GFT broker

Yes, they reckon lack of liquidity.

But more likely, the dealers are waiting to see which way price goes. If it goes your way, no fill. If it goes against you, they fill at bad price.

This certainly adds to my doubts, I have found with IG if you can not be filled they re-quote, giving you the option to take the fill or not.

Yes, they reckon lack of liquidity.

But more likely, the dealers are waiting to see which way price goes. If it goes your way, no fill. If it goes against you, they fill at bad price.

Can`t confirm experiencing such games, but I trade cfd`s with them. Had such problems only with CMC.


I know my account manager gives $50 bonus to anyone who opens an account even with min of $200, so why would someone new open ann account with $2500 with new broker?

[Phil Mibbutz]
Apparently there's nothing to stop you depositing the minimum to open the account, then withdrawing most of it,

Below is a post I posted on another thread and thought it relevant to this thread, so I have re-posted it here.

Just got off the phone with GFT.

In reply to Phil Mibbutz
I thought about opening an account and then withdrawing £1200, but GFT said you need a minimum of £4000 on deposit to keep an open position. At this point I got a bit fed up with the telephone conversation.

So if any one knows of any other spread betting firms that would offer a low cable spread and auto trailing stops of at least 5 pips. It would be great to hear from you.


If it was GFT trading CFDs and Forex (microlots), I would recommend you look at one of their IB`s . Same trading condition, but less deposit, especially fxflat dot de, german IB, but they DO speak English, minimum deposit 500 euros.

Once you have an account number and password, download the ORIGINAL software from GFT-UK (or log into the british website) and use your german acctno/passw with the UK firm!

