Harvey Walsh- Daytradingfreedom

I mean the videos look good, seems like a good strategy and info...
Would you recommend anything else besides this then ?
There is simply no quick and easy way to get you trading profitable. Start by reading the right books. Study the ways of successful and renowned traders across the world. Work your way through loads of information that's connected to the way the markets around the world work. How the economy works. How currency works. Why things go up on seemingly bad news and visa versa.

There are some basic rules in trading to get you the success you crave. Find them. Study them. Understand them. Make a plan. Make your "ten commandments" and set your goals and start investing. Slowly but surely, step by step. If that's your cup of tee, making long hours and pumping your brain to the max for a couple of months or years, sticking with it when some things still aren't clear to you and you lose "virtual" or real money because of it. Feeling the pain. Still being a loser after all that work, but pushing on nonetheless because you just a stubborn SoB and nothing can make you stop.. you're bound to be the next top player.

Maybe you do not need it at all, because some people on this earth are simply born for this stuff. If you, like I, miss such talents, you'll will get there by hard work. Wall Street is filled with very bright individuals, but that doesn't mean they are all making millions a month. A high IQ is nice, but not a recipe for success.

This also proves why there are so many snake-oil vendors, luring unsuspecting "Warren Buffett" or "George Sorros" wanna-bees into buying their courses. It's way easier and much more of a steady income for these scammers then participating in the rodeo, riding a 2000 pound bull called "Mr. Market" that's out to kill you, whenever you make the tiniest mistake. Hee Haw!! :cheesy:

YouTube - Bull rider Zeb Lanham gets flying lesson from a bull
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Thanks for the reply Axis,
I have been at it for the last few years but just need to fine tune before i go live. Im asking about HWs course cos seems ike from his vods hes doing alright. I am putting hard work into it but alot of BS around too so dont wana be wasting my time...
Thanks for the reply Axis,
I have been at it for the last few years but just need to fine tune before i go live. Im asking about HWs course cos seems ike from his vods hes doing alright. I am putting hard work into it but alot of BS around too so dont wana be wasting my time...
You are at it for years and still not live yet???

I respect your perseverance to be perfect by preparing for that much time. Most legendary traders, written about in numerous of books almost all have in common that they started working in the financial sector and learned the ropes of a senior trader. Some even worked for free for their "guru".. or at least offered it, like Warren Buffett. Luckily for Warren, Mr. Graham turned him down, but later hired him after Warren continued to harass him for a position in his investment firm. There, Warren learned the tricks of the trade and after years, made his own strategy, beating Grahams way of doing business by about 62 billion dollars. :cheesy:

Thanks to these stories, scammers see an opportunity to make money by self proclaiming they're the mentor you need.

If a position in a investment firm is not within your reach, due to lack of the right credentials on your CV, like me, you just have to do it yourself. There are a lot of traders throughout history, renowned by thousands or even millions. Make them your mentor. Learn from the great to be come the great. The world wouldn't even have heard of Warren Buffett if he never had met Benjamin Graham. Then again, Graham never wouldn't have written "Security Analyses" and "The Intelligent Investor" if he didn't experienced the pain of multiple panics and crashes during his days as a Wall Street investor/trader.

I read books though I know it's no guarantee to become great. But since these books, published about these legendary investors are bought and read by millions, chances are that they really know what they're talking about and thus could learn lots by reading them and greaten my chances of being profitable. If these books did not contain any worthy information, why would so many people buy them? Are they all idiots?

In your case, I guess you start trading live as soon as you see fit. If you can't get yourself trading, maybe you're too afraid to lose money. Maybe you are not sure what to trade or which strategy to use. Get over any emotion that prohibits you from doing the real deal. You'll have to face your fears and vices and realize that losing trades are more common then winning trades. It's up to you to cut them short and let the others run.

Also, If you ever talk to people about your trade business, telling you have learned it thanks to Harvey Walsh and his vids or any other "Guru", selling courses for 100, 500 or even 5,000 quid, you'll be laughed at for sure by anyone who knows the business. You'll never get any one to take you serious, because "teaching" or "coaching" usually proves they couldn't hack trading for real. This is why successful trader/investor, don't sell courses or seminars. Ask yourself if you would take the time to teach some folk if your assets made you millions or even billions?

Mazel Tov
Thanks to these stories, scammers see an opportunity to make money by self proclaiming they're the mentor you need.

