Govt /Goldman sachs vs Blogger Morgan

I've got several friends at Goldman, and they are perfectly normal, functioning human beings. They have not been brainwashed, nor have they been given special insights to the future. They are hard-working and committed, and - get this - they went through a vigorous interview process to get the job. So therein lies the answer - go get a job at Goldman, they're an open company who will consider anyone of merit. There will be good eggs and bad eggs at any company. Clearly the fabulous Fab Toure was a bit of a nob, but no more than the other nobs I encountered in my career on the sell side.

Investment/retail banks/hedge funds are all open to job applications from anyone, go and work for them if you think they somehow have an unfair advantage.

I know some honest decent people working at Goldman Sachs, but there is a lot of suspicion about the bad apples.

(Reuters) - Goldman Sachs (GS.N) director Rajat Gupta told hedge fund billionaire Raj Rajaratnam about a $5 billion investment in Goldman by Berkshire Hathaway (BRKa.N)(BRKb.N) before the deal was made public, the Wall Street Journal said, citing a person close to the situation.
how often have you gone out, got completely @rseholed and said somethign you shouldn't have....people talk. that's life.
In another e-mail, a Goldman trader stated that the investments he had sold were "like Frankenstein turning against his own inventor".

Here is what investment bankers may be thinking.Shame on the scum culture of leaches.

emails to his girlfriend may not do his cause many favours, claiming as they do, that he was peddling his CDO wares to “widows and orphans”,
The crimes, says Chapman, were that it got caught stealing. First in naked shorts, then front-running the market, both of which they are still doing, as the SEC looks the other way, and then selling MBS-CDOs to their best clients and simultaneously shorting them.
They are not stealing from pension funds with high frequency trading.

..., through access to the system as a result of their special gov't perks, was/is able to read the data on trades before it's committed, and place their own buys or sells accordingly in that brief moment, thus allowing them to essentially steal buttloads of money every day from the rest of the punters world.

If true in fact, this is almost guaranteed to lead to front-running. That is, if they have any such magic wand, they would need to be bona fide arch-angels to avoid the temptation to read the trades coming, and beat them into the market. We're not talking millions here, but billions, or as that blog claimed "The profitability of this split-second information advantage would have been and could have been extraordinary. Observed yielding profits at $100,000,000 a day."
Packaging toxic assets and selling them to clients , then betting against them.Going to some guy selling old rope for money.

Senator Carl Levin told the veteran banker that he "wouldn't trust" Goldman as he repeatedly asked whether the bank would disclose its position "when they're buying something you solicit them to buy, and then you're taking a position against them?"
Packaging toxic assets and selling them to clients , then betting against them.Going to some guy selling old rope for money.

Senator Carl Levin told the veteran banker that he "wouldn't trust" Goldman as he repeatedly asked whether the bank would disclose its position "when they're buying something you solicit them to buy, and then you're taking a position against them?"

Erm, Goldmans is a market maker. You buy something off them, they're short and you're long. That's how iot works. Once the risk is on their book what they then do with that position is of no concern to you. Nor should they be obliged tell the world about it. Honestly, the sheer stupidity of people that don't get this is incredible. They didn't sell penny stocks to a granny in Alabama-they sold complex financial products to sophisticated investors. The people the SEC should be looking at are the buyers of this crap.
Mafia used to Control of the government and steal from the people with illegal activitiesi.Front running , selling toxic dotcom ipos, packaging toxic assets, insider dealing ,withholding material information , pumping and dumping stocks on a grand scale and the spread paid to wall street on every investment ..The mafia was nothing compared to the mafia stealing in billions in today's markets.

This is organised crime of illumini of ex-mafia starting useless hedge funds with the sole intention of robbing unguarded pensions of widows and orphans.Illumini set up hedge funds and blow up.

People seem to think this honest banking as we know it.It isn't.It is one big fraud instigated by congress.This is modern day mafia.


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I take it you aren't a big fan of Goldman Sachs? lol

Fact of the matter is, no one gets to the top or reaches the heights that goldman has reached by always doing the right thing. You gotta do some crazy s-h-i-t along the way.

99.9% of the traders on t2w wish they were on a trading desk at goldman sachs, even you ODT.

Don't hate the player, hate the game. It just so happens that goldman is exceptionally good at what it does and it isn't afraid to take advantage of that.