Harvey Walsh- Daytradingfreedom

First hour trading.

Here you go. First hour trading.

YouTube - Use the Stock Market as Your Own ATM Machine - trading

Do you have a day trading account with realtime charts?

If you do then sign up for the 30 day free trail, just watch what happens to the prices when you are given live entry and exits from Manny Backus. I do not recommend you play them for real. I think Manny is just a one person from a big instiutional bank with a limit of 250 members, I think you wouldn't have a chance to get a fill close to the price Manny was giving, same goes for the exits.

I don't have realtime charts for Nasdac so I need you, do tell!

Please keep us up to date!
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Take a look at this!

This is an answer to a question how do I place an order, from
First hour trading! FAQ. It looks like they place an order before you know the entry point.

To ensure that your order is filled, you should set a limit order within 5-10 cents of the suggested entry price. If the stock has moved against us during the time in which you place your limit order, your fill will be more favorable than ours. If the stock moves in our direction by a few cents, then your order will still contain some slippage. Therefore, there will be times in which you will lock-in better fills than us, and visa versa. Overall, the slippage should average out.

Yes, a very good way to make heaps of money for themselves knowing that you will follow their call.
the harvey thing!!

Thanks for the clip.

However, my opinion about Harvey is as it is. The information I found is proof of Mr. Walsh's questionable past and his way of doing business. Numerology, Astrology, Tarot and that kind of crap is known to be the ultimate trades of the swindler and has been for thousands of years. He's a con-man.. or confidence man. He tries to win your confidence by showing his clips on YouTube. Shock and Awe.. After getting your trust, he will start selling his course for a whopping $150 to $175. I have not bought the course myself, because as soon as I registered I was bombarded by loads of SPAM about all kinds of affiliates, which made me kind of suspicious.

If I look at the comments on YouTube, I am almost tempted to become the next Harvey Walsh myself. The world is loaded with morons, believing what Mr. Walsh is showing, is real. People tend to believe that making $1,000 a day, like Harvey says he does, amounts to a thousand dollars EVERY DAY.. which means a salary of two to three hundred thousand dollars annually. If however you ask a simple question to show his monthly or annual results, he brushes you off by saying that is NOT IMPORTANT. (yeah right)

He only shows his day results and that's it. If I was making hits like Harvey is doing, I would certainly show my monthly or annual results. It would prove without any doubt, my course works. Resulting in selling more courses and becoming the European "Jim Cramer".

btw. Jim Cramer is just as full of **** as Harvey, because he looses on his investments. But what does he care. Losing 1 million on stocks while taking a 20 million dollar profit on his subscriptions last year, is fine indeed! Most memorable advice of Cramer was to NOT sell your stake in Bear Streans a day before it crashed to about $2. Nice going, Jim!

Anyway, my tip to the people is not to buy the course Walsh is trying to sell to you. Take the money and buy some good books. T2W offers a lot in their store or just do some searches on Amazon. All best selling titles have a rating and comments of readers, and have a multitude of information on indicators, strategies, money management, risks etc. Just to give you an example. A couple of days ago I bought "The Master Swing Trader", "Mastering the Trade", "High Probability Trading", "Trade your way to Financial Freedom" and 3 more. for only €120. I betchya I will be a real Guru once I'm done reading them.. or at least know more about it then swindler Harvey Walsh with his "get rich real quick" crap!

ps. But wait, since I am the "Axis of Evil", maybe I'll make Harvey my mini-me, because selling a million of these bull-courses amount to a whopping 150 to 175 million dollars?!?!?

You mentioned about voice changing software with reagrd to hw
I was listening to his voice and sounded very much like it had been tampered with!
Where did you get the gen on hw's past im impressed ,when he reads that alone he be wondering who's talking or maybe not.IB staff dnt seem to know much about tsim+ which as youve also found iut is henry doyle or aka hw.
is there anything that can be done at present re this D***head trading or must we watch more lambs to the slaughter!!
You mentioned about voice changing software with reagrd to hw
I was listening to his voice and sounded very much like it had been tampered with!
Where did you get the gen on hw's past im impressed ,when he reads that alone he be wondering who's talking or maybe not.IB staff dnt seem to know much about tsim+ which as youve also found iut is henry doyle or aka hw.
is there anything that can be done at present re this D***head trading or must we watch more lambs to the slaughter!!

