Tradestation 2000i Hyperserver data


Tradestation 2000i/Hyperserver data collection

Tradestation 2000i/Hyperserver data
Hey folks, I wander if I may ask for some assistance.
Unless I’m mistaken I can only fill in the gaps I have in my intraday data from other fellow Tradestation 2000i/ Hyperserver users (collecting data from Interactive brokers).
I would like data for:
YM (mini dow)
ES (mini s&p)
NQ (mini Nasdaq)
ZN (10 year note)

I also collect data for the following although they are not as urgent as the above:
ESTX50 (Eurostoxx 50)
GBL (bund)
EUR (Eurodollar)
ZB (30 year note)
Of course if anyone needs data in return, I have so for all the above, in ‘.xpo’ format.
If there is a reply, I’ll provide the specific dates I need data for.

May I also ask if there is anyone has managed to amalgamate the hyperserver data, in terms of joining up past contracts together? I know hyperserver is not meant for historical data collection, but up until very recently I still had a working chart for YMH4.
Thanks for your help.
intraday data


I have some data (tick) for ym,es,nq,ax and smi on the m4 contracts. All from 9 march 2004 to 16 april 2004.
There is the odd 1 minute gap ( about 4 to my knowledge)
If you (or anyone else) would provide me with 16 april to today i would be really grateful. You can have my data with pleasure if you want it.

Hi rdstagg,
thanks for your help. Just 'PM' me your email address and I'll send you the data for:
The files will be in 'xpo' format - is that okay?