Graduate with Economics and Finance degree with 2.2

So maybe have gender reassignment Op. Cut off a limb or 2 and Bobs you recruiter!
why would want to work then m8 when i can claim disability benefits, think m8.

Theres no need for that comment was there Niraj!? I was just trying to be helpful.
So maybe have gender reassignment Op. Cut off a limb or 2 and Bobs you recruiter!
why would want to work then m8 when i can claim disability benefits, think m8.

Again, showing that little bit of attitude there. I'd be willing to take a small bet that this attitude is being shown, in one way or another, to the potential employers you are sending off CVs to.
Seriously you are becoming a bore!
You should consider setting your target lower very low in fact maybe shelf filler at Tesco.
If they will have you as I don't believe you would even qualify for that.
m8 let me tell you the hardest job is not sales its bloody selving. yes i have worked for asupermarket before and its very hard, but i did work well and meet my targets and get on with everyone.
I think some of you guys on here luck some sense of humour, it happens when you get too much screen time.
my target are reasonable and achieveable, trust me.
At least all you guys are enjoying something about this thread and keep replying and keep me entertained. keep up the jokes boys.
m8 let me tell you the hardest job is not sales its bloody selving. yes i have worked for asupermarket before and its very hard, but i did work well and meet my targets and get on with everyone.
you have got to be pulling my plonker mate. targets stacking shelves? i don't like belittling jobs at all but that's a p*sstake.

have you tried making an appointment with recruiters or even calling up firms that you might like to work for and just having a chat?
my target are reasonable and achieveable, trust me.

By what measure? What are your targets? Same questions as earlier:

Have any of your 300 rejections been for actual vacancies or have they all been in response to you speculatively sending your CV?

It sounds to me like you're doing all your job hunting through an agency? Why?

Have you considered setting your sights a little lower to get yourself out there and earning?

I'm trying very hard to help here. Wont take much more of this until I decide it's not worth my time; I've only carried on trying as long as I have because work is quiet.
no, trust me i had to do four big cages in four hours without any breaks. its the hardest job out there, back breaking job.
Go spend a year down a mine and then come back here and tell us that "its the hardest job out there, back breaking job"

:edit: Meant no disrespect to anybody who stacks shelves with that comment but to say that "its the hardest job out there, back breaking job" is hugely disrespectful to a huge number of people doing other things.
its includes direct applications, recruitment companies e.g monster, efinancail careers, all the emails i get are rejections and the number is 300 of these rejections. They are gradaute jobs, trainee and a few internship jobs.

I am even happy to work for free of a month or two as long as my travel expanses are paid, very expensive to travel in central london.
Internship deadlines are finished now, only time is christmas time now, i think. And need some thing asap.
And gradaute jobs are very rare in sites like monster and reed.
Bit puzzled here I am not sure why you have chosen this forum to ask advice?
You have no questions about trading or specific jobs in trading almost nothing related to trading.\
I think some of you guys here luck some sense of humour
Far from it my friend your posts are keeping us very amused.
Yes you are correct we do get too much screen time.
Unfortunately or fortunately it is the nature of the job hence time spent on this forum to while the time away.
I don't know about selving But have done some shelf filling in my time and sales the easier option is shelf filling but the rewards speak for themselves.
I must also say that your last post made me smile I sense a glimmer of humour on your path keep it up
How are you determining that a job is a "graduate" one?

What else do you have on your CV other than your degree and experience in bathroom sales? There must be something wrong with your CV unless you're applying to the jobs you're not suited for. Why don't you post your CV for people to look at? If you're not comfortable posting it in public PM it to me, I'll give it a once over.
once more-have you actually been in to an agency to meet some people or are you just sending thousands of cv's on email? same applies to individual companies?
no, there were people who worked there and had to quit because of back problems.
I don't want to go back because thats were i experienced some racism toward people and some to me.
the job description reads graduates as the heading e.g gradaute analyst, stockbroker, assistant etc.
No, i have not been to a agency. any good ones to help me find a job.
This forum is finance related and full of experienced people and well educated people who know the process of landing the dream job. I am simple asking experts for help.
well, the people who work there were from asia, pakistan, bangladesh most students and needed the money to pay the rent etc and most of them were treated like a piece of meat.
I dont have any back problems or anything but some of the people had to quit and go back to their country. trust me.
My aplogies for not referring back but this thread has become such a quagmire that I forgot the original intention.
None the less I think you are a good sort of chap and deserve a break, there are a lot of positive posts here I am sure you can learn from them
Good Luck!