The one thing I totally don't have any doubt about is that weird sounding Barry White type of voice. Also his pronunciations of "profit", "at the end of the day" and more of such words are exactly as all the other alter-ego's Mr. Walsh is producing with his schizophrenic mind. That's just shows you what money can do to the human mind! 😕

I also simply do not understand why Harvey Walsh is pitching that TSim+ application. Maybe the program is alright, maybe it's not. But since Harvey Walsh works with IB for his orders and shows his "guru-ness" with eSignal, I keep wondering why he want us to get hooked on TSim+. I got myself an IB account and got a virtual account with it to do some simulated trading. Placing an order couldn't be more simple with IB and most day trading folk either use eSignal or TradeStation to get their charts, but use the IB application for their orders. IB is cheap and simple. Other folk use the free application called QuoteTracker as a "poor man's" chart solution beside an IB account. I personally would like TradeStation.. or eSignal.. or both, but use QT for now... I'm still a poor man! :cheesy:

There are simply too many "why this" and "why that" with Harvey, making him a untrusted entity which should be avoided at any time and cost. If others believe him, that's their mistake. If there's money involved, you simply need to watch your step otherwise you'll get robbed. Just like the ol' gold prospectors in the 1800 protected their patch of land with Winchester rifles and Peacemaker pistols, nowadays people need to protect their capital just as fierce, but with their wits. Preservation of capital is paramount!

Our world is a capitalistic society where everybody is free to do whatever we like, just as long as you do not cross the boundaries of our "democratic" laws and regulation. Mr. Walsh is within these boundaries and does NOT break any law or regulation. He sells a book and pitches it's content by putting clips on YouTube referring to a website. He's like an average record company, showing video's of rappers and hot naked chicks on MTV. Both are fantasies and full of crap, but they're are still in the boundaries of the law.

Everybody can set up a business like Walsh. Just as long as you really do what you say you will do after people pay you. Since he sends any paying moron, a book(let) about his guru-like trading abilities, he simply complies and hereby obeys the law. If he did not send the book, he would be liable and suable by any who did not get the product promised by Mr. Walsh. He knows this to be true and thus he is not a criminal. This leaves little room for our justice system to stop such activity, which is why there are a gazillion others on the net like Harvey Walsh, "scamming" people for their money.

If we would change our laws to get rid of this kind of scams, we would definitely change the world forever. No more angry rappers and naked hot chicks or Rambo-type movies. We would end up in a world where even religion is not allowed any more to pitch their holy book filled with fairy tale stories (my personal opinion and not meant to offend) like the booklet of Walsh's. On the other hand, we would also get rid of religious sects like the Scientology Church... hmm, wouldn't that be something?

Also, it is very hard to decide what's a scam and what's not. Is a bad movie a scam? A peace of crap car? Stocks plummeting after quarterly results? Biblical promises of heaven or hell? As I see fit, Harvey sells something you would probably get just as well for half of the money he wants for his book. Probably even a lot less then that. If you buy it, you'll be just as well off by flushing it down the toilet. Investing and trading profitably is like flying a commercial jet. You need years of studying and training. By Harvey's standards, looking at a picture of a Spitfire should be sufficient to get you strapped in a Airbus 380 and fly off to distant holiday locations. Will Harvey's approach get you flying any time soon? NO! Will you be profitably? NO! NEIN! NEE! NON! NJET! Thus, his book is crap and qualifies to be called a "SCAM".

ps. I'm not out to offend any believers of the "good book" or any ol' religion. Freedom of religion.. well, that's just fine by our democratic values, but thankfully it comes second to the Freedom of speech! :smart:
All this can be resolved quite easily by offering a money back guarantee. That way if you bought something you don' like and you get your money back what else do you want ? Of course this offer is a bit more difficult with the promises made by some religions as it is a bit late to be wanting money back if, after death, the product is not as described.

this offer is a bit more difficult with the promises made by some religions as it is a bit late to be wanting money back if, after death, the product is not as described.

