Computer game stocks and one in paticular

Hello Mark P, welcome.
Don't know much about games but i'd love to know if there is any prospect of major oil finds in the Atlantic to the west of Scotland, within the continental shelf, of course.
Foinaven and Clair are very large fields...

My political answer would have to be that the West of Shetlands used to be called the Atlantic its called the Atlantic Frontier.

Tension leg platform technology and advancing drilling techinques are allowing for commercial exploitation of reserves in deeper and deeper waters..

A rapid introduction that's kept suprisingly up to date can be found at:


P.S Edited 'cause I can't type for toffee...

[This message has been edited by Mark P (edited 10-01-2001).]
Very interesting today with the trades. Low volume but fairly standard however there is a very strong belif that some of the MM's are short on the stock after the 200K accumalated buys before xmas and then the 25K accumalated MM buys at 305p. Today the price was marked up 10p early on and kept up despite 95% sales. Are they truely short and trying to get stock ahead of next weeks results confirming SCi as the only profitable quoted UK games stock( Jane Cavanagh to be interviewed on Bloomberg on results day. A good sign). Or is there more big buys coming through. Either way I becoming increacingly convinced that the chart will be breaking upwards the next 2 weeks
As I said earlier I am not a TA man but when I have asked in the past they talk about and upward converging triangle forming (I think thats it?). My question to you TA chaps, when does this triangle meet and in your experiences where in TA terms does it generally go from there.

Also could some of you have a look at Plasmon (PLM), purely on a TA basis.


Bunkum........Welcome to the "club".

In answer to your question where to after completion of the converging triangle - commonly referred to as a Pennant. According to Murphy it should continue its trend - currently down.

However from a Fundamental point of view, Max remains bouyant for the stock with the announcement to be made next week.

According to my chart the Pennant will be completed on the 23rd so if next weeks announcement is good news it could push the share to break out upwards in which case it should then continue to have success.

Trust this helps in your understanding

Best wishes

Cheers John,

Doh Pennant, shows how much I know about TA.

Like Max, I am expecting big things from this stock. It all fits in.

18th SCi announce stunning results and forward figures.
Weekend lots of good press coverage.
22nd Break out

Fundamentalists happy

TA Guys happy

Sounds good to me 😀
I think I read in Murphys', that the price should break from the triangle approx 2/3rds of the way from the start to (future) convergence point.
If it comes out at the convergence point, it basically means its fizzled out.
Article from todays trade mag. Looks very, very good

With it's most successful year to date behind it, SCi goes into 2001 aiming to top it and is already on the lookout for more staff, licences and franchises.
Ahead of the firm's preliminary results, which are due out next week, Ennis says the firm's restructuring has placed it in a good position for further growth this year. The Group did make a loss of £2.2m before tax in the nine months to 31st March 2000, but it was better than expected, according to the management.

"Last year was an incredibly successful year for Sci, especially when compared to the industry as a whole. Those results (sic) were important for us in a number of ways - it justified the faith the City placed in Sci, was jut reward for an immense effort by everyone in the company and finally allowed us to plan with confidence for the future.

"This financial year has seen Sci restructure itself, make a number of key strategic investments and invest in quality content. We have achieved this goal."

Break out

Is this now break out, lift off, or whatever. Many small private sells being took up by big buys suggesting the real money is moving in?

Down 43% today - apparently results due out today have been postponed by the auditors. My brother got stung, this was one of his favourite share.

MM,s at it again

Before a share had even been traded MM's saw fit to wipe 25% of share value at open this morning.

It's obscene!! How we can ever change this I don't know.

Max, you have done a lot of work on this and if you truly believe in them then IMHO you have no alternative but to buy more @ 180 and keep as two separate investments. There were 50/50 buys to sells today with institutions still buying. If you had noticed Matalan this week they had been savaged by almost 50% to 370ish this morning only to bounce back by 50 points at close.

Good luck mate, we've all been there Harrier, Psion and many more last year.

