GTEX Global

Hi Traderman, Sorry to sound harsh, but obviously I am not prepared to disclose that information on a public forum. As you will be aware, many traders in the City operate under an anonymous policy. I am not saying that the head trader at GTEX does this, but equally I do not believe it to be my role to disclose such information here.


Why would you NOT disclose who the Head Trainer/Trader is for GTEX Global ?
You have said twice that the company is legit. The position is of critical importance for anyone wanting to deal with this company. You would want to make sure that the Head Trader did not have a dubious past history.

And having traded in the City for a number of years, I have never heard of any such anonymity policy.

If the company is legit, then there is absolutely NO reason to attempt to hide his identity.

Please accept my apologies. I merely wish not to get involved in any identity disclosure issues. What I would say for anyone wanting to know who the head trader is, just ring up GTEX Global or pop into their offices and find out for yourself. If the company is legit as I think it is, then they will have no problem telling you this information.

p.s. About the anonymity issue, maybe different firms have different policies, but from an outsiders viewpoint often identities are not disclosed. It is a whole different ball game when you are a trader yourself as like you say, people know each other.

p.p.s. If in doubt go check them out.
Something is not right here. So this absolutely amazing trader has left what i would imagine a well paid job to come and mentor morons on the difference between a bid and ask. If there is nothing to worry about why dont gtex mention his name, so people can do a background check on him or is there something they are trying to hide. The other point is maybe he got canned from a previous job or was sh1t and hence doesnt want the market to know where he is now incase he gets found out, and is in a position where he is mentoring traders on how to do it wrongly!
Something is not right here. So this absolutely amazing trader has left what i would imagine a well paid job to come and mentor morons on the difference between a bid and ask. If there is nothing to worry about why dont gtex mention his name, so people can do a background check on him or is there something they are trying to hide. The other point is maybe he got canned from a previous job or was sh1t and hence doesnt want the market to know where he is now incase he gets found out, and is in a position where he is mentoring traders on how to do it wrongly!

Or, maybe, he was not even a trader for a hedge fund. Maybe he was the admin assistant or even the cleaner.
Maybe. Thats the logical reason as to why they are not mentioning his name as the truth will come out. Anyone can act like a trader with 6 screens in front of them when these fee paying suckers come into the office. Some of the people may not have seen a trading desk before hence would be an easy sell. Gtex, by not revealing his name, you are hiding something which is not fair. In my line of work which is as a full time journalist, i am very quick to find firms which are not legit/scams, and to be honest, making these kind of blunders puts your firm in the spot light.
Tyranttrader. I would like to take a little time to address a few issues you have brought to the table. It seems clearly that no-one from gtex is going to speak up on here because the comments you make a rather silly and not thought out.

You ask why someone who is a perfectly good trader would leave his job to teach as you put it 'morons'. As you seem to be unable to think about possible reasons yourself, even though you state to be a journalist, then I have brought a few to your attention:
1. Maybe he was bored at doing the same thing - he wanted a new challenge, different change of scene. mid life crisis, call it what you may it is a desire for a change or a challenge.
2. Maybe he was unfortunately made redundant during the financial crash. When you know this or know many highly successful traders were let go during the crash and in its aftermath purely because the company's strategy had altered and had nothing to do with the trader himself.
3. Whether you are aware or not, many trading jobs in the city have been cut and there are more and more prop shops opening up. Has it ever cropped into your mind that GTEX may actually be a great opportunity for someone to get into a prop shop. Or maybe you have misunderstood it to be just a teaching school. Why not call and ask this? Ask what they want to do with the people who join. Are they for the long term. My personal thinking is that they are looking for people who are so interested in the markets and determine to succeed that they will be prepared to pay a sum of money (which compared to other trading schools is more than reasonable) and by paying that money they are demonstrating their determination. You may disagree but so many people join these trading schools and have no clue or anything. They are the ones you should watch out for. Trading is not for everyone and whether you agree or not and (whether it works or not) the paying factor does only attract people who genuinely want to invest in their future. If I am right and GTEX does have the goal of becoming the next big prop house, anyone who jumps on this ship now whilst it is setting off is much more likely to make it. This is how about prop firms start and then when people see they are a success it becomes impossible to get in because there is so much competition. Every firm starting out deserves a chance so please do not post negative comments.

