guys...i got a you think this will pay enough...basically ive just graduated and im thinking instead of finding a job I could make a lot more doing this and it will be tax free....but the hours here and stress here would be higher but i think the pay will be worth it. I am unsure though. But the more I do this, the more I wnt to do it as my future job... sorry for the clogging of the thread...was just wondering..and its not like i got a bad degree i got a 2.1 and just done a masters.
I basically plan to make small trades at the begining but get bigger and bigger, i started off 3 months ago i lost a lot! ..and also i didnt used to read forums or any thing! this has really helped me! Made a new account with IG deposited £100 now i have £200 under a week. With thanks to sujit and others! and ive have been trading with 0.5 pip, ive planned it out, for example when the profit reaches £200, then will trade at 1pip then when it reaches £400 £2 a pip..and so on. What d you guys think? good plan?
Yep, exactly as I'm doing. Build up slowly, treat as a business and do the intense long
hours learning as you go - with the benefit of a skillful trader guiding you. As long as
you are disciplined and not in it for the thrill, or a fun gamble - I believe you can make
a good living at it.
Go careful - you'll see if it's viable after a few weeks or months - like me 🙂