Green Growth

Really nice to be in a treatment center today.

Most hospitals are fine for stablization & med adjustments but arent intended for living or for recovery.

Sure everything will be fine here.

Feel very thankful for my opportunity to recover.

Everyone have a nice day.
Hi Everyone.

Looks like a really nice day on the market today.

Really glad most green stocks are producing green graphs.

Much thanks for supporting our renewables.

You are appreciated.
Hi All.

Please believe in freedom, peace & love for our follow people on planet earth tonight.

I sincerely apologize if my posts have upset anyone in the world.

My only intention was to try & help make the world a better place.

A safe, peaceful, sustainable planet earth was my goal.

Please support peace, equal rights & freedom for our fellow people.

Lets attempt to free ourselves from war.

Free our fellow people.

Please help end conflicts in the world & create peace on planet earth.

We need to be brave, come together & help correct our climate crisis together as one world united.

Unite the world together to protect our planet from global warming.

Lets plan to build up our renewable energy structure.

We can all contribute when we support our clean green automobiles & utility companies.

Please believe in peace on planet earth, freedom from war & help to end conflicts in the world.

Help keep our society safe & make sure to abide by the law.

Everyone stay safe tonight.

Lets make sure to take good care of our families & protect our loved ones.
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Unite to build a clean green sustainable planet earth.

Free ourselves from war & conflicts which end lives.

Believe in love.

Believe in saving people.

Believe in saving planet earth.

Be happy.

Be healthy.

Be free.
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My sobriety is going great.

Sober since July.

My recovery is going pretty well also.

Getting good sleep & feeling a little better everyday.
She is such a nice sweet dog.

I miss her so much.

Should be a great way to spend a day with her & family on Saturday.