Has anyone traded at the forex market and made money?

Your is the typical response of an engineer. You CAN of course use math to resolve problems.

The problem you are attempting to resolve - i.e. trading, is not a problem with a mathematical solution.

Really? "....not a problem with a mathematical solution."

Are you familiar with the discussion of differential equations? Or, take that several steps further and let me as this; are you familiar with the subject called Fourier Transform? Are you aware of the problem solving tools born from mathematics that came out of Fourier Transform and Fourier Series, alone?

What you YOU selling, here? Are you selling some Fundamental Analysis Tool? I could argue just as forcefully that you are selling something, even though you have not posted a mailing address and a price or PayPal address - could it not?

Do you have any idea of the work that has been done [already - nothing new] in the area of financial markets and predicting price behavior? Do you know who won a Nobel Prize for creating a Predictive Model that projected currency prices out to a six (6) month period? Do you merely rail against a thing, simply because you don't understand it?

Was Einstein wrong with E ~ MC2? Is this simplified proportionality not truly existent in the "real world" you live in? Or, how about the gravitational constant being directly proportional to the product of the earth's mass multiplied by the product of your mass and inversely proportional to the distance of the square between both you and earth. Is that somehow a figment of my imagination, too? Or, does that help to keep your body from launching into deep space at the same rate of speed that the earth rotates on its axis?

We can go on all night covering an endless number or "real world" examples where mathematics is either used to solve real problems, or used to better understand the universe in which we live. This basic understanding should have been learned somewhere during the 6th to 8th grade and then expanded upon between the 9th grade and the end of college, for most - whether one continued to obtain a technical degree or not. Having an understanding of where we are in the 21st century with respect to general science and mathematics is crucial at this point. The computer you are using right now, is testament to this fact.

Trade calls? Been there, done that. Placing trades online without the derivations on the system used to establish the calls, does far less for the Newbie, than clearly articulating for him/her the basic foundation for becoming the successful trader they desire to become. But, it sure does fulfill an ego boost for those in need of it. Suffice it to say that I trade at levels that few online in the Forex community have risen to. I will say this however, if you are still trading single currency pairs in naked un-covered positions, then you have not yet graduated.

By the typical tone of your posts, you are totally un-aware of your blindside. That is to say, you more than like trade a singular pair in a singular direction and then wonder why your trade accuracy is faulty at best.

Here's my current (real-time) trade profile for: 2/8 - 2/12

EURUSD: Long 3664
GBPUSD: Long 5628
AUDUSD: Long 8670
NZDUSD: Long 6870
USDCHF: Short 0727
USDJPY: Long 8937
EURCHF: Long 4659
EURGBP: Short 8740
EURJPY: Long 12212
GBPJPY: Long 13968
CHFJPY: Long 8328
GBPCHF: Long 6766
EURAUD: Short 5752
AUDCAD: Long 9277
AUDJPY: Long 7750
NZDJPY: Long 6139
GBPCAD: Long 6748

Aggregate Target: 63 pips
Stop: None
Current Accuracy to Target: 78%
Total Positions: 17
Total Equity In Trade: $470,200.00
Entry: 2/5/2010
Estimated Target Run-Time: 2/12/2010
Pair Balancing (Weighting): Not Disclosed Under Any Circumstances
Recovery Plan: Not Disclosed Under Any Circumstances

Now, let's see yours?

TradeSMART. :smart:
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Oh, by the way:

With this kind of target profile, you can move a $9,000 starting account balance (I picked that because it seems to be the average size of most Forex Newbie accounts for those with prior trading experience in other markets) to $14,541,399.00 in 6.75 months with your final trade having an equity level (or, cost basis) of $5,529,000.00 {assuming my money management model which I will not be disclosing}.

That would put you in the market with a final trade of 11.06 blocks (assuming your Intermediary has a per trade limit of $50,000,000.00 notional value). Some Intermediaries won't allow you to execute more than $20,000,000.00 notional per click. The Weekly profile makes it fairly easy to scale into the market, while not missing too much of the net run to target - however, there are those times, given the speed of the market, that I do miss a fraction of the Target Run, but in the aggregate, it just about all washes out with those profiles where I can scale in at better price levels.

I realize these are not the kind of numbers that Newbies are accustomed to seeing, but this is the equity domain that I'm comfortable living in at this point. But, I do expect more.
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So Ted - what exactly is it you are selling ?

