GREY1 P/L daily

Grey1 said:
by the way , i have not posted my P/L for some time. This is simply because i thought it no longer serves any positive purpose to post the P/L but all my trading records are with the 5 people above who are trading with me on SKPY ...

This is friday's

grey1PS:_- I have reduce my pos sizing to concentrate on the SKPY sessions hence lesser P/L ( No complain what so ever though I LOVE ITTTTTTTTTTT)
I think I'm right in saying that on Friday there were no tradeable VWAP engine signals and these profits arose solely from traditional TA, particularly strategy 3.

A question if I may Grey1, How do you set up your TWS screen to show realized P & L? I've been looking for what seems hours and canot find it!


To display realised P&L, go to Page >> Layout and in the left hand column tick P&L box. There is an Unrealized P&L box you can tick as well if you want. As I'm sure you also know you can move the fields up and down so they display on your TWS where you want.Then Apply and OK.

If the total (at the top) still does not show stay in the same window, click Display near the top left corner and tick box marked Show Total Row then Apply.
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LevII said:
I think I'm right in saying that on Friday there were no tradeable VWAP engine signals and these profits arose solely from traditional TA, particularly strategy 3.

A question if I may Grey1, How do you set up your TWS screen to show realized P & L? I've been looking for what seems hours and canot find it!


We had 2 RIMM trades from the VWAP engine and1 on KLAC if i am not mistaken . ( both RIMM trades gave us 50C run each time )

Saying that in the absence of VWAP engine signal we use strategy 3

frugi said:

To display realised P&L, go to Page >> Layout and in the left hand column tick P&L box. There is an Unrealized P&L box you can tick as well if you want. As I'm sure you also know you can move the fields up and down so they display on your TWS where you want.Then Apply and OK.

If the total (at the top) still does not show stay in the same window, click Display near the top left corner and tick box marked Show Total Row then Apply.

Further Question Please on the same subject :

How do you show (and can you) Pts + /- instead of $$$$

Thank you.
I don't think it will display P&L in points/ticks terms vegas, sorry.

But if you want a stock's movement in points not percentage click the top of the Change column to toggle between them.


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Monday is a US Bank Holiday, But MARKET IS OPEN!

Just to make everyone aware, that Monday is a US "BANK" Holiday (Columbus Day), which may mean a "less volume" Day in the Markets. Pls watch your Volume bars, and verify that they are suffiecent to trade your stock selection.

Note, the Market is Open Monday.

Link to NASDAQ Holiday Schedule (for future ref):
very difficult trading day because of heavy consoldation from word GO..

All the five members of the SKP gang is up and all had one thing to say to Mr market MUCHAS GRACIAS.

Not a losing day yet for the gang members .. I be back to trade the trend later as the market is still consolidating .


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frugi said:
I don't think it will display P&L in points/ticks terms vegas, sorry.

But if you want a stock's movement in points not percentage click the top of the Change column to toggle between them.

Thanks Frugi - -most useful.
frugi said:

To display realised P&L, go to Page >> Layout and in the left hand column tick P&L box. There is an Unrealized P&L box you can tick as well if you want. As I'm sure you also know you can move the fields up and down so they display on your TWS where you want.Then Apply and OK.

If the total (at the top) still does not show stay in the same window, click Display near the top left corner and tick box marked Show Total Row then Apply.
Thanks Frugi but Either I'm missing something or I do not have the necessary box to tick?


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Ah sorry about that LII I must be using a previous version of TWS as mine is different. Your box certainly seems to have gone walkabout. But it should be there according to the User's Guide (under Help). Mysterious.


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I am up $ 1328 ...........I was up $1800 earluer but at one stage i asked the guys if the market was OPEN to day as the consolidation was far too tight .



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Grey1's Paltalk today

Hi Grey1,

I’d like to thank you very much for taking your personal time in clarifying in more detail the “Top Down Approach” to trading the Market today in Paltalk. Your discussions on how to use O/B, O/S signals gave me a much better understanding of the Market and on how to then apply it to trading stocks.

Greatly appreciated - Thanks,
frugi said:
Ah sorry about that LII I must be using a previous version of TWS as mine is different. Your box certainly seems to have gone walkabout. But it should be there according to the User's Guide (under Help). Mysterious.
Thanks frugi, solved it with an email to IB.
Nastrader said:
Hi Grey1,

I’d like to thank you very much for taking your personal time in clarifying in more detail the “Top Down Approach” to trading the Market today in Paltalk. Your discussions on how to use O/B, O/S signals gave me a much better understanding of the Market and on how to then apply it to trading stocks.

Greatly appreciated - Thanks,

You welcome

We trades the market with the same stratgy and we all made $$$$$$.. I made $1230 and i leave the rest of the gang to say their wins if they wish .

Top down approach is pivotal for successful trading ....
LevII said:
I lost $$$$$ but I had broadband problems

you did not tell me that lol

I know Julain and ian made $$$$$$ ( fibbo was away to day )

Trader333 said:
Do you have more than one way of accessing the internet ? I have two for just this type of issue

Yes, broadband X 2 computers, 1 X laptop on dial up + mobile Phone with IB programmed @ no 1!!!!!!
Still lost a few $ but that's life.