Whichever marketer came up with using the word 'mentor' as a selling tool was a genius.

Have you seen how many people, mainly in the US, use the term 'mentor' to convince people to buy their courses/seminars etc. And not just in trading, it's in almost every sector.

Go back 5 years and virtually nobody was using 'mentor' in their marketing materials, now it's everywhere...........
I've downloaded "Harvey's" videos from youtube and some videos from Henry Doyle's Tradingsimulation site. I'm no expert in this but although the voice seems slightly different I am very suspicious and have been so for some time that both these 'characters' are the same. As for the 'different' voice, the voice can nowadays be changed with a voice synthesizer - software and hardware are available freely (for a price of course) on the market ..... I have also noted that if you listen carefully to the voices in both videos, you will note that the pronounciation of certain sounds is virtually the same. Infact its easy to hear that "Harvey" is trying very hard to change the pronounciation of a lot of the sounds. This is how my suspicions arose that these were the same people. I don't know and haven't heard of James Steem...

Just to add some more information, The course that "Harvey" sells is virtually the same information that Mr Charts' (Richard Joyson) used to give in his course - I know as I paid and did Richard's course! Henry tried to use Richard's trading techniques but failed. Henry told me this at the time and he was very sore about it!! How do I know this? We all belonged to a private bulletin board run by Richard and administered by Henry. I also had Henry's details and we talked on MSN many times.
However Henry strangely does have a recommendation for Richard on his site contrary to what he told me!

I agree with Paul (Trader333) that Henry's TSim software is pretty good. I think it also has quite a lot of followers on the IB boards.


Thanks for the info Imran,
Would you rexommend any good stock trading courses please.

Would you recommend any good stock trading courses please.
I have some quotes for you that hopefully will see thing in another perspective. It's about the so-called Lotto-bias:

"You can purchase all sorts of advice to help you win the lotto. Some people who have analyzed the numbers thinking they can predict subsequent numbers are quite willing to sell you their advice. Others have their own lotto machine and believe that if they generate a random sequence of numbers, it might just correspond to what the state-controlled lotto machine might select. They are also willing to sell you advice. And if some guru or astrologer claims to have several jackpot winners (a distinct possibility if the person has enough followers), ten many more people will be attracted to that person. People will do anything to find the magic numbers" - Trade your way to financial freedom [p30] by PhD. Van K. Tharp​


I attended one of the more highly rated talks at an international conference on technical analysis. The speaker was a brilliant trader who up about 76 percent in his account with only a 10 percent drawdown. Yet what he talked about were mostly signals for picking changes in a trend. He presented six to eight such signals in his talk and mentioned something about exits and money management when people asked him. Later, I asked him if he traded all those signals. His response was, "Of course not! I trade a trend-following signal. But this is what people want to hear, so I give it to them." - Trade your way to financial freedom [p32] by PhD. Van K. Tharp​

I strongly suggest you buy the book, before you get scammed out of your hard earned money by some kind self proclaimed "Guru" or Mentor.
I have some quotes for you that hopefully will see thing in another perspective. It's about the so-called Lotto-bias:

"You can purchase all sorts of advice to help you win the lotto. Some people who have analyzed the numbers thinking they can predict subsequent numbers are quite willing to sell you their advice. Others have their own lotto machine and believe that if they generate a random sequence of numbers, it might just correspond to what the state-controlled lotto machine might select. They are also willing to sell you advice. And if some guru or astrologer claims to have several jackpot winners (a distinct possibility if the person has enough followers), ten many more people will be attracted to that person. People will do anything to find the magic numbers" - Trade your way to financial freedom [p30] by PhD. Van K. Tharp​


I attended one of the more highly rated talks at an international conference on technical analysis. The speaker was a brilliant trader who up about 76 percent in his account with only a 10 percent drawdown. Yet what he talked about were mostly signals for picking changes in a trend. He presented six to eight such signals in his talk and mentioned something about exits and money management when people asked him. Later, I asked him if he traded all those signals. His response was, "Of course not! I trade a trend-following signal. But this is what people want to hear, so I give it to them." - Trade your way to financial freedom [p32] by PhD. Van K. Tharp​

I strongly suggest you buy the book, before you get scammed out of your hard earned money by some kind self proclaimed "Guru" or Mentor.

