All this can be resolved quite easily by offering a money back guarantee. That way if you bought something you don' like and you get your money back what else do you want ? Of course this offer is a bit more difficult with the promises made by some religions as it is a bit late to be wanting money back if, after death, the product is not as described.
Brilliantly funny, but most important of all, totally true!
Still, I think a "money back guarantee" is kind of a.. how should I put it.. a "leap of faith". :cheesy:
Walsh also offers his "Harvey's Cast Iron Guarantee", stating that if you use his course and do not make at least
ten times the cost of his course, he will refund you the entire purchase price, no questions asked!
What are we supposed to do with that? Since the cost of his course is about 175 euro and thus, I'll have to make at least 1.750 euro. But again I'm stuck with questions. Like "What time period is he talking about, 1 month, 1 year.. or till kingdom comes?". It's also not clear what kind of money Mr. Walsh is talking about. I mean, If you start out with half a million, 1.750 euro is all with a days work.. or even less! Maybe a lot less if you know what you're doing. But starting with a grand? Then you'll need an return of 175% within the next.. whatever period this guarantee is valid.
In my opinion these "money back guarantee"-offers are generally used to win trust and give potential customers the confidence of buying something worthwhile. Sadly product sold with such guarantee's are mostly crap. If you buy a Bentley, you get a guarantee on repairs with a year.. but getting your money back after a day? You can totally forget about that! No chance what so ever.
Then again, a business giving guarantees is nice, but they also tend to go bust making your guarantee worthless. I once heard a story about a company making kitchens. They guaranteed a your money back after a 10 year period. People got crazy, thinking they would get their purchase price back after 10 years if they complied to a simple rule. They only had to hold on to the original receipt of the purchase of the kitchen. The company sold like crazy and never had such success in it's 25 years. But the company got some problems 4 years later. Within a year later, the company went belly up. People realized they bought a fine kitchen, but also that they could have had the same for less money at the competitors not offering such "fantastic" guarantees. Some folks even got way over budget, thinking the money would eventually return after 10 years. Loads of folks felt swindled and tried to sue the company, but lost the case because the company was doing business between the boundaries of the law. The court ruled that people should have known and counted on the fact that businesses go bankrupt everyday.
This just shows you, do NOT trust stories that are simply too good to be true. Even if they are coming from a renowned business.
What would you recommend in place of HW`s course?
I simply do not have any recommendations on that. Any "get rich quick" like Walsh's will produce same results. Getting rich quickly goes hand in hand with risking it all. Most people think investing is about winning.. making money! But that's just a little peace of the puzzle. Always keeps this line in mind: risk equals return.
If you want to make a million in a year, start selling cocaine and murder all your competitors. The risk on that "get rich quick" method is premature death or life imprisonment. Another is going to the casino and betting it all on black at the roulette. Double or nothing after 30 seconds flat. As you can see, the risk you are willing to take equals the return that your "GRQ"-plan potentially holds.
My advice is simple. Get your hands dirty and simply start investing. Start trading.. read this website and forum. Read blogs and many other websites. Read books. Study charts and read, read, read. Knowledge is power. Experience the pain of a "bear trap". Have a sleepless night about rate cuts, quarterly result season or a fraudulent French trader. Enjoy your success that you did or did not expected. Study your success. But always do this within the limits of capital you can and "want" to lose. Having a couple of thousand, a couple of hundred should well be enough to show if you know what your doing or not. If you can't hack it with a small amount, you never hack it with a large amount. Do not get impatient, take your time. Wait until you think and feel it's on.. and go for it. The market is here today and will be there tomorrow just the same. Losing is a fact of life, so deal with it. Like the winners, learn from the losers as well. After a couple months or years, you realize that it is a quest of "know thyself is to enrich thyself".
Damn.. Guru!