All this can be resolved quite easily by offering a money back guarantee. That way if you bought something you don' like and you get your money back what else do you want ? Of course this offer is a bit more difficult with the promises made by some religions as it is a bit late to be wanting money back if, after death, the product is not as described.


Brilliantly funny, but most important of all, totally true! 😆

Still, I think a "money back guarantee" is kind of a.. how should I put it.. a "leap of faith". :cheesy:

Walsh also offers his "Harvey's Cast Iron Guarantee", stating that if you use his course and do not make at least ten times the cost of his course, he will refund you the entire purchase price, no questions asked!

What are we supposed to do with that? Since the cost of his course is about 175 euro and thus, I'll have to make at least 1.750 euro. But again I'm stuck with questions. Like "What time period is he talking about, 1 month, 1 year.. or till kingdom comes?". It's also not clear what kind of money Mr. Walsh is talking about. I mean, If you start out with half a million, 1.750 euro is all with a days work.. or even less! Maybe a lot less if you know what you're doing. But starting with a grand? Then you'll need an return of 175% within the next.. whatever period this guarantee is valid.

In my opinion these "money back guarantee"-offers are generally used to win trust and give potential customers the confidence of buying something worthwhile. Sadly product sold with such guarantee's are mostly crap. If you buy a Bentley, you get a guarantee on repairs with a year.. but getting your money back after a day? You can totally forget about that! No chance what so ever.

Then again, a business giving guarantees is nice, but they also tend to go bust making your guarantee worthless. I once heard a story about a company making kitchens. They guaranteed a your money back after a 10 year period. People got crazy, thinking they would get their purchase price back after 10 years if they complied to a simple rule. They only had to hold on to the original receipt of the purchase of the kitchen. The company sold like crazy and never had such success in it's 25 years. But the company got some problems 4 years later. Within a year later, the company went belly up. People realized they bought a fine kitchen, but also that they could have had the same for less money at the competitors not offering such "fantastic" guarantees. Some folks even got way over budget, thinking the money would eventually return after 10 years. Loads of folks felt swindled and tried to sue the company, but lost the case because the company was doing business between the boundaries of the law. The court ruled that people should have known and counted on the fact that businesses go bankrupt everyday.

This just shows you, do NOT trust stories that are simply too good to be true. Even if they are coming from a renowned business.

What would you recommend in place of HW`s course?

I simply do not have any recommendations on that. Any "get rich quick" like Walsh's will produce same results. Getting rich quickly goes hand in hand with risking it all. Most people think investing is about winning.. making money! But that's just a little peace of the puzzle. Always keeps this line in mind: risk equals return.

If you want to make a million in a year, start selling cocaine and murder all your competitors. The risk on that "get rich quick" method is premature death or life imprisonment. Another is going to the casino and betting it all on black at the roulette. Double or nothing after 30 seconds flat. As you can see, the risk you are willing to take equals the return that your "GRQ"-plan potentially holds.

My advice is simple. Get your hands dirty and simply start investing. Start trading.. read this website and forum. Read blogs and many other websites. Read books. Study charts and read, read, read. Knowledge is power. Experience the pain of a "bear trap". Have a sleepless night about rate cuts, quarterly result season or a fraudulent French trader. Enjoy your success that you did or did not expected. Study your success. But always do this within the limits of capital you can and "want" to lose. Having a couple of thousand, a couple of hundred should well be enough to show if you know what your doing or not. If you can't hack it with a small amount, you never hack it with a large amount. Do not get impatient, take your time. Wait until you think and feel it's on.. and go for it. The market is here today and will be there tomorrow just the same. Losing is a fact of life, so deal with it. Like the winners, learn from the losers as well. After a couple months or years, you realize that it is a quest of "know thyself is to enrich thyself".

Damn.. Guru! 😉
BTW.. looking at Walsh's website I saw this snippet of a "customer".

"Harvey Walsh seems to have come up with a winner. His proposed trading method and setups are not the run-of-the-mill stuff found in so many other books, and from my personal experience so far, are very definitely profitable. Earning back the price of the manual was simple enough even trading very small size.