The book by van Tharp fails to mention that van Tharp himself cannot - and does not - trade. Van Tharp makes money by writing books on a subject that he probably knows next to nothing about, so that makes the author a total hypocrite. It's interesting because van Tharp is seen as a guru to some, but that was his own self appointed title, he has no real trading success so has to make his money by writing about something he can't do.
The book by van Tharp fails to mention that van Tharp himself cannot - and does not - trade. Van Tharp makes money by writing books on a subject that he probably knows next to nothing about, so that makes the author a total hypocrite. It's interesting because van Tharp is seen as a guru to some, but that was his own self appointed title, he has no real trading success so has to make his money by writing about something he can't do.
This thread is not about Tharp, but I agree. He doesn't seem to use his knowledge about trading to be come filthy rich himself.. but as far as I know, there's no real successful trader spilling his guts in a book to educate us.. so, where do we go? Is Harvey our savior? Tharp, Carter or other bestseller authors? Gordon "greed is good" Gekko? You? Me? ..God?

Keep in mind that I did not read the book in his entirety. I'm halfway through.. but since I also have no one to turn to, telling me what I need to know, learn and do to win this game, the one thing I got is me! I'm the "holy grail", but reading just one book is far from sufficient to be successful. Reading loads of books is neither a guarantee, but you'll learn and develop your own thoughts due to the different angles, others look at the market, applying all kinds of strategies. At least for me it is a way of thinking that struck me. Like most, I started out by only looking at the positive potential of investing, making loads of cash without breaking a sweat. But knowing and controlling the negative potential is much more important.

Looking at the economics of the investment, I would rather pay 200 USD for a bunch of books than giving it to some dude, claiming he's the one you need to make loads of money, just trading between 9:30 till 11:30 am maximum and showing off in his bogus videos (yeah right, who needs hours of market analysis.. that's just too damn boring). The books I bought will still have part of it's value when I decide to sell them. Harvey's course would have less value then toilet paper since you probably get hemorrhoids using it. 😆
Dear readers,

It has come to my attention that Harvey Walsh has been caught... or at least, he's on the run. Someone contacted him, asking some questions about James Steem and Henry Doyle. Naturally, Mr. Walsh became very nervous about this inquisitive and informed man and changed all websites and YouTube channels mentioned by me in my very first post on this scammer! Check it out and notice that all video material showing his beady little eyes and treacherous smile, has been removed.

This proves to me that what I said before was total and utter fact. I knew all along he was dirty little piggy that needed to be gutted. But running will do no good for Harvey Walsh.. or lets just call the bugger by his real name, Henry Doyle. Mr. Doyle, previously a member of the T2W forum, may be a great programmer and wrote that killer program TSim that many people praise. He may even know a lot about tarot or numerology... but his knowledge about trading is far from having any real value for you, the buyer of his course.. or saying it true, the victim of his scam!

His knowledge has value for him and him alone. He knows that there are a lot of lazy naive dreamers that think trading can be done just as easy as taking a crap. But one fine day, they notice some constipation. They try and try, but it doesn't budge. They start searching for a laxative and lord and behold, Harvey Walsh will save the day. But instead of helping you, he will serve more and more crap, until you go BUST! 😆

I'm out.. but will be back soon... cause dirty piggies that run, get slaughtered tired! 😈
DAMN,,,,, The scammer has been caught... nice work Axis, looks like he wont be running for long....

Dear readers,

I'm back and got proof. I finally made the connection between the personalities that Henry E. Doyle uses to make his bread and butter. For those who don't know what this is about, I suggest to go back and read this thread in full if you have the time. It will definitely make you laugh.... but since we are in the age of fast food and we all have too little time as it is, here's a quick recap of it all.

Harvey Walsh is a famous day trader. He posts his video captures on Youtube where you can see him make thousands of dollars just within a few hours. Sounds too good to be true and it is! Harvey Walsh is a scammer and tries to lure unsuspected naive wannabee traders into buying his course. First I was amazed at Mr. Walsh's talents like any other, but after getting Spam of Walsh's affiliates, annoyingly trying to sell me more courses, dvd's and software, I got suspicious. Naturally I used the net to find more info on Harvey Walsh. I soon found more websites with similar content, trying to sell courses, dvd's and more crap. Only Harvey Walsh introduced himself as James Steem. This character sells courses about Tarot and Numerology. Later I found another character named Henry E. Doyle, which is the host of a program called "The Trader Show", also on Youtube. Later I discovered that this Henry E. Doyle was a member on this forum and wrote software called TSim and this is being promoted by Harvey Walsh, whenever viewers of his Youtube vids ask what he uses for trading.