If you are a full time journalist as you say, would the logical thing to do not be to phone up GTEX direct and ask to speak with the head trader, or at least find out about the company more. If you live/work nearby why don't you drop in to see what they do. At least then people who read this forum can know more truthfully whether your opinions are substantiated by any element of fact rather than assumptions. After all, shouldn't journalist write about the facts!
Thank you very much for this reply. For someone who does not have any connection, you seem to have a lot of time on your hand to write all this. Sounds to me like you are the mentor, in which case you should really be mentoring and not worrying about wasting your time doing this. The markets are moving so shouldnt you help your traders. Ecen if you arent a mentor, i find it hard to believe you would waste so much time. Feels a bit like big dog when he never said he is connected than came out and said he is. May even be the same person.

I have called gtex and foubd they were trying to push me into a sale, hence before i come in, wanted to know who the mentor is so i can fo some checks before i do. Again now names were disclosed over the phone. As i say, anyone can look like a trader with multiple screens but the proof is in the pudding hence background checks are important. I must say i am not 100pc about this firm as from these threads, it seems like there are too many lies. They say these kind of firms do not make money, so by charging less than rivals to me must mean there is no way the firm is making money unless they are keeping the money and not reinvesting it in the training of the students which is vey important.

I am waiting for liontrades to come out and respond as that just proves my point that they are connected. All i am asking for is some transparancy from you guys, not to just push people into buying something they know nothing about.
Tyranttrader. I am certainly not the mentor at GTEX. I am the head trainer for a business called liontrades who teaches courses and mentors beginners. I am in no way whatsoever part of GTEX. I do not feel like I am wasting time because I know the beginners market too well and know that they believe anything they are told. I find it upsetting you seek to discredit a company which you have no hard facts to discredit them with.

Again your posts lack facts. If you really did call the firm then who did you speak to and what did they say. I would advise any newie reading this to phone GTEX yourself to make your own decisions. I do not understand why you keep hating on GTEX Tyranttrader. Maybe you yourself were rejected by GTEX hence why you hold a grudge.

You are certainly not a journalist as you failed to address some key points in my last post. You keep asking for this transparency yet you still will not take the time to visit their offices and see the scene. You keep going on about pushing people into buying yet you fail to see that GTEX is not pushing people into buying but rather giving them a chance to (if my theory is right) become part of a future prop shop.

It would also be advised to stop slandering the company unless you do have hard facts, a similar slander situation took place on here before (albeit with a company I genuinely believe was highly disreputable) and the company took legal proceedings for defamation. Please stop being a hater and give the newbies a truthful perspective.

To address why I have time to be writing this, I trade in the day on 15/30 min timeframes. I mentor and teach in the evenings and weekends. If you are a trader with a bit of knowledge you will understand that that means I am practically sitting around for most of the time just waiting for the next candle. That is how I have time.

I am very familiar with the industry and how it operates. Here are some tips for how to tell good trading schools/prop houses from bad ones. (Any experienced traders on here please feel free to add to this list so we can help the newbies).

1. Are they charging you for just the learning materials or is the training carried through to profitable strategies and then consideration of grey boxing it if appropriate?
2. Check out the company. Who are they using for their feed?
3. Do they have bloomberg. THEY SHOULD!
4. Are they making up a qualification that does not exist but pretending you will be qualified and recognised in the industry?
5. What is their profit sharing scheme like. It should be at least 50/50 otherwise you know they do know retain or plan on retaining you. That 50/50 should then soon change to at least 60/40 and continue to go up and up in your favour as you get better and better. Beware if this is not the case.
6. What sort of stop losses are allowed. Too much of a mechanical approach is not going to work long term. Ask them about this. If their stop is always 10 pips for example, question the strategies they are using and probe deeper.
7. Find out the firm's future plans. Who are they? Are they a prop house or a training school. This can be hard to tell but if they are genuine they will come clean. The former will look to invest in you long term.
8. How is you account funded? Are they providing initial funds? They should. How much are they giving? When will this be increased? How is exceptional performance rewarded?
9. Who are the members of the trading team? do not judge them on their background. Judge them on their trading. You will soon see if they can trade or not.
10. Ask to talk with some of the current students. They are the most accurate information you have. Where have their current students come from? You may find companies you thought were reputable are in fact not and that is why the students have moved from one firm to another.
11. Ask where the firm is heading in the next 5-10 years.

