Hello Axis,
The latest video of Harvey's was, or was claimed to have been, recorded in a cafe with some friends. One friend he talks to, and who replies at some length, during the first part of this video, is said to be Henry Doyle.
They sound about as different as two people could, to me!
It is certainly intriguing that 'Harvey' should have invited 'Henry' along for the recording, in view of what you have suggested about them being the same person.
On the other hand, it could be exactly what it claims: a video of Harvey trading while Henry, his friend, watches.
What would Sherlock Holmes say?
Sherlock Holmes? ...yes.. why not?
"You see, but you do not observe. The distinction is clear."
"The little things are infinitely the most important."
“Any truth is better than indefinite doubt.”
"I am not the law, but I represent justice so far as my feeble powers go."
“When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.”
That's weird! Holmes was created by Arthur Conan
Doyle.... maybe Henry is related, explaining why he's marvellously talented in creating imaginary characters himself, hahahaha!
Look, I have kept Walsh aka Doyle in my sights for months and since last week, when he was approached by someone other than me, about his "personality disorder" and
this blog was published, Henry aka Harvey put that "Live Gay Trading With Harvey Walsh
(& friends!)" video up to save his little bull****ting business from going down the crapper. He never traded with "friends" before, but me and more enlightened people, willing to see the truth and on to him, he suddenly called his "mates" to do a live trading session in a freaking pub?!?!?!? ..what are the odds on that? One to a million, billion or a freaking gazillion?
Another weird thing. Of all places in the world, he chooses a local booze hole to do a LIVE TRADING SESSION, where you can barely hear him??? He pretends to have about 4 or 5 mates with him, so why not at his home? Does Miss's Walsh protest against Harvey having some mates over? Or is the tree house of this trading Tarzan too small or to bloody shabby to have his friends over? If you listen to the background noise, one would say that it's quite busy.. could you trade in such conditions where you get easily distracted and need to shout to be heard, over that feasting group of people in the background? Would you wanna trade in such conditions or would you suggest a more suitable location, so you could learn the trading tricks Harvey Walsh is pretending to have.
He made a total of 26 video's with the same scenario every single time. He shows the date and time, which says nothing since a 4 year old could change that, to "prove" he's telling or showing you some sort of "truth". He then trades 4 or 5 shocks for just some couple hours. Shows his P/L, never draining more that a couple of bucks or so.. "kick in the teeth", yadda yadda.. "end of the day", "well, that's it, see you next time" and more such "catchy one liners"!
Now video 27, never mentioning he had done coaching, he now suddenly had done such activities. His location, usually a tranquil and serene trading atmosphere, is now a very noisy location, representing a restaurant. He then says "You can probably hear we're sitting in a hotel lobby or café" (or something of that order).. Why not say "We are sitting in a café" or "We're sitting in a hotel lobby". Harvey clearly has difficulty to determine where he is. Is Harvey blind as a doorknob? A "Stevie Wonder" of day traders? The truth is probably that he's not sure which track of the "Sound Effect for Movies and Cartoons" CD he's playing. Okay, playing the Hotel lobby! ...ah damn, track 4 ...the busy Café!
Then mate and "coaching-days" student Henry comes in and starts blabbering about TSim, but Harvey, an avid user and promoter of TSim+ and Super Ace trader, finds this to be technical gibberish and cuts him off. Phew, luckily for us, Harvey saves us from boring little Henry.. But if you really listen to it with headphones, you'll notice that the conversation of Walsh and Doyle are separately recorded. He needed to keep Henry's conversation as short as possible, because creating complicated, realistic sounding conversations are more difficult and need more time to accomplish. Keeping it simple still had a major impact on the time it took him to cut, edit and publish this video. It took him more than 3 hours to post video #27 opposed to much shorter time with all the other 26 vids.
He's exactly doing what I had expected him to do. Because to convince the masses, he has to go to extreme lengths to keep the lie going. This means his vids need more and more props and gadgets and thus he's gonna need help from others. I bet you, he's loosing sleep over this right now, because more people knowing the truth behind the lie, is bound to come out sooner or later. The bigger the lie, the more difficult it is to maintain. Especially, when people want a peace of the pie and don't get the peace they think they deserve. Knowing the lie gives them the power to unveil it at the expense of the one that wants to keep it going against any expense. This is why time is on our side since honesty will last the longest. He's going down, but doesn't or wants to realizes it yet... just as his victims don't seem to realize or even want to realize, they have been scammed.
Why he's using a fictive character is beyond me. I have thought about it for quite some time. Henry is already known for his TSim program. People on this forum know him. Like us, he's interested in trading and having knowledge about it and being appreciated by many, would be nice, wouldn't it? So why, why, why is Harvey Walsh the successful day trader and not Henry himself? Because they are two different persons? Could be, but then why is there no picture on his books like any other author, longing for some recognition of his peers. Why not on his website. Why not in his videos. Henry aka Harvey also longs for recognition. Why would he otherwise posts his vids? Maybe you can enlighten me on this question?
I will end by adding something to the first quote of Holmes.. you also hear, but you do not listen, my dear Watson!