GREY1 P/L daily

vegas said:
Evening All,

Today I managed to get the Engines up and Running..............ish !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A personal thank you to all who helped.

A couple of questions I need some guidance on please :

1. On one symbol with Darvas I had short alerts on 3 of the 4 timeframes, however, when looking at the EE there was a 'Buy' alert.

I assume that this is possible - if so, is it a common occurence ?

2. Regarding Position Sizing, I have noticed again on the Darvas across 4 timeframes, some huge Position Sizing i.e the ATR's are very low (and using just an example of 1% of capital and $30k) I have just tested with Nasdaq 100 list. Is this normal - I just picked up the standard ATR from TS ?

Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated.


EE does not give a buy signal.

The large pos size are because of the LOW ATR .. you get that on dead days lol
Don't take the LOW ATR stocks because you will have to pay too much commission to take the Trade
Grey1 said:

EE does not give a buy signal.

The large pos size are because of the LOW ATR .. you get that on dead days lol
Don't take the LOW ATR stocks because you will have to pay too much commission to take the Trade

Apologies Iraj and Paul,

Meant to say I had a short signal re Darvas on 3 out of 4 timeframes, but an 'exit short' signal on the EE.

Is this a common occurence and how do you read this - do you ignore it because as Paul says the EE is not for entries.

Thanks again.
vegas said:
Apologies Iraj and Paul,

Meant to say I had a short signal re Darvas on 3 out of 4 timeframes, but an 'exit short' signal on the EE.

Is this a common occurence and how do you read this - do you ignore it because as Paul says the EE is not for entries.

Thanks again.
Try to use the 3 time frames only like 1, 3 min and 5 min and adjust your entry after a correction on EE.. Under no cirumstances take a pos with EE at rock buttom .

WAP Trading


I spent the day with Iraj yesterday learning more about his trading style and techniques

I am glad I did, what a nice way to trade, very relaxed....

We traded live, no paper trading and despite a poor day on the market in terms of movement we scraped out a wage using very small position sizes.

I know Grey1 has limited time on his hands, so I am more than grateful for the time he gave to us so freely.

No smoke and mirrors here - just nice techniques well implemented.


A Huge Thanks from Stu & I for yesterday.
An Awesome trading day as usual, and so relaxed as the confidence in Iraj's methods rubs off on us all.
Knowing that you are in the right stock at the right time takes away any anxiety one might have, and it is easy to see why Iraj can take large positions with no worry at all.

Muchas Gracias Doc!!!!!!
Traded the afternoon only with FIBBO with $603 up .. FIBBO was also up $158.00 ..5 trading days and only one losing day . Nice one fibbo .

I asked him to go long 250 JOYG just before market closed and he did . If i lose we will have to get the damage back 2morrow. We will close the pos after the third bar if the trade goes for us and close after the first bar if it goes against us. Either way we are in win win situation as the pos size is small and i can get it back for him with 100% guarantee.

ianh said:
A Huge Thanks from Stu & I for yesterday.
An Awesome trading day as usual, and so relaxed as the confidence in Iraj's methods rubs off on us all.
Knowing that you are in the right stock at the right time takes away any anxiety one might have, and it is easy to see why Iraj can take large positions with no worry at all.

Muchas Gracias Doc!!!!!!

Trading is simple if you know how. I have demonstrated times and times LIVE,,, how to trade the market with less than 5% risk of having a losing day. I really really hope you get there soon as the rewards are awesome .


What time interval are you referring to above when you say you will exit on the 1st or 3rd bar ?

Trader333 said:

What time interval are you referring to above when you say you will exit on the 1st or 3rd bar ?

sorry , I meant to say 1 min bar.

Grey1 kicked us along side with my buddy FIBBO with $1284.28 profit. FIBBO made $ 860 and took all trades with me except one that i thought it was too risky for his capital .

ALL in ALL FIBBO IS UP OVER $2000 in 5 trading dayssssssssssssssss ( including his loss of $600 some thing ) .. He is a part time man and only can trade few days. He is learning fast and soon be a trader like myself. THIS MARKET IS NOTTTTTTTTTTT GOING TO GET ME NO MATTER WHAT



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opppppppppppssssss tradessssssss


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Very Narrow Trading Range Today - Consolidation

I have a question.

Today, Friday 9/29/06, was a very narrow range day for the Market, as of 11:27 am (ET), 2 hours after open. The Index's have the following changes from today's open:
DOW (INDU), % Change from Open = - 0.09%, Today's Range = 38.5 pts so far
Nasdaq, % Change from Open = - 0.24, Today's Range = 11.07 pts.

(Added) Also, I do use Sector % from Open to help me get a feel for intraday Market Momentum, where anything less than + / - 1.0% means consolidation. Today, only GHA was > 1% due to RIMM in the GHA (+ 2.69% Sector strength), with RIMM up + 16.13% from Open – Blow out earnings, Gap Play, 1 Min ATR – 0.44, @ 10 AM (ET). I also use the NASDAQ Intraday Range as a telltale sign of momentum, which is still at 11.07 pts from open (as of 12:15 pm ET).