$9,000 to $14,541,399 in 6 months. Most T2Wers wouldn't get out of bed for such paltry rewards.

At some point in the very near future, you will own the entire planet with such a 'system'
BTW - let me add that I have studied Fourier Transform as well as the works of Ehler etc.

As far as I am aware, Ehlers theories never made Ehler money trading.

The obvious issue and it is clearly demonstrated in the '$9K->$14M in 6 months' projection is that the real world throws more spanners in the works than math can handle.

Of course, if the TN7 has turned $9K into $14M in reality and not theory, then I take my hat off to him/her.
BTW - let me add that I have studied Fourier Transform as well as the works of Ehler etc.

As far as I am aware, Ehlers theories never made Ehler money trading.

The obvious issue and it is clearly demonstrated in the '$9K->$14M in 6 months' projection is that the real world throws more spanners in the works than math can handle.

Of course, if the TN7 has turned $9K into $14M in reality and not theory, then I take my hat off to him/her.

This is what happens when you start to dabble.

I never knew "Ehler" was a Trader and I always thought of him as "Euler." But, I am quite certain that I never knew him as "Joseph Fourier." Though for credit sake, you completely dishonored the previous contributions to Fourier from Lagrange, Bernoulli and Clairaut, no doubt. How you missed them, having an understanding of Fourier, only you can explain. But, rest assured, "Ehler" - whomever that individual might be, had nothing to do with it.

The "real world" (as you refer to it here) is physics and it is best described using mathematics. The very nature of your physical existence can be described mathematically through the window of physics. In fact, it is true that you are not what you think you are. In fact, again, you are a miraculous, far reaching and highly complex set of subatomic material, engineered by the Infinite Mind in such a way that is so far beyond human understanding, that it cannot even be derived to 0.0000001% of the exponentially advanced understanding necessary to comprehend it. Every orbiting electron in every single atom that makes you an intact, fully sentient, corporeal being, was put there by design and has very predictable structure, or you would cease to exist.

Since, there is "nothing new under the sun," I believe that likewise, mankind is not capable of producing that which has no structure. Why? Because the Created will always exhibit the characteristics and attributes of the Creator.

Thus, since the FX market was Created and did not create itself, it must therefore, exhibit characteristics and attributes of its Creator. That being: Structure.

As soon as you get your head around this idea, the sooner you will start seeing the structure in Price and where said structure Repeats itself.

TradeSMART. :smart:
Aggregate Target: 63 pips
Stop: None
Current Accuracy to Target: 79.1%
Total Positions: 17
Total Equity In Trade: $470,200.00
Entry: 2/5/2010
Estimated Target Run-Time: 2/12/2010
Pair Balancing (Weighting): Not Disclosed Under Any Circumstances
Recovery Plan: Not Disclosed Under Any Circumstances

Where is your Trade? Fair is fair. You called me out, now you should reciprocate in like kind.

TradeSMART. :smart:
So Mr TradeSMART - when do you reveal the name of your website & fees for this amazing system ?

If you are trading all of those symbols over that amount of time, relying on some sort of mathematical relationship between pairs involved, then this math must also be able to predict that in the 7 days your trades are open there will be :

No more countries looming into defaults
No country announcing a suprise interest rate change
No central bank intervention of any type

I would be most interested to hear how the correlations you mathematically calculate manage to cater for what's happening in all of those central banks in all of the countries whose currencies you trade.

As it is - the most likely explanation is as follows:

1 - you are here selling something
2 - you are not trading
3 - your $9K->$14 million in 6.75 months is just newbie baiting

Interestingly, I note that despite you being an expert in this field, that you only have $470k equity in trade yet you say that someone should have $5.5M equity in trade after 6.75 months.

One must assume then, that you have only been at this for .58 months. :smart:

As you are so smart - here's a bonus puzzle. Seeing as I am nought more than a collection of subatomic material and you are so smart. Perhaps you'd like to tell the crowd what colour underpants I'm wearing right now.
Jacko? I watched him go virtually broke on the FXCM site a couple of years ago, is he still around? [of, course - we could be talking about two entirely different Jaco aliases, no doubt]

The Jacko that I referred to is still around, and he has plenty of followers - http://www.forexfactory.com/showthread.php?t=27286&page=696
He uses a simple trend trading strategy.
Admittedly I havent read all 600+ pages of the tread so I dont know if there is any mention of him virtually going broke. The strategy is covered quite early on in the thread and Jacko's posts are usefull. I have better things to do than read the remainging 550 pages 😎
Look - you guys can pull your own peckers all you like. Why is it you want to pull everyone else's too ?
Has anyone of you ever traded at the forex market and won trading currencies. If yes, then please share your trading techniques with others, so we can learn something from you.

