Graduate with Economics and Finance degree with 2.2

and as for the racism card-wind your neck in. You have to be in my boat to understand.

The problem now is that employers will question my commitment now that i am a gradaute. why do you want to work as a sales assistant? See that the problem they want some bump for life.
and as for the racism card-wind your neck in. You have to be in my boat to understand.

The problem now is that employers will question my commitment now that i am a gradaute. why do you want to work as a sales assistant? See that the problem they want some bump for life.

yeah ok mate. and how do you know what race i am?

i honestly don't know what the last sentence means.....
gamma you don't have to be formal all the time mate.
my CV and cover letter are well written, the key is I have no expereince.
the jobs i apply for are for gradautes, but the recruitment company want some experience in the financial sector. thats for all the bloody jobs out there even for graduate jobs.
no, because I am going to find a job.
If you think racism does not exist in the world, you must be blind!
I am not saying because of racism i cant find a job. I am saying that it is a factor, which reduces my chances.
1) Try temping; if you're any good, they;ll take you on full-time - then work bloody hard, make your intentions known, and they might stick you on the grad training scheme.

2) In the meantime, get a bar job. At least its a job.

3) Pardon the abrupness, but: If you are experiencing race issues, whatever your creed or colour, then play it into your hands. PC and positive discrimination are rife, so find somewhere that needs a "token".
Strangely enough in the finance sector races from the sub-continent are thought of in a very positive light,
Look at the number of Indian analysts employed by the big houses and banks
Allegedly alot of back office work is being outsourced to India / Pakistan to save on costs... trouble is, they don't really know what they are doing.
The problem is the offices should be kept separated, back middle, front offices. Because once you learn the going ons of the back office you can find loop holes in the system, i was told this my a director who works for interactive brokers.

also read futures,options and derivatives - john hull. ch 32
no, because I am going to find a job.
If you think racism does not exist in the world, you must be blind!
I am not saying because of racism i cant find a job. I am saying that it is a factor, which reduces my chances.

You know I felt you had attitude in your first post and you still have it with all your other posts.

All these good willed bodies on this site trying to give you gold nuggets and you are still ungrateful, very much in your face. I bet on your CV and at interviews you give out the same bad vibes. 🙄

Be your self and exist in harmony. Don't let other peoples prejeduces become yours. You are racist by virtue of your own self perception.

You may have hunger for sales and work but you have a lot of rough edges which will take a life time to make you a well rounded individual. Much prefer to hire somebody who is happy with a zest for live and love of all things than mr rant a minute.

Finally, when I left university I didn't have bus fares and had to walk to places.

I went to an interview at Wimpy's in Victoria and they turned me down. I was angry. So I went to an interview at Seven Sisters Road by Holloway with McDonalds and a nice Greek manager employed me. I told him Wimpy turned me down.

I worked there 5 weeks before going for a highest paid job which was in computing. I then continued working at McDonalds until my probabtionary period was completed and I was fully taken on.

So cut the sob story and enjoy life and all that you do...

Don't give up but you do need to change your perspective. At your young age you may have a chance. Otherwise I can just see you as a Victor Meldrew... :cheesy: by the time you are a well worn pensioner...

Good luck. 👍
that's always been the case - the problem is that they are the other side of the world, with no experience of working in the industry
by the way i don't have an attitude, but i am the type of person who is dead honest.
people hate the truth - racism does exist.

I am not sobbing, because i know i will find a job its a matter of time.
Thats what i mean a prefectly able human gets rejected for a job they can easily do.
It's not a case of whether you can do the job or not - only in quite specialised roles are there restrictions on those that are simply not capable of fulfilling the role...

Your prospective employer will already have a business - an organic body of people working together. For nearly all the jobs that just require "doing", computers exist. To turn up and say "yeah, I can do this, no probs!" isn't what they are looking for, because most people can probably do it. Rather, they are looking to see if you will fit into their corporation, get along with the people already there, and generally be conducive to a productive and efficient enterprise.
I see what you mean, but my problem is getting to the interview. I am the type of person who will do well in interviews because i have good communication skills and i get on well with people.
THe issue here is how to get into the interview stage. Thats the key to me finding a job.