In clarification, today I would call it a consolidation day, which means that under these conditions, it’s not a time/day to trade. But what is the recommended “minimum Open % to trade, utilizing Gray1’s strategies?

My purpose here is to eliminate false triggers, since there is no strength in this Market to trade. I've listed what I've used above.

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GILD looked technically good for an overnight Long at $68.78 and using Iraj's technique of closing at the open on Monday either on the first or third bar of a 1 minute timeframe depending on whether it is in profit or loss.

Trader333 said:
GILD looked technically good for an overnight Long at $68.78 and using Iraj's technique of closing at the open on Monday either on the first or third bar of a 1 minute timeframe depending on whether it is in profit or loss.

Paul, thanks for the tip, I normally don't swing trade, but I'll look for the outcome on Monday, and try to learn from this potential trade.
Summary Gray1's Trading Strategies (Intraday Scalping)

I hope by taking this liberty of summarizing Gray1’s Trading Strategies, based on his explanations of the three different types of Market conditions, namely Trending, Oscillating & Consolidation, may help Traders by putting it all together. Again, I’d like to clarify that I am the messenger here and not the author, since Gray1 is the author. These strategies taught to us all in many of these threads are for Intra-day Trading, utilizing Gray1’s hit & run trading style. Needless to say, I have learned a lot from his teachings. This summary doesn’t include any codes, only Strategies. Also the summaries, which I’ve constructed below, have not been reviewed by anyone, as of yet, that is why I’m putting this into this thread for review. My intent is not to rehash the concepts only to have them correct.

Basically, this summary, which I’ve gathered is a very brief synopsis, which can do no justice to Gray1’s detailed explanations. But for us Rookie’s, I’ve made a summary into “one page,” if you can believe that. Therefore, a summary on one page cannot provide all the explanations of Gray1’s strategies, and are not meant to explain them all in detail. My purpose here is to “Hopefully it all together” in a very simple way for a quick guide or reference, and no more. In order to obtain more detail, you would need to read Gray1’s explanations in this BB’s, while I assume the subscribers to this thread understand these concepts.

I am looking for a critique of my brief summary, but I am not looking for missing details but rather errors of fact only for a better understanding, just Incas I have it wrong.

The links below is built in excel:

Hope this helps ! Have a great weekend to all !


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Hi Nas

From an initial quick look only (its late) I notice that you are looking for MACCI os/ob levels of +/- 120 but I believe Grey1 has a while ago modified his filter to +/-100 based on INDU (re Startegy 3).


evostik said:
Hi Nas

From an initial quick look only (its late) I notice that you are looking for MACCI os/ob levels of +/- 120 but I believe Grey1 has a while ago modified his filter to +/-100 based on INDU (re Startegy 3).
Hi Evostik

Yes Steve, you are correct. Thanks!
Nastrader said:
I have a question.

Today, Friday 9/29/06, was a very narrow range day for the Market, as of 11:27 am (ET), 2 hours after open. The Index's have the following changes from today's open:
DOW (INDU), % Change from Open = - 0.09%, Today's Range = 38.5 pts so far
Nasdaq, % Change from Open = - 0.24, Today's Range = 11.07 pts.

(Added) Also, I do use Sector % from Open to help me get a feel for intraday Market Momentum, where anything less than + / - 1.0% means consolidation. Today, only GHA was > 1% due to RIMM in the GHA (+ 2.69% Sector strength), with RIMM up + 16.13% from Open – Blow out earnings, Gap Play, 1 Min ATR – 0.44, @ 10 AM (ET). I also use the NASDAQ Intraday Range as a telltale sign of momentum, which is still at 11.07 pts from open (as of 12:15 pm ET).

In clarification, today I would call it a consolidation day, which means that under these conditions, it’s not a time/day to trade. But what is the recommended “minimum Open % to trade, utilizing Gray1’s strategies?

My purpose here is to eliminate false triggers, since there is no strength in this Market to trade. I've listed what I've used above.


I interpret the 'staying out of consolidation' slightly differently to what you do. My interpretation is that each trading day has certain times in which the stocks are in consolidation and it is these times when it is best to stay away from the market. Friday -as a whole did not show much of a movement (as you have quite correctly stated) but it had its moments.

I took one trade yesterday as I had to be out of the house most of the time but lt did produce good results as the stock was showing a good momentum even if the market was sluggish. ( I am very much in a learning stage so pl. feel free to correct me if I am wrong).



edit -PS- there were other stocks (apart from RHAT) like LRCX which showed good movement at the time (this one was good for shorting).


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By way of another example, I took a VWAP pair trade yesterday with CELG and LRCX at just after 10.30am UK time. The trade worked but it took a little longer than normal. Would be interesting to hear from other traders if this was a reasonable selection or not.


Trader333 said:
GILD looked technically good for an overnight Long at $68.78 and using Iraj's technique of closing at the open on Monday either on the first or third bar of a 1 minute timeframe depending on whether it is in profit or loss.


Thanks for posting Paul, its appreciated.
I must admit you'r a braver man than me, that 25c bear straight thru vwap would frighten the sh+t out of me 🙂, interesting chart thou, it will be interesting to see what happens.