I sold some at 245p and bought more back at 175p. The drop is ludicrous for what is it seems a bad debt that is recoverable but will now have to come out of 2000 FY and go into 2001

Note the massive buys posted at the end. It seems the institutions had a good day today and picked up nearly 1 million shares

According to SCi's Q&A page

Q. - Why is SCi suddenly announcing a loss when everyone was expecting a profit?

A. - Unfortunately no business operates in a vacuum. In spite of how well the company may think it's doing and how hard people work to achieve forecast results, we, like every other company are subject to external factors largely outside of our control and which are in a constant state of change. For example, if a customer is unwilling to pay a substantial debt which we have successfully proved in court and are unquestionably owed, it is only sensible to make a larger than normal reserve against that debt until such time as it is paid in its entirety. As a result of our success in court, we do feel very confident of being paid, but nevertheless a reserve is sensible until we have received payment.

Equally, we made a strategic investment in an Internet company. In spite of the fact that the directors of that company have done a tremendous job of building the business, the sentiment towards Internet stocks has changed and this is reflected in its current perceived value, which we have to correspondingly reflect in our accounts as a provision. These factors obviously have an overall affect on SCi and its results. Given that these external factors were going to contribute to a loss making result, the Board and its advisors decided that this would be an appropriate time to take a very conservative review of accounting policies, particularly in relation to license recognition. We anticipate that this conservative approach will best serve the company's long-term interests.

Q. - Why didn't you let the market know sooner about the loss in the form of a profit warning?

A. - The issue of a potential loss as a result of the issues described in our statement only arose in the last few days, whilst the accounts were being finalised. We have had extensive discussions with our advisors and have released the news at the earliest possible moment.

Keep the chins up
Max, don't be disheartened. We all recognise you have put in a tremendous effort into your research and openly published here.No one could blame you for not forseeing the savaging that happened today.I'm sure you are absolutely gutted because no matter what, I'm sure you are feeling this personally.
Keep your chin up and thanks for your superb efforts from all of us.
Are they putting in these contingency "bad debts" just to reduce their CGT liability- as I do and many others?Either way there's nothing anyone can do about it.Glad you managed to offload some.

SCI adds to unease in UK games sector

SCi Entertainment's shares have fallen to a 16 month low amid dismay that the computer games company had relatively little to say abnout the prospects with today's full year results - thats the bad news for the sector in general.

Source London Stock Exchange
Sci did say Thunderbirds was ahead of forcast and others in line. The PW was non trading. But SCi has been a big BB ramped stock on hemscott and they are after blood. Shorters adding in to push the price down further, lies now they want an LSE investigation etc. It is truely awfull reading and distastefull with slanderous allegations etc. Relative to their Peer group they are now massively undervalued on a 2-3 year view and I am buying in on more falls. One simple comparison sums up the farce

Sci 2000 loss 3 mill mkt cap 20mill

Rage after PW No3 forcast 2001 loss 5 million mkt cap 30 mill and they have yet to mention a big loss an an investment themselves

My research on the games still stands and they are what make the money. A scan of this months mags finds previews in all the mags of 5 diferent SCi games. The company has a strong balance sheet and plenty of cash in the bank. It has strong brands in Thunderbirds, The great Escape, Carmageddon, The Italian Job, Desert Storm and the company will I believe succeed in the face of so many people who have for the last year wanted it to fail.

Sorry for the rant but recent BB postings on less reputable boards have annoyed me greatly
Max, sorry to hear about your troubles over SCI.
I was hoping to get your opinion on warthog, which I understand is coming to the market in Feb.
It appears to be developing games for both the X-box and PS2.
This strikes me as covering both bases, and hence a relatively safe bet in an uncertain field.
Warthog are developing a game for SCi. It is the rally Championship title. Warthog PE is 60 falling to around 20 which is expensive. As for spreading risk Sci are releasing on PSX2, X-Box, Gameboy colour, PC, Gameboy advance and they still made a cock up. However afer a full analysis of everything I bought quite a few more today as they are dirt cheap. Rightly punished by the market but the loss was not abrought about by poor tradings. It was one offs and revenue recognition. ie they had to move some money out of 2000 into 2001,2002 so the money is still there
Looking positive once again after two days........may be a opportunity here once more. A similiar rise tomorrow Thursday should take the indicators up from the oversold area
Uncle or anyone for that matter.

I have never in my time seen such a huge sell off before for non trading items. Have you seen anything like it before and what was the position after a couple of months.

