system of trading, whether you know and/or appreciate it or not. In fact, Fundamental trading is indeed a technical system. Why? Go back to the above questions. When the Fundamental Trader is forced to go inside the numbers on each Economic Report, that Trader must
weigh the
differentials between each report
before making a
decision about which trade to make.
In fact, I have built a News Database that does precisely this and it runs at about 82% accuracy, so I do include it into my overall numerical based system. It takes as input, each Economic Report relative to the pair placed into the decision filter and then calculates the
estimated market response to the Economic Report once it is released. It uses as three (3) primary inputs (among dozens of others), the Previous Number, Consensus Number and the Expected Number. I can Tune-Up or Tune-Down both the weight that each input is given as well as the underlying dynamics for how each input is calculated, depending on a variable input value that I determine based upon how I "feel" about what the market is "really thinking." I use a combination of Technical System integrated with a Fundamental System, to derive the best alternative signal output from
both worlds.
What is fascinating is your incredulity that someone would doubt you.
I'm not interested in your doubts. I'm interested in how my accounts have grown over the past 8 years in this business. What you think about my methods is moot. All I'm pointing out here (for the benefit of the OP) is that an attempt to explain that which is not fully understood, is pointless. I don't find that incredible, I find that humorous! :cheesy:
I am one of few on this site that holds these opinions....
That my indeed be true, however, if you want to truly understand this topic, you will have to go inside the data mathematically. Sitting here, trying to explain what the Grand Canyon looks like without having been there, is futile. You can go out and buy Microsoft Flight Simulator and fly a Boeing 747-400, all day long on your computer, but unless and until you obtain your Private Pilots License, Instrument Rating, Multi-Engine Rating a 74 Jet Type Rating, you will never understand what operating several hundred thousand pounds of the most beautiful aircraft ever designed, is really all about.
The reason you see everything as a system that must adhere to a fixed ruleset is simply that you are an engineer and this is the way engineers think. I should know, i'm an engineer too.
Awesome! Then you should already know the fallacy of your statement. As an Engineer, you should already understand the concept of
variability within
complex systems and how to cope with their long-term effects. Every School of Engineering that I am aware of, teaching this concept at some point. And, precisely what tool is brought to bear on the problem of complex systems & variability? Mathematics. You are not attempting to describe Love, mathematically. That would be a miserably daunting challenge.
The market is composed of Price over Time (Price/Time) within two (2) Dimensions. And, as Tina Turner said,
"What's Love Got To Do With It? If there are repeatable patterns in the market, then they will show up somewhere in the Time or Price dimension, or both. Within the dimension of Price, exists the sub-dimension of Magnitude.
Within the dimension of Magnitude exists "other" dimensions that I will not name here (proprietary knowledge) that gives rise to larger concepts such as Trends. Once you know what the Trend is composed of, you then have a good idea about the condition of the Trend (continuance or reversal). But, if you cannot see inside the Trend, because you don't know what its component parts look like, then how can you judge that all TA is alike? Answer: You cannot.
The Human body, is a system. Planet Earth, is a system. We live in what's called
The Solar System - remember? Our Milky Way Galaxy, is a system and the entire known Universe, is likewise, a system. That's on the scale of Cosmology. In the exact opposite direction we have the Quantum scale where the Atom, is a system. The Nucleus (proton or neutron) is a system. The Hadron, is a system. Quarks, are systems. The orbiting Electron, is a system. The Gluon arrangement, is a system.
So, from the cosmic scale to the quantum scale and everywhere in between, no matter where you look, you find:
Systems. We live inside a mechanistic universe, like it or not, where the laws that govern our existence here in the physical realm, can be articulated using the
language of mathematics. To forget that mathematics is in fact a
language and that it does have a
voice, is to delude ones self.
So, when was the last time you actually put raw market's data under a mathematical microscope to see what
patterns were actually present and accounted for? Something tells me that you have not. And, that begs the question: If you are an Engineer, why have you not already seen the patterns that are so amazingly visible and viable to the rest of us Engineers who participate in the market? I expect one schooled in the sciences, to at the very least, be able to admit that the market has repeatable patterns. To say that you are an Engineer, yet deny the existence of market patterns, is quite frankly, mind blowing in and of itself.
The question is not, do patterns exist, or whether or not those patterns repeat; the question is whether or not you can find the patterns with the highest cycle number and be able to identify when the market has the highest probability for demonstrating high continuity towards a specific pattern at any given moment within the dimension of Time.
You act like the market MUST conform to the historical cycles, at some point in the future to 100% continuity, in order for patterns to exist or be viable for trade. That's a total failure to understand: a) How to profit from market patterns, and b) What a market pattern is to begin with! You do not need 100% cycle conformity, in order to profit from high probability continuity. All you need to do, is set revenue goals
that fit the continuity mean. Hello?
Once you have calculated and solved for the a continuity mean, then you run a probability filter against the historical series of aggregate continuity mean, to filter out noise AND to increase the overall signal strength. If you simply knew how to think about solving the problem, you would have done so by now, because the problem is soluble.
In other words, don't trade the "pattern." Trade the high probability continuity mean
of the pattern. I don't actually trade market price, I trade into the high continuity mean of multiple pattern synergy and optimized probability structures.