Traded Forex ? YES

Made money ? YES, DAILY

Willing to share techniques with people who are too lazy to put in hundreds, or even thousands of hours of research over a number of years ?

So Mr TradeSMART - when do you reveal the name of your website & fees for this amazing system ?

If you are trading all of those symbols over that amount of time, relying on some sort of mathematical relationship between pairs involved, then this math must also be able to predict that in the 7 days your trades are open there will be :

No more countries looming into defaults
No country announcing a suprise interest rate change
No central bank intervention of any type

This post discloses so much about you. You appear to have a fear of loss. Personally I couldnt give a dam about the outcome of a trade, win, lose, its all the same to me, the probabilities always play out over a sufficient sample size. If **** happens, then you take a loss, its that simple.

You also use that ridiculous word PREDICT. Noone is predicting anything because they dont need to.

If somethings going up you buy it, if its going down you sell it, cut losses short, let profits run. Once you've defined whats up and whats down, what constitutes a profit and loss, and whats just noise, it all becomes very simple.

Whetever methods you use, price action, TA, astralogical predictions, or tossing a coin, at the end of the day you have to trade it within the framework that I describe, so you might as well cut to the chase, and focus on whats important rather than perhipehery nonsense.
So Mr TradeSMART - when do you reveal the name of your website & fees for this amazing system ?

When you sprout wings and start flying like a bird. And, not a day sooner. 😎

No more countries looming into defaults
No country announcing a suprise interest rate change
No central bank intervention of any type

Wow. No wonder 90+% fail. If this is all you know about trading, then you only confirm the Sine Wave - no Transform necessary, lol! Each one of these is mathematically canceled (or, did you not already learn that in school) by the very same premise that you use to assert them, lol!

I mean, at the very least, think aloud your own premise before you use it. The exact mathematical inverse of each one of these elements has a 50% chance of occurring - therefore, canceling the weight of the probability that any of them will have a negative impact on positions already taken. You assume the negative inverse relationship on something that has an equal chance of never happening in the first place. That is the very definition of the word: MOOT.

I thought you said you understood mathematics.

I would be most interested to hear how the correlations you mathematically calculate manage to cater for what's happening in all of those central banks in all of the countries whose currencies you trade.

Wow. With each post, you expose your true knowledge after feigning to be in the know about how things work in this business.

Take another look then do your own homework. How many trades do you see open. If you saw only one trade open THEN then negative inverse relationship becomes 'meaningful' and the probability for adverse impact increased geometrically. However, Risk Mitigation is my middle name and Risk Mitigation is my FIRST responsibility as a Trader, profiting is a distant SECOND.

Until you learn that you must protect your capital FIRST, you will never graduate from Novice Trader, to Professional Trader or Expert Trader. Defend your turf FIRST, then figure out how to generate a profit, SECOND. I will let you learn the rest, since you know so much about my system. 😎

As it is - the most likely explanation is as follows:

1 - you are here selling something

Yes, you got me. 😱 I have been caught red handed selling you something. I am selling you Common Sense with an immediate (at the time of purchase) 100% cash back rebate. Now, given your mathematical prowess, can you calculate exactly how much my offer of Common Sense will cost you at the time of purchase? 😛

2 - you are not trading

Correct. I am not a Trader. I am a Private Money Manager of my own Funds and I don't want the responsibility of managing anyone else's. When you graduate, you will begin to see the distinction between being a pure Trader and a pure Money Manager. I manage positions 5 days per week. I only trade, 1 day per week for less than 30 minutes. I make strategic decisions about which position "stays" and which position "goes home earlier" for Easter Vacation. I hire positions and I fire positions every week.

I've hired 17 positions last Friday and all of them have been posted here. If two of them continue to fail to perform, I'm going to fire them. Why? Because I am their "Manager." Not their "Trader." I don't trade them - I manage their careers. If they want to make it in this business under my management, then they have to perform according to my expectations, else - they hear these words before the end of the week: You Are Fired.

And, they know I mean business.

