Has anyone had any success with Trading price action?


I've heard a lot about trading price action, anyone have any idea on how to start and learn about price action. Someone reccommended *mod deleted* Does anyone know anything about them and price action? Please Help!
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Wow, yesterday pin bars today price action.

Don't recommend anything which you have to pay for unless it's by an advisor imho.
To me the best way to learn about price action is to watch charts for hours and hours. Choose one stock or futures contract or whatever you're interested in trading, and just watch it's candlestick chart all day, every day for a few months. Maybe add a moving average or Bollinger Bands to the chart. At various points during the day try to predict if the chart will go up or down. Draw some support / resistance lines & see if price obeys them. Watching replays may make the process easier
look up trader dantes making money thread
look up the old wyckoff threads (dbphoenix)
don't add any indicators at all. just price and volume.

watching the dom is generally very short term trading. its also subject to lots of fakeouts and newbie manipulation tactics. try something with charts and longish term to reduce the impact of impulsiveness and emotions in trading.
Just try exploring this site, plenty on here if you can be bothered to look..........................
i never became a profitable trader until i started using price action methods. the methods i use are very simple. let me list some of them-

1. bullish pinbar rejections at major support, ema and vice versa.

2. inside pinbar at major support and vice versa.