I hope this helps all you newbies out there trying to find some accurate information on how to find the good from the bad.
I appreciate I am new to this and as such my opinion may well be invalid, however I was offered the chance to interview with LGI and having read their website I was quite impressed. Until, of course, I went on Companies House to discover they were brand new and as such could not be, what they claimed they were on their site!!

Make of that what you will!
Toonbarmy, where did that come from. Lgi has no relevance on this site hence you have no need to mention them. As for liontrades, i think this is crap and you are affiliated with gtex, maybe you are even giving them referrals for introducing people to you as per your website. After reading your site, must say well put together, althought my nephew who is 10 could have made it look more professional, i have realised that you have no position to say anything, with the fact being you are offering the same thing as all these firms. Rubbish mentoring!

Now i have done some research as you asked me to do, and think the public should know the truth. In fact i have been to see them.

Firstly, i felt pressured to buy this by the sales person who was using all the techniques to get me to buy it. A good product does not need hard selling.
Secondly, i met the head trader, not mentioning names, but will say it begins with R. Must say, looks impressive when you first meet but after doing research and asking people in the know, was not the best trader. There is more but this is not the place to say.
They donot have bloomberg. I checked with bloomberg. They have a free trial what r is using. When the trisl expires i wonder what they use.

There is alot more but to bottom line is that gtex are not credible, and by liontrades sticking up for them, decreases the credibility of both your product and this one. Do yourself a favour and concentrate on yours rather then helping gtex or making up aliases the gun the likes of lgi down

Many thanks for your response. Again I do state I am certainly in no way connected with GTEX.

In relation to liontrades, I am sorry you think our site is unprofessional. It is true we offer nothing new at all. In fact all that is taught can be self taught but the bottom line is that being taught with guidance from traders with experience speeds up the learning process and avoids common pitfalls that beginners fall into, for example loading their screens with tonnes and tonnes of indicators and knowing what works and what does not. I must also say that my main income is solely through trading. The only reason I am involved in helping to mentor others in my spare time is because I merely wish to pass on what I have learnt as it has been a rough journey of learning that could have taken me half the time with some correct guidance. I also agree with your advice that I should now cease my posting about GTEX. I said what I thought and that is all. You are right I will focus back on my own trading.

As for GTEX, you say you have been to see them and you felt pressurised to buy, and that head trader is not the best and that they only have bloomberg trial. I honestly cannot say whether this is true or not as I do not know but you have clearly gone and found this out yourself and so on the assumption this is true, I respect you for doing that and agree with you that your findings are to be considered by newbies.

My list of things to consider in one of my previous posts still stands valid and so by what Tyranttrader has revealed, it casts doubts on GTEX meeting some of those points in the list.

Make judgements and decisions for yourselves but Tyranttrader evidently should be credited for his findings.
Had a meeting with the sales manager and met with a trader (not head trader) who I sat with for 30 mins on a demo account. This was before they moved to their new office. Still not sure what to make of it all. Quite a significant amount of money for myself, did feel like they were trying a bit too hard for my signature.

For the intermediate program you basically take an in house course, test then put on a demo account for 3 months. If you hit 10% profit for 3 months then they put you on a prop account 50/50 then it goes 60/40 based on performance, from there anything could happen was the way they pictured it for me. Im looking around for a way in to trading, my main issue with this course was that you only get a couple of days a month on the trading floor. The rest is done from home.

I would personally want alot more time with the traders, will shop around more for these courses. If anyone from Gtex reads this thread then I advise them to justify themselves as a legit company who has long term plans as a company and for its members. Would be alot more comforting for potential members as this thread pops up on google, immediately throwing doubt into the mix.

What i know about the head trader is that he came from UBS I believe. All I know. Was not available when I was there.

Anyone recommend a course which can be done while working full time?
What i know about the head trader is that he came from UBS I believe. All I know. Was not available when I was there.

What was his name? They are very evasive about who their head trader is and whether he is even still there.
Not a good sign for a new company that is high pressuring people to buy into their product
What was his name? They are very evasive about who their head trader is and whether he is even still there.
Not a good sign for a new company that is high pressuring people to buy into their product

Not sure about the name. I didnt ask
Has anyone done one of the Gtex courses? If so how was/is it? e.g training, communication out of office, account handling etc.