Now, what exactly do you do?

3 - your $9K->$14 million in 6.75 months is just newbie baiting

And, what were my posts BEFORE you asked me to post trades - newbie bating, too? You seem to have a selective memory. When I post jewels that smart newbies can use to accelerate their learning curve, you ignore it. When I post trades and discuss my own performance, you call it newbie bating. You seemed a bit confused - is there a reason why?

Is it your fear that all Newbies of the world, will run right out and open up accounts, each with $9k and start trading at a feverish pitch? Are you concerned that Newbies of the world will unite under one $9k roof? Again, your entire premise seems a bit confused and a bit odd. You assert bizarre commentary having absolute nothing to do with the topic: "Has anyone traded the forex market and made money?"

Why not get back on topic, post YOUR trades here and show the OP how YOU have engaged the forex and actually made real money. Where are your trades - I don't see them here?

Interestingly, I note that despite you being an expert in this field, that you only have $470k equity in trade yet you say that someone should have $5.5M equity in trade after 6.75 months.

Wow, again. As if every single trade comes with the exact same probability for success. You really do have a lot to learn, here.

Part of Risk Mitigation, is knowing WHAT to trade, not just knowing HOW to trade. You should have learned that in the University of Hard Knocks. Apparently, you never graduated from this Trading University. Quite possibly still in the High School of Hard Knocks, which just about explains the level of your rebuttal thus far. I risk what the system tells me to risk. That's why I use a system to begin with. If you are going to ignore your own system, why spend years developing one.

It is called Discipline. A Thesaurus might help you here.

One must assume then,...

You have already assumed yourself directly into a Black Hole, so why not just quite while you are behind, instead of putting your self even further in the rear with the gear.

As you are so smart -

The word is: Experienced. YOU need to get smart and learn the differential.

...here's a bonus puzzle. Seeing as I am nought more than a collection of subatomic material and you are so smart. Perhaps you'd like to tell the crowd what colour underpants I'm wearing right now.

In your case (LOL!) you probably don't wear them at all. :cheesy:

Now, show your work and stop stalling. Post your 10 trades. You don't get to call someone else out, have them slap you with a 17 pair profile, while walk (run) into the sunset. You've had ample time now to get the job done. Or, maybe, you are neither a Trader nor a Money Manager? Of course, this would explain everything you've written thus far.

Your biggest problem is that you are an arrogant, overly assuming novice, unable to recognize the core essentials that allows one to graduate from mediocrity to genuine market level resourcefulness. Once you get beyond the arrogant assumptive stage in your career, you will see the need to take the subject matter of Risk Mitigation seriously enough to understand the wisdom of what has been written here.

Attacking someone you don't know, out of the clear blue, based on things you can't possibly understand, is foolish at the very least. I can tell from what you have written here, that you do not yet fully understand what consistency in this business means, yet. However, there is hope, but not for the blind and certainly not for the one unwilling to lay down the hard core time, energy and effort into this business, necessary to be truly successful.

And true success by definition means the ability to walk into the market and extract from it precisely what your target goal requires over time. If you can do that, THEN you are truly successful, regardless of how much money you make here. The point is not how much you make, the point is whether or not you are sustaining the goals that YOU set for yourself.

If you are not making that kind of progress, then I respectfully submit to you that you are still a novice in need of more education about how this thing works. And, to that end, I truly hope you have learned something here.

TradeSMART by systematically Managing your positions. :smart:
Jacko's thread is free and relates to Forex.

Rory, I'm not sure if this is the same Jacko. The one I knew was the best three card monte player I have ever seen and ran a House of Pain on the DailyFX website a long time ago. He would post a trade and the one's the blew up, he would never talk about. He would then open another trade (after the fact) that turned out to be successful and then talk that trade into a wonderful positive net gain for the week. All the losers got squashed and all the winners go amplified and the math became very fuzzy, but by my count, he was down something like 1000+ pips by the time I left.

Again, not sure, but the name did ring a bell from a long time ago, that's all.

Good success!
Here's my current (real-time) trade profile for: 2/8 - 2/12

EURUSD: Long 3664
GBPUSD: Long 5628
AUDUSD: Long 8670
NZDUSD: Long 6870
USDCHF: Short 0727
USDJPY: Long 8937
EURCHF: Long 4659
EURGBP: Short 8740
EURJPY: Long 12212
GBPJPY: Long 13968
CHFJPY: Long 8328
GBPCHF: Long 6766
EURAUD: Short 5752
AUDCAD: Long 9277
AUDJPY: Long 7750
NZDJPY: Long 6139
GBPCAD: Long 6748

Both of these non-performers are asking to get fired. It is quite possible that they could receive a pink slip this week. They will be managed accordingly.

