Govt /Goldman sachs vs Blogger Morgan

thanks matey-just confirmed what i thought. you know fck all....just another keyboard warrior. maybe start posting your own thoughts too, not just linking other people's opinions.
thanks matey-just confirmed what i thought. you know fck all....just another keyboard warrior. maybe start posting your own thoughts too, not just linking other people's opinions.

Right there , I know f*ck all , no point in me having an opinion.The facts speak louder than opinions.

My only opinion is , the whole I B and investment management system , has one agenda to rob pensions .The managers are predators manager of funds.

The only people who lost from those hedge funds are probably old ladies retirement pension.Might as well mug them in the streets.
Very old news.

The guys responsible for the Alpha fund both left Goldmans "to pursue other interests" maybe a year ago iirc.

Just trying to point out who is making money and who is suffering the losses.I suspect in a few years time , the pension contributors will realise where their money went.There is a pension shortfall of 3 to 4 trillion dollars , without including the greatest ponzi scheme of all " the state pensions".
Erm since when does a person stating another knows xxx all win an argument? Cmon lets be civil. You say he's incorrect then disprove it and that is then a debate between grown ups.
Guess what happens to your pension contributions.

The selling agent gets 25% in commission,25 % goes into fund management fees,25% of it is invested in Greek bonds, useless hedge funds set up to charge 20% in fees, junk bonds , credit default swaps,worthless dotcom internet stocks,high frequency trading to steal some of your pension investments and countless other schemes designed to rob your pensions.

No wonder the total worldwide unfunded pension liabilities and shortfalls exceed $20 tn.If 75 % of your pension money is gobbled up by vampire squids , how can your pensions not have shortfalls?

Quote from a pension fund manager "I would not put a penny in any pension scheme ".
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do you trade or just spend all day trawling conspiracy theory meassage boards?

oh and in case you hadn't noticed this is a civil case brought by the SEC regarding ONE tranche of synhetic CDO.

i always find it amusing that although being allegedly "ripped off" people are still eager to deal with GS....
do you trade or just spend all day trawling conspiracy theory meassage boards?

oh and in case you hadn't noticed this is a civil case brought by the SEC regarding ONE tranche of synhetic CDO.

i always find it amusing that although being allegedly "ripped off" people are still eager to deal with GS....

It is exciting to know about thieves before it all comes out in public.It is more intriguing .

Civil case or criminal , does it matter ?Scum is scum either way.

The stupid criminals who get caught and go to prison are small time criminals.These smaller criminals are held in higher esteem.Goldman has not committed any fraud.
I spent about 2 minutes reading that website, goldmansachs666, and had to stop through sheer increduilty.

His theory is that, aside from the fact that Goldman controls everything and everyone, they allowed the market to go higher in order to get retail traders REALLY long the market, then told the SEC to release the news (after option expiration) in order to profit from a quick drop in the market.

I mean, come on. So now Goldman control the SEC? So let's see. Goldman told the SEC to bring charges against itself, in order to make a quick killing on a 2 pct drop in stocks.

Get a life you people.....
I spent about 2 minutes reading that website, goldmansachs666, and had to stop through sheer increduilty.

His theory is that, aside from the fact that Goldman controls everything and everyone, they allowed the market to go higher in order to get retail traders REALLY long the market, then told the SEC to release the news (after option expiration) in order to profit from a quick drop in the market.

I mean, come on. So now Goldman control the SEC? So let's see. Goldman told the SEC to bring charges against itself, in order to make a quick killing on a 2 pct drop in stocks.

Get a life you people.....

A lot of it is over the top and overdone , but there could be very useful bits of information as well on the site.

There is no evidence to suggest the dotcom bubble wasn't started by investment banks.They were issuing the IPOs at highly inflated prices, very much like selling fraudelent cdos.

The SEC ,Maddoff and the rest of Wall street used to sleep in the same gutter of scum protect scum,Madoff kept his silence on his accomplices , we all know hedge funds are started mainly with the big boys having their fingers in the pie.
I've got several friends at Goldman, and they are perfectly normal, functioning human beings. They have not been brainwashed, nor have they been given special insights to the future. They are hard-working and committed, and - get this - they went through a vigorous interview process to get the job. So therein lies the answer - go get a job at Goldman, they're an open company who will consider anyone of merit. There will be good eggs and bad eggs at any company. Clearly the fabulous Fab Toure was a bit of a nob, but no more than the other nobs I encountered in my career on the sell side.

Investment/retail banks/hedge funds are all open to job applications from anyone, go and work for them if you think they somehow have an unfair advantage.