Walsh’s chatty writing style makes it a breeze to read. I can’t help but recommend Day Trading Freedom “

Henry Eldridge-Doyle
Author of the popular TSim trading applications

Henry Doyle? So Harvey or whatever his name is, writes his own customer feedback to himself! Slam dunk, SCAMMER! Case closed! 😆
Paul, did you read my previous post ? Harvey Walsh is also known as James Steem and Henry Doyle. I've got the clips to prove it. Well, Harvey Walsh never shows his face in his video's, but as previously stated by me, he changed his voice with some kind of device or software. Maybe we're talking about different persons. Maybe not. If he's the programmer you talking about, then maybe this TSim+ application is not a scam, but I'm not risking it. If you say you used it and liked it, I could think you're honest and upfront with me. I could also think you're a friend of Henry Doyle and protect him, because you don't expect a friend to do such devious deeds. Maybe you get some kind of financial benefit of Walsh's endeavors. Maybe you're Henry and try to save your questionable business.

Anyway, I don't have knowledge on your position in this matter and can't get any other then by taking your word for it. Anyone is entitled to their opinion as he/she sees fit and such is mine as well. But, at least I can prove a dude calls himself James Steem in a video when it comes to numerology. Then the same dude calls himself Henry Doyle in another video about trading stocks in "The Trade Show". And when tinkering with the voice of Harvey Walsh, the same voice reveals itself sounding exactly as Doyle's or Steem's!

You say to know him by loads of post on this Forum, but how well do you know this Henry Doyle? How sure are you that he wasn't "Jabba the Hut"? Nothing is certain on the Internet, besides the fact it exists!
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Nothing personal intended, but I do not have any doubts about the intentions of the course supplied by Harvey Walsh and what the result will be applying his "knowledge". Hanging around on a forum since 2003 and having posted 4,612 messages and counting, doesn't say much either. At least not enough to trust you with my money or any other person or entity, you claim to know or more people you claim to know, to know Henry Doyle. And "at the end of the day", that's what's this thread about, doesn't it? Do you trust Harvey Walsh to be the one that has the knowledge and thus buying his course?

Another question comes to mind: Where is Henry Doyle? Why doesn't he post any more on this forum?

It would probably be better to start a thread about Mr. Doyle, but I do not see the need to start it. In my view, Henry Doyle, which is probably his real name, sometimes calls himself James Steem or Harvey Walsh. You stated he's living in France, which I already knew and with that information, I can confirm, we're talking about the same person. I guess programming TSim wasn't very profitable, making him get into the GRQ business.

Not seeing the evidence as indisputable disturbs me. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but James Steem and Henry Doyle? Same face, haircut and voice not being evidence of multiple persona's? The link to Walsh is not that obvious, but take it from me. I fiddled with the voice and pitched it up.. no doubt in my mind it's the same voice and same person. If you deny the evidence about Steem and Doyle being the same, which would be madness in my humble views, well.. there's no need to go on then. Your right! 😆

"Where there's smoke, there's fire" is in this case, for me, decisive. Why would Henry Doyle stops at James Steem?

How can TSim be a SCAM? Dude, ever heard of malware, trojans and virusses being disguise as trustworthy programs or tools. Identity theft is raging. The angel that I am, I still can think of multiple ways to benefit from having login credentials of an IB account.

Before I forget this peace of information with the readers of this thread. Try to find out to whom the domains belong:

I already tried it and concluded the following: Most are all registered through Enom. Others through Godaddy. All domains are protected by WhoisGuard. This service prohibits you to see who is the owner and thus who's behind these domains. Domains can be acquired official documents like a passport. Why would some one use such a service? It could be multiple reasons, but usually it's to hide the true identity behind a website. Mostly Phishers, child porn vendors and such scum use these kind of services, as do most scammers. And so it's true In this case because these domains are all registered and owned by the same person, Henry Doyle. He simply tries to cover his tracks, which could disclose his treacherous SCAMMING business!