On balance, several have struck their respective targets while others are still lagging the market but target bound nonetheless. Everything else remains open until further notice.

To continue to help the OP understand, yes it is possible, as you can plainly see here, to derive profits from the Forex. However, having an Edge in whatever method you chose, is of utmost importance. Having a plan for Risk Mitigation for every entry into the market you make, is undoubtedly, abundantly necessary.

Find your Edge and then find a way to mitigate damage against it when you deploy it. That's a huge key to establishing long-term profitability in this business and in every other business that I can imagine.

Find Edge. Defend Edge. Root cause of success.

TradeSMART by Managing Well. :smart:
Can a small retail trader ever really have an 'edge' tradernumber7?

Yes. And, if you re-read my post on the subject it outlines precisely how to do it. The key is not going to be found in plain vanilla technical indicators that those who trade against you are using to map your stops and prevent your limits.

Here's an example. Take close look at my trade profile running right now - what do you not see? Well, a Stop. Not a singular stop to be found. My Intermediary has no "conventional dealing desk" which basically means, my trades are being passed through to a pool of genuine liquidity which does contain some of the largest liquidity providers within the Interbank system.

My trades are anonymous. Not anonymous to my Intermediary, but anonymous to the liquidity pool, number one. Number two, even if my trades were not anonymous to the liquidity pool, all the pool can see are my entry locations. Nobody has a solitary clue about my genuine intentions and that provides me with part of my Edge. You can't "hunt" a ghost. Stealth, is of utmost importance to maintaining your Edge.

Therefore, if you are trading with a visible stop then you are weakening your hand from the word go. Not very wise. :!: So, it behooves one to find an Edge the does not require a stop. I think this is potentially one of the biggest steps that a trader can take to actually (as contrary as it may sound) start to reducing known Risk. But, how can one do this when trading a single pair, without taking on enormous potential downside Risk by having to absorb potentially huge draw periods.

Also, when you take on huge draw against a singular position, then you also at the same time reduce the optimization opportunity of your available capital. Ideally, one wants to use the most capital their calculations will allow, in order to yield the greatest net gain over the shortest amount of time. When you must allow for huge potential draw-down, that forces you to reduce your cost basis in the trade and thus, de-optimizes revenue potential per trade. So, finding a way to trade without a stop while at the same time optimizing cost basis, becomes critical if total optimization of the trade is your goal. I could give numbers but the concept alone should suffice. Optimization of cost basis is another component of your Edge.

Your Edge is not a singular entity. It is a composite of related factors that in synergy, help to increase the bottom line in the shortest possible interval of time, with the least amount of error along the way. For the newbie, learning how to optimize the trade, will be one of the most important things they will ever do, albeit, one of the most advanced things they will need to learn as trade optimization is always unique to the individual trader's goals.

Edges are there. They are infinite in number. But, it really does take some outside the box thinking to locate them as the vast majority of them do not live inside the box. I can never get to know you, unless I get out of my own neighborhood and spend some time in your neck of the woods. Edges exist on the fringe of traders reality - in places that the average trader would not even bother to look.

Think about it. If 95% are failing AND using the same inside the box concepts, then why would the trader want to continue doing what the 95% do? If I do the opposite of what the 95% do to fail, should my results be 95% the inverse?

For every action - there is an equal and opposite re-action.

An object in motion tends to stay in motion until acted upon by one or more forces greater than or equal to itself.

There is a distinct Edge in what Newton provides us that can be used in the Forex. But, I won't go any further than this to describe any other of its attributes - as I am not here to give away precisely what I do. Just study the data and it should be self explanatory in one form or another, even without the associated math. It is the concept that matters - one can see Newton's laws of motion at work in the Forex every day! People want to know, "what moves the market?" Simple: Force Vectors. The advantage for me is that the Force Vectors that I see in charts, I first see in raw data.

The bigger the Force, the bigger the VECTOR.