The fact is that smarter people than you managed to blow up LTCM with these models....Black Scholes
You still don't get it - or you are trying to bend it. Either way, you are incorrect in your assumption.
Statistical Arbitrage has nothing (and I mean nothing) to do with Pattern Recognition. How do the two relate to each other - can you explain that? I mean, if you are going to use a premise to bolster your argument or defeat another argument, at the very least, make sure the premise has relevance. Black Scholes? You might as well have said Black Holes, for what its worth! LOL! Again, where is the relevance to to High Continuity Cycles?
My cycles are Delta based - not merely Price based! I don't care about the actual Market Price per se. What I care about is the
Location of market price at any given Time.
Go back to the orbiting electron, because you are sorely missing the point, here.
What happens when you measure for the presence of an orbiting electron about its nucleus? You should already know the answer to this. The answer is that the electron appears to simply
"shows up" in the
"location" and at the "point" where you took your measurement. Now, remove the electron microscope. Can you see the electron now? Of course, not - not with the naked eye. Now, go back and apply another EM reading and measure for the presence of that electron again - this time in a
different location - where is it now? That's right - it is precisely where you pointed your electron microscope the second time, of course.
Now, what can you say about these two measurements: Can you say that the electron moved from one
location to another? Yes, absolutely because you observed it in two different
locations. However, can you say with any degree of
certainty that the electron followed a specific path from p1 to p2? No, you cannot with any degree of certainty.
Now, take additional
random EM measurements totaling 1,000 where p1 is
not repeated. That gives you data in the form of: p1 : p1000. Now, here's where it gets interesting. You now have 1000 p-vals and each one of them represents a completely different
location in both Time and Space. Time and Space outlines the boundary layer for p1 : p1000. Though you cannot
predict the precise
path taken for each instance of p1 through p1000, you can
predict the
shape and the
pattern that is formed by the range of p1 : p1000 about the nucleus.
This is what gives the atomic structure its 'rigidity' in space. It is called the electron probability pattern which is an extremely difficult pattern to break-down, absent radio active decay. To do so, you would have to literally split the atom. Ok, let's move on.
If the electron is
located (at the Time of measurement) at say, measurement p500 AND I know that during the previous measurement (Time interval) the electron was measured at least once (observed) at
all points p1 : p500 AND that no observations during that same previous measurement (Time interval) revealed the existence of the electron between the range p501 : p1000 AND I know that I'm not dealing with an atomic structure undergoing radio active decay; THEN I also know that there is a high probability (a virtual guarantee) that at least one of the
next locations of "p-val" will be inside the range of p501 : p1000.
Did you get that? If not, re-read until you do. Missing that point, will cause you to not understand the rest.
Thus, my next trade will be in the direction of p501. Why? Definitely not because I'm a genius, but simply because I understand the concept of Probability Patterns. If I know the underlying
structure of Price is very resistant to breaking down (not undergoing market decay) and I know the current
location of Price as well as the previous
locations of Price over a Time interval of special interest (not to be disclosed), then I end up looking straight into the face of a high probability
continuity in pattern repetition. This tells me Direction. All Deltas between each pairing of p-val, where each pair's Delta is known as: p1-p2, p2-p3, p3-p4, etc., out to p999-p1000, tells me Magnitude.
Thus, when I enter my p500 position, I do so already knowing the mean Magnitude and can then adjust downward my pip expectation until the target level matches a
high frequency continuity patter for price. Notice the trade profile that I posted in this thread. Each trade had a very specific target number. That number is the highest frequency target given by the continuity optimization, NOT of Price, but of the
Structure of Price. Price is NOT what it appears to be.
Right now, the EURUSD (at 1613 hrs GMT) shows up on a chart as $1.3727. That is false. That is NOT what Price actually looks like on the EURUSD. The "real" Price of the EURUSD (given the same time/date stamp) is actually
$1.3888 $1.3664, was my entry into that continuity on 2/5/2010 (as outlined in my trade profile) and you can see that the profile's target has already been struck, but more importantly, you can see that the profile's target fell on the In-The-Money side of the actual Continuity Price of $1.3888. That's called Target Optimization.
Very straight forward. Very easy to understand and very difficult to argue against.
You can continue to attempt to define me and belittle me and tell me how much I don't understand.
No one is belittling you. You were the one who initiated the over-broad generalizations about what TA means and how ALL practitioners of TA were alike. All I did was correct the record.
The fact is - your model will work - until it doesn't because of something you didn't foresee or take into account.
Again, huge over-broad conditions are used here. Define "work?" How do you know what "work" means to any one individual? How can you possibly know that? Is the system targeting 23 pips or 673 pips - or some variable number in between? What "works" for you, may not mean much to me. I don't slam Fundamentalists, but you sure do have an axe to grind with Technical Traders.
Part of your problem here is that you seem to think that system = rigid. That's a huge mistake to make and it blinds you to the reality of how optimized trading systems work. Good systems are extremely flexible and not rigid. The best systems
learn and
adapt. Your body is a system, yet it
learns and adapts to its environment. So, what makes you think that a trading system is unable to also, learn and adapt to its environment?
You are not thinking outside the proverbial Box on this matter.
TradeSMART. Manage your position. :smart: