Graduate with Economics and Finance degree with 2.2

The problem is the offices should be kept separated, back middle, front offices. Because once you learn the going ons of the back office you can find loop holes in the system, i was told this my a director who works for interactive brokers.

also read futures,options and derivatives - john hull. ch 32

I just re-read this properly.... umm... yeah, what Goose said.
So you guys think that the director who works for interactive brokers is wrong.
If you guys can remember the Société Générale trader, who lost millions for his bank.
The director said that he must of had help from the back office to have had pulled off such a large postion.

john hull page 733 read it. Nick lesson example controling the back and front office to hide his loses.
Well I've been a director of an investment bank and I think that's rubbish too. The problem with Nick Leeson was that he was working in both the front and back offices simultaneously, not that he had an understanding of back office procedures. JK probably did have help from the back office, but he could have got that with or without understanding the detail of hiding the position sizes. Wherever I've worked, everybody has been encouraged to fully understand the business as a whole. It's part of being a professional in the industry to have a good grasp of the business processes.

As far as finance goes, I think you're way off the mark with the racism remarks. Money is colour blind and it shows if you glance at any dealing room I've ever been in. My last team had people from Nigeria, India, South Africa, Portugal, Turkey, US, France, Hong Kong, New Zealand and even one from Essex. People come from all over the world to work in London and dealing rooms are a melting pot of nationalities. Nobody cares where you're from, they just care whether you can do a good job.

If you're looking for a job in finance you've got two big problems. Firstly for a new entrant in finance your educational qualifications aren't average, they're mediocre. Pure educational qualifications are much less important once you've got a track record in employment, but you haven't. Secondly, there are currently loads of good people with excellent experience who have been freshly made redundant from jobs in the city and there are relatively few job opportunities. Lots of supply, little demand - not a great time to be looking for that breakthrough opportunity.
by the way i don't have an attitude, but i am the type of person who is dead honest.
people hate the truth - racism does exist.

I am not sobbing, because i know i will find a job its a matter of time.
Thats what i mean a prefectly able human gets rejected for a job they can easily do.

Well my friend if you are a person who is "dead honest" you should take a leaf out of your own book. The posters are giving you some honest facts about yourself lets hope you don't hate the truth and have the intelligence to take the good advice even if it is hurtful to you.
And lets get off this racism crap like the poster above said the dealing rooms are full of Indians,Pakistini's, and essex boys not because of any positive discrimination but because they are good.They probably got in with good grades to begin with or proved themselves otherwise.
Stop moaning!!! You are an embarrassment to every Asian in the finance industry.

And by the way you don't have to be formal, just learn to speak and write intelligently like the rest of the Asians and you might stand a chance.
I'm sure everyone has caught on ....this guy is simply taking the ****
not surprised he only managed a 2.2 !
After reading the posts, I honestly think, you are definitely not cut out for the financial sector(again personal opinion, I am normally right though). I think, after 300 applications, its time for a reality check mate. In my opinion, you are best off pursuing a career outside finance. Best of luck!

About the racism crap - you really annoy me.
What sector fits ????

Too be honest even getting a supermarket job is hard. I apply and then find out i have been rejected.
I am thinking of doing the IMC unit 1 first and see how that goes.
I have spent 3 months on job sites all useless for me.
by the way i don't have an attitude, but i am the type of person who is dead honest.
people hate the truth - racism does exist.

I think you're getting honesty and attitude confused. I'm sure that very few people would deny that racism exists at all. Effectively what people have been saying is that you're making a mountain out of a molehill and your reactions to those comments have demonstrated pretty clearly, to me at least, that you do have an attitude.

I am not sobbing, because i know i will find a job its a matter of time.
Thats what i mean a prefectly able human gets rejected for a job they can easily do.

As has been said before: Most jobs can be done by many, many people. You could do the job you applied for - so chuffing what? Why would anybody look twice at a CV of somebody who clearly couldn't do the job they were applying for? Employers are interested in what you can contribute above and beyond the completion of the day to day tasks that would be required of you should you be given the position.

What can you offer that few others can? If all you can say is hard work and determination and that you'd prove yourself given the opportunity then you need to think a bit harder. Sure being hard working and determined is important however most other candidates will be saying the same thing - It wont make you stand out from the crowd.
After reading the posts, I honestly think, you are definitely not cut out for the financial sector(again personal opinion, I am normally right though). I think, after 300 applications, its time for a reality check mate. In my opinion, you are best off pursuing a career outside finance. Best of luck!

About the racism crap - you really annoy me.

I asked what his application process was and others for his CV, to help him but other than he already knows that stuff nothing has come back from this chap.

I reckon this is good advice above.

I also think you have some positive attributes you need to focus and sell your self on.

1. You have experience in selling bathrooms
2. You have completed a degree course
3. You have an appetite to find work and eager to get on
4. You are full of confidence which is very good

There is enough there to get you a job mate.

Your problem is your self. As people on this thread highlighted to you with nothing to gain or lose and about honest and best advice as you'll ever get. Sort out what you want. Go for the right job at a suitable level. Gain that work experience. Continue with educating your self and don't knock it.

Here is how I would represent my self based on your first thread here.
Graduate with Economics and Finance Degree - Hungry to Start Work !!!


Hi, all

I am an Economics and Finance (BSc Hons) graduate from Queen Mary University of London.
I need career advice on what to do next, and would be grateful for any direction or advice.

I am thinking of studying for the sii or IMC qualification. Would this be a good idea?

I have work experience selling bathrooms but really would like to work in the financial sector.

I have been applying to companies and now trying recruitment sites such as monster but after many rejections feel I may need help and a change of tact with my application process and self presentation.

As someone who used to cold call people and sell them bathrooms, I am familiar with meeting targets and handling different types of buyers, presenting quality products.

Are there any good recruitment companies out there which may be recommended for someone of my skill sets and abilities?

I really am keen to start my career working in the financial sector and I am prepared to complement my my work with professional qualifications such as CFA, SII, IMC.

Any careers advice would be most appreciated.

Thanking you kindly for reading this thread.

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Can't rep you again atilla - more good advice there.

The other thing you need to consider is that if you're just sending out speculative CVs you should expect to get nothing from it immediately. These people weren't looking for anybody so unless you have one of the best CVs they've every seen they aren't going to go out of their way to *create* a position for you. You should make a point of thanking them for taking the time to look at your CV, if/when they contact you to say they've no positions available thank them again and ask them to keep you on their records and consider you for any positions that do become available.

Creating that good impression might just be enough to get you an interview for your dream job in the future.

Whilst you're sending out these speculative CVs (I'd suggest not doing it through an agency as I expect you'll **** the agency off and it doesn't reflect as well on you as having done it all yourself) you should be applying to companies with vacancies. The jobs may not be directly related to what you want to be doing. The most important thing is that they have the opportunity for you to add to and develop your skills and to gain new experiences. That will be rewarding and enjoyable for you right now and it'll improve your chances of landing your dream job.

While you're working spend your free time learning about the industry you want to be in, develop your own ideas (not just stuff regurgitated from a book you read), trade a little using your own cash.

If you really want it you'll do it in your spare time while being employed to do something completely different.

:edit: The fish fingers for my fish finger sandwich got burnt while I was typing this post. I hope you appreciate it.
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Why are so many people getting annoyed about racism. I only mentioned it and everyone seem to get upset. All I am saying racism does exist. Therefore I have including that factor in my job search, any wise person will build a plan and include all possible outcomes and factors.
Damn, I'm a "college dropout" and I probably have a better chance than you mate!

Is English your second language? Oh well. If it is, polish it up! The best way to learn grammar and spelling is to read...about trading (or anything)!

Finding any job is really hard right now. I was looking for a night job and it's scarce. Get a job doing anything and then learn everything you can about trading. Once you have your trading stake built up, get busy and trade!

We all get want we want and need. The markets can offer you the opportunity, but in the end it is up to you to succeed. Ambition to spell or ambition to trade, it's the same thing. You can Bull **** your way through college, but not trading. I went to art school and know all about bull ****!

As a trader you eat what you kill.

I wish you the best of luck.
Why are so many people getting annoyed about racism. I only mentioned it and everyone seem to get upset. All I am saying racism does exist. Therefore I have including that factor in my job search, any wise person will build a plan and include all possible outcomes and factors.

You obsessed nutter. Said with Alan Sugar accent :cheesy:
Why are so many people getting annoyed about racism. I only mentioned it and everyone seem to get upset. All I am saying racism does exist. Therefore I have including that factor in my job search, any wise person will build a plan and include all possible outcomes and factors.

Racism exists, yes. Is it a big issue in the sector you're looking for work? Judging by the experiences of others posting in this thread; not at all.

Having some sort of contingency plan for it will at best do you no good and at worst it'll hinder you. If it is a big problem (which it isn't) what do you plan to do about it other than adding it to your list of excuses for failure to find employment? I strongly suspect you're self-handicapping with this racism lark.

The reason that racism comments got my back up is that you claimed that you weren't being given the same consideration as other people because of your race. As indicated above this is simply not a real issue. There are much, much bigger barriers between you and a job.
Ok, lets just put the racism aside, now. Back to the job hunting. I think I am getting closer and i am going to change my strategy to ringing up recruitment companies and give them the hard sale and ring them day and night until they say OK or just give in.
Do you think I should ask them to put me into internships or just ask for graduate positions.
keep the suggestions coming in.
Thanks to all of you guys.
Forward maximise obtain a JOB

Why are so many people getting annoyed about racism. I only mentioned it and everyone seem to get upset. All I am saying racism does exist. Therefore I have including that factor in my job search, any wise person will build a plan and include all possible outcomes and factors.

I like your thinking Niraj...

Yeah and don't forget sexism and disability in the workplace.

So maybe have gender reassignment Op. Cut off a limb or 2 and Bobs you recruiter!

Happy days as you hobble into your new job feeling like a new woman!

I love it when a plan comes together.
Ok, lets just put the racism aside, now. Back to the job hunting. I think I am getting closer and i am going to change my strategy to ringing up recruitment companies and give them the hard sale and ring them day and night until they say OK or just give in.
Do you think I should ask them to put me into internships or just ask for graduate positions.
keep the suggestions coming in.
Thanks to all of you guys.

I don't think a hard sell will get you very far. I'd be trying to get the recruitment agencies on my side rather than antagonising them. Have any of your 300 rejections been for actual vacancies or have they all been in response to you speculatively sending your CV?

It sounds to me like you're doing all your job hunting through an agency? Why?

Have you considered setting your sights a little lower to get yourself out there and earning?
So maybe have gender reassignment Op. Cut off a limb or 2 and Bobs you recruiter!
why would want to work then m8 when i can claim disability benefits, think m8.