Well, I'm not the one lost for words but I also do not see the point in always having the last word. It's costing me too much time as it is. My evidence is proof that Day Trading Freedom run by Harvey Walsh aka James Steem aka Henry Doyle (real name) is not to be trusted.
Hanging around on a forum since 2003 and having posted 4,612 messages and counting, doesn't say much either
Having joined 2 months ago and posted 8 times says even less
At least not enough to trust you with my money or any other person or entity,
What on Earth are you talking about ? I have said nothing about trusting HW or suggested giving money to him or that it is OK to do anything. All I have said is that I don’t think HW and HD are the same person and that is it.
Do you trust Harvey Walsh to be the one that has the knowledge and thus buying his course?
No I wouldn’t but this has nothing to do with what I said and it is you who are making associations that don’t exist such as accusing me of getting commission.

Another question comes to mind: Where is Henry Doyle? Why doesn't he post any more on this forum?
I have no idea but then I would estimate that around 80% of people who regularly posted at that time also don’t post anymore so it is not unusual

I guess programming TSim wasn't very profitable.
Well how can it be profitable if it is free ?

Not seeing the evidence as indisputable disturbs me.
You must be joking, are you a private investigator or something ? You have gone to extreme lengths taking recordings and adjusting sound settings to try and prove something and then claim that this is indisputable evidence.
…..but take it from me.
You said that with 4612 posts and 5 years of membership means nothing so with 8 posts and 2 months of membership I wont take your word for it either.

"Where there's smoke, there's fire"
I agree that it is very possible that HW is a scammer I just don’t think that HW is HD as I said before. I may be proved wrong but it wont be by voice changing software that I am convinced.

How can TSim be a SCAM? Dude, ever heard of malware, trojans and virusses being disguise as trustworthy programs or tools. Identity theft is raging. The angel that I am, I still can think of multiple ways to benefit from having login credentials of an IB account.
Tsim works through the IB API as do many programs including Excel but there is no way that login details can be attained through the API unless it is specifically requested from the application being used which with Tsim it isn’t

Before I forget this peace of information with the readers of this thread. Try to find out to whom the domains belong:
As I have already stated it is more than possible that HW is scamming but that does not change my view that he is not HD and until other non machine manipulated evidence suggests otherwise I am unlikely to change my view.

Dude.. lighten up. I respect you and I am not out to get you all emotinal. 5 years and thousands of posts.. fine, great, wow... r.e.s.p.e.c.t.!

I just saying whatever you say could well be a lie even if you have 50 years and a million posts on this forum. By you pointing out your astonishing forum work, you see yourself as legit and we, the noobs should believe whatever you say? Should anyone believe my word for it? NO! It's not about you having more then me. It's about what's true and what's not. The things I found are questionable and this is why I posted it. If I didn't have such findings, I would never started to reply to this thread.. but I did have these findings and thus replied. I numerously tried to have a chat with Harvey, but he refuses to answer, which ticked me off and when I found this thread on this forum, I registered to do my story. I think people need to know this about Walsh.

You say there's nothing wrong with TSim+, which could be true and probably is. I need to test it myself, but why should I? I found out that the developer's background is questionable. Why would I risk my systems integrity with a product, fabricated by a guy I do not trust. He is known on this forum and even may have friends here. Maybe he also had 5 years and ten thousand+ post, but that still doesn't change for me personally how I look at this character, supported by the evidence i have!

I'm just telling people to be very careful. Before you know it, it's too little too late and you'll end in problems.. like having a crappy book with DVD. You seem to defend the application, marketed by Harvey? Not clear, but fine. Then again, why does Harvey pitches a product every chance he gets made by Henry Doyle. Why is Henry Doyle a very satisfied customer of Harvey's abilities and why in the hell do you even care if I warn people of whatever is pitched by Harvey Walsh. Never mind. I'm done with it. I did my part. Let the people do whatever they wanna do. I'm not the or want to be savior of the cattle that buy into the stories of the butcher.

Good luck..

btw. This thread is about Day trading freedom, not TSim+. If you wanna praise this app, open a thread and do your stuff.
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This is your quote from post # 26:
I also simply do not understand why Harvey Walsh is pitching that TSim+ application.

You asked about TSim not me and all I did was comment on the possible reason why HW may have been promoting it. Either way I am done with this.