Today, all video material has been removed* from the websites I named earlier in this thread. All because a little message, left on his Tarot blog with just one simple question: ...Harvey??

Still, this could all be just a coincidence.. then again, why remove all video material where his face was shown. The vids on the Tarot site, Numerology site (as James Steem) and "The Trade Show" (as Henry E. Doyle) are all gone, but on Youtube you can still "see" Harvey Walsh make thousands of dollar. Well, seeing him, we can not.. we only hear his strangely and suspiciously low voice. Hearing the real voice of Henry E. Doyle and James Steem, I also got suspicious about Harvey Walsh's voice. I really think he altered it to mask his true identity and I'll definitely proof that as well.

You ask, what proof do you have? The personal mail I got also hinted on the signatures on Harvey Walsh's website Day Trading Freedom - by Harvey Walsh and James Steem's Power Numerology. I analyzed them and found proof that these were written by the same person. Since I know that James Steem and Henry E. Doyle are one and the same person, showing his ugly piglet face in these video's, now there's a connection between Harvey Walsh as well, proving that these three characters are all Henry E. Doyle (real name)


As you can see in the animation, the "A" and the "E" are the same, but the "S" is, like a tough banana would say 😉... a dead giveaway! It's looks exactly the same and makes you think of a ships anchor, doesn't it.

Well, there you have it.. i'm out again.. but... I'll be back (terminator style)

* removed? yes.. saved? maybe, muwahahahaha 😈
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Even Google knows the truth

Hello again...

I just found out that Google also knows the truth about "Henry Eldridge Doyle". I already proved the relation between James Steem and Harvey Walsh through signature analysis and now the relation between Harvey Walsh and Henry E. Doyle is also fact. I did a search on Google with "Henry Eldridge Doyle" as search string and guess what...


As shown, the search resulted in a link to the signature of Harvey Walsh on his site Day Trading Freedom - by Harvey Walsh. Why would Google do that? Why would a signature of Harvey Walsh pop up to the name of Henry E. Doyle? Personally, I can't help to think that my suspicions of these characters being all one person named Henry Eldridge Doyle, are correct.. don't you?


ps. Searching Henry Eldridge-Doyle, you'll find loads and loads of pages where he says he's a Internet Marketeer. His profession is marketing crap.. and nothing more!
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Perhaps because Henry has a review on Harvey's site?
LOL.. maybe you're right. Still, I keep finding it very strange that Harvey Walsh keeps praising Doyle's TSim.. and Doyle praises Walsh's course. The post was more of a joke.. Google doesn't want to be evil, but that doesn't mean they are telling the thruth! 😆
Voices and names

Hello Axis,

The latest video of Harvey's was, or was claimed to have been, recorded in a cafe with some friends. One friend he talks to, and who replies at some length, during the first part of this video, is said to be Henry Doyle.

They sound about as different as two people could, to me!

It is certainly intriguing that 'Harvey' should have invited 'Henry' along for the recording, in view of what you have suggested about them being the same person.

On the other hand, it could be exactly what it claims: a video of Harvey trading while Henry, his friend, watches.

What would Sherlock Holmes say?

I am not sure that Harvey Walsh is the same person as Henry but Henry certainly seems to be an on-line business man preying on vulnerable people. I am not sure that he is doing anything illegal but not the way that I would like to do business.

Well done for putting the pieces together.
Hello Axis,

The latest video of Harvey's was, or was claimed to have been, recorded in a cafe with some friends. One friend he talks to, and who replies at some length, during the first part of this video, is said to be Henry Doyle.

They sound about as different as two people could, to me!

It is certainly intriguing that 'Harvey' should have invited 'Henry' along for the recording, in view of what you have suggested about them being the same person.

On the other hand, it could be exactly what it claims: a video of Harvey trading while Henry, his friend, watches.

What would Sherlock Holmes say?


Sherlock Holmes? ...yes.. why not?

"You see, but you do not observe. The distinction is clear."
"The little things are infinitely the most important."
“Any truth is better than indefinite doubt.”
"I am not the law, but I represent justice so far as my feeble powers go."
“When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.”