Now, take the Vector concept and apply it to the Delta concept. It is like taking an empty glass and filling it with water. Find where the Price Delta should be, then get into position (fill it) before the rest of the market gets there. Once the rest of the market arrives, empty your glass into your storage tank and look for the next water cooler. Always filling the glass and emptying it into your storage tank, before the rest of the market taps all the water from that source.

If you are not ahead of this market, then by definition, you are trailing it. Is there money to be made by trailing the market? Yes, absolute, if done correctly. But, is there better, safer, higher probability money to be made by leading the market, yes - again, if done correctly.

My Edge? Simple - Get in and get out, without the rest of the market even knowing I was there. If I do it right (and sometimes my system gets it wrong), then the result is like being a combination Ninja/Jedi. Job done, behind the scenes, clean and tidy.

When it fails, then the heavy hand-to-hand combat takes place and things get really bloody as the Recovery Plan goes into action. Recovery, is a nasty, dirty, unsanitary job and I don't like it - but occasionally, it becomes necessary to take the gloves off and start slashing some positions at the throat.

I prefer, clean and tidy.

TradeSMART by Managing your positions well. :smart:
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I have a client who claims to make a minimum $50,000 a month from Forex.

I've no reason to doubt him...

Personally, I prefer to trade other things. Forex is hyped up to be the THING and everybody wants to trade it!

i agree, and they want to trade it for the wrong reasons too: easy to get into, start with small money, get free charting, rather than taking it like a professional and ...ugh...whatever i hope somebody gets my point.

My point is why WOULD you want to trade forex? ( i want to, because i love economics and higher timeframes -which i like to trade) are driven by economics and it's just a matter of buying pullbacks when the economics are in your favour. Day trading forex can be done of course, many can and make tonnes.
My point is why WOULD you want to trade forex?

For me, the question can be answered with another question: Have you studied Forex raw data?

a) When you apply the right type of numerical analysis to the Forex data, you find what I call, a more stable architecture from which to perform technical analysis. More structural integrity to the data, for my liking.

b) No one single source can perpetually manipulate a $5 Trillion per day turn-over. Even when Central Banks engage in "manipulation of currency," the knowledge of such "manipulation" is known in advance and the manipulation is therefore adapted to by the rest of the market on the fly.

c) A Customer spilling coffee in their lap in New England, can't file a lawsuit against my Currency Pairs for liability damages. A Company in Seattle, can't file a Patent Infringement liability suit against my Currency Pairs. The NYSE, NASDAQ, AMEX, etc., don't have to align with the moon and the stars, to give my Pairs the platform they need to make it to their respective targets.

d) Currency Markets are driven by: 1) Actual Interest Rate Decisions, 2) Sentiment about Actual Interest Decisions, and 3) Real Economic Reports the Market Interprets as Most Likely to Cause a Central Bank to Make a Determination about (you guessed it) Actual Interest Decisions.

e) All Economic Reports are handed to you on a silver platter and they even come complete with Previous, Corrected and Foretasted data. There are people who have mastered the art of data interpretation and have subsequently integrated Live Data Feeds directly into their Trading Platform and coded the Economic Indicator (report) being released, to trigger Day Trades on the fly - as the news is being released, giving them a slight tactical advantage against all other "manual" news traders. The Economic Calendar is served up hot every single week, so there is plenty of News driven trading that can be done across the board in most of the developed nations currencies.

So, when I sum it up, making the switch from equity options to currency pairs and/or currency options (plain vanilla European style), was the right thing for me, personally. I get to work with known quantities each day and each week. No new CEO's, no new Management, no surprise lawsuits, no single party manipulation of epic proportions, no floor trader or mm manipulation of price (find the right FX Intermediary), no severe analyst downgrades or upgrades, no weather related upsets, no exchange index moving in the opposite direction of my underlying stock and no worries about moral or ethical considerations because I'm trading the stock of a company that does not hold my moral and ethical values at heart.

With the right money management and the right Edge, coupled with the right attitude about what this market is all about and after spending some time getting used to the increased speed of the market itself, I can do several orders of magnitude better in FX than I ever could in equity derivatives.

$5 Trillion per day Global Forex -vs- $32.7 Billion per year all Major U.S. Stock Exchanges combined.

When opportunity knocks, you need to be ready to answer it. Now, does this mean that one cannot do exceedingly well in the stock, bond, commodities and/or futures markets, of course not. Fortunes will always be made and lost in those markets as well.

Did I miss anything. :?: