Go to go now, Jesus is calling me do his special work. Only I can hear him. Isn't that just so cool.
Nice one mate.
Hi Split, the way I see it is that what happened yesterday is not what should count today, as yesterdays actors are not responsible for, nor do they create, todays reality.
Yesterday is good for learning from, but not for forming either eternal allegiances and friendships on the one hand, NOR eternal blood feuds and enmities on the other.
For practical purposes of Realpolitik, the
interests, intents and actions of
today are what should form relations between nations, and probably also amongst individual people.
We owe the Romans a lot, but does that mean one should have stood by the Italians under Mussolini ?
If I have a good friend who for whatever reason decides that a career in bank robbing sounds good as a change away from the drudgery and boredom of office politics, does that mean I should support his new money earning choice through thick and thin ?
Should a police officer look the other way when his corrupt colleague makes some illegal protection money on the side, just because he is a colleague he might owe something to ?
I think not.
Nobody would question that the USA has done a lot of good in the past, and I am the first to acknowledge that, and as I have shown in the
"Germany: Obama Superstar" thread, the problems we have are by no means with the US itself, they are merely with the current leadership, with the corrrupt, incompetent, and criminal NeoCons that are currently running the show and making the world a much more dangerous place through a lost oil war in Iraq, and another lost war in Afghanistan, and, also, by having clearly demonstrated that illegal wars or overt force are once more a perfectly legitimate means of politics, a band wagon the Russians in Georgia and Chinese in Tibet have all too willingly leapt up on.
But my understanding of true friendship is that one does not shove problems under a carpet and hope they will disappear of their own accord.
Friendship does NOT mean supporting Mussolini just because the Romans contributed lots to civilization, nor does it mean supporting a friend I don't have who decides to go start robbing banks, and, in the same vein, friendship also does not mean supporting the US in a blatant oil war based on nothing but lies and deceit just because we also owe them a lot.
In all these cases REAl friendship means not breaking off the frienship in a childish huff of posturing.
But it also doesn't mean that I support my friend through his wrong and counterproductive plans just because he was a good guy in the past.
No, what it does mean, imo, is, remaining engaged, showing real conviction and real courage, standing up, doing the right thing, and telling ones friend that they are most seriously going off on a wrong tack that will without doubt entail unforseen and severe consequences.
That is
real friendship.
Anything else really amounts to little more than the inexplicable, obsequious behaviour of an abused and exploited wife who nevertheless stands by her husband, or a mistreated dog that still loves its daddy.