That's weird! Holmes was created by Arthur Conan Doyle.... maybe Henry is related, explaining why he's marvellously talented in creating imaginary characters himself, hahahaha!

Look, I have kept Walsh aka Doyle in my sights for months and since last week, when he was approached by someone other than me, about his "personality disorder" and this blog was published, Henry aka Harvey put that "Live Gay Trading With Harvey Walsh (& friends!)" video up to save his little bull****ting business from going down the crapper. He never traded with "friends" before, but me and more enlightened people, willing to see the truth and on to him, he suddenly called his "mates" to do a live trading session in a freaking pub?!?!?!? ..what are the odds on that? One to a million, billion or a freaking gazillion?

Another weird thing. Of all places in the world, he chooses a local booze hole to do a LIVE TRADING SESSION, where you can barely hear him??? He pretends to have about 4 or 5 mates with him, so why not at his home? Does Miss's Walsh protest against Harvey having some mates over? Or is the tree house of this trading Tarzan too small or to bloody shabby to have his friends over? If you listen to the background noise, one would say that it's quite busy.. could you trade in such conditions where you get easily distracted and need to shout to be heard, over that feasting group of people in the background? Would you wanna trade in such conditions or would you suggest a more suitable location, so you could learn the trading tricks Harvey Walsh is pretending to have.

He made a total of 26 video's with the same scenario every single time. He shows the date and time, which says nothing since a 4 year old could change that, to "prove" he's telling or showing you some sort of "truth". He then trades 4 or 5 shocks for just some couple hours. Shows his P/L, never draining more that a couple of bucks or so.. "kick in the teeth", yadda yadda.. "end of the day", "well, that's it, see you next time" and more such "catchy one liners"!

Now video 27, never mentioning he had done coaching, he now suddenly had done such activities. His location, usually a tranquil and serene trading atmosphere, is now a very noisy location, representing a restaurant. He then says "You can probably hear we're sitting in a hotel lobby or café" (or something of that order).. Why not say "We are sitting in a café" or "We're sitting in a hotel lobby". Harvey clearly has difficulty to determine where he is. Is Harvey blind as a doorknob? A "Stevie Wonder" of day traders? The truth is probably that he's not sure which track of the "Sound Effect for Movies and Cartoons" CD he's playing. Okay, playing the Hotel lobby! ...ah damn, track 4 ...the busy Café!

Then mate and "coaching-days" student Henry comes in and starts blabbering about TSim, but Harvey, an avid user and promoter of TSim+ and Super Ace trader, finds this to be technical gibberish and cuts him off. Phew, luckily for us, Harvey saves us from boring little Henry.. But if you really listen to it with headphones, you'll notice that the conversation of Walsh and Doyle are separately recorded. He needed to keep Henry's conversation as short as possible, because creating complicated, realistic sounding conversations are more difficult and need more time to accomplish. Keeping it simple still had a major impact on the time it took him to cut, edit and publish this video. It took him more than 3 hours to post video #27 opposed to much shorter time with all the other 26 vids.

He's exactly doing what I had expected him to do. Because to convince the masses, he has to go to extreme lengths to keep the lie going. This means his vids need more and more props and gadgets and thus he's gonna need help from others. I bet you, he's loosing sleep over this right now, because more people knowing the truth behind the lie, is bound to come out sooner or later. The bigger the lie, the more difficult it is to maintain. Especially, when people want a peace of the pie and don't get the peace they think they deserve. Knowing the lie gives them the power to unveil it at the expense of the one that wants to keep it going against any expense. This is why time is on our side since honesty will last the longest. He's going down, but doesn't or wants to realizes it yet... just as his victims don't seem to realize or even want to realize, they have been scammed.

Why he's using a fictive character is beyond me. I have thought about it for quite some time. Henry is already known for his TSim program. People on this forum know him. Like us, he's interested in trading and having knowledge about it and being appreciated by many, would be nice, wouldn't it? So why, why, why is Harvey Walsh the successful day trader and not Henry himself? Because they are two different persons? Could be, but then why is there no picture on his books like any other author, longing for some recognition of his peers. Why not on his website. Why not in his videos. Henry aka Harvey also longs for recognition. Why would he otherwise posts his vids? Maybe you can enlighten me on this question?

I will end by adding something to the first quote of Holmes.. you also hear, but you do not listen, my dear Watson!

Tada.. 🙂