GlobalServer/HyperServer - History Download


Junior member
I've tried on many occasions (especially yesterday when I seemed to be losing feed all the time) to use the History Download within GlobalServer (via Hyperserver), but without it appearing to work.

I've got the latest History release from HyperServer, but wonder if I'm misunderstanding its function/use.

If I get a hole in my data (between 15:30 and 16:30 yesterday for instance), I though I could just click on the History Download, tick the 'tick', '1 min', '5 min' and 'Daily' boxes for the last few days for all symbols and it should load up all that data and save it.

After it had finished doing all that, I reloaded my workspace, but the gap was still there.
I have found that the recent "History Download" that hypertrader offered doesnt work well enough. I use the Online Downloader (also provided by hypertrader), which is much better although you have to do a couple of things to use it and then import a file that it has made but it has never failed me and works pretty quickly. If you need more information just ask and I will give more details.


You cant using IB and I think Stock baron uses IQ feed where it is possible.

IB and MetaStock

Hello (and sorry about my english)
I operate with automated trading systems in Metastock, using eSignal as datafeed. Now we are moving our account to Interactive Brokers and I was trying to connect TWS with MetaStock through Hyperserver.
At this moment we are not IB customers and I am learning how TWS works with the web-based TWS demo version.
I have created the symbols correctly in the Hyperserver and all seems to work but the rithm of actuallization is very low.

Someone who operates this way can tell me if, when correctly installed, the TWS can provide an adequate datafeed to the Metastock?

Best Regards
The maximum number of symbols allowed by IB is 40 and you are correct that the hyperserver interface is slow when using IB if you have more than just a few symbols loaded. There are other options which are faster such as MetaserverRT but you have to pay for these. In my view you would be better off having a separate datafeed for the symbols data than using IB.
