getting a trading job with no degree


Why is it so hard, no1 wants to know. I left school not having a clue what i wanted to do in life now i have got a bit older I have found out what i want to do with my life - Trade. But i went straight into work and i now regret that and wish i had gone to uni to get a degree in business/economics etc.

So my questions is how do i go about getting a trade support/ traders assistant or trainee trader job? I know getting the SII certificate might boost my chances.

Any one want to give a hard working motivated individual a chance... I won't dissappoint PROMISE!! any help much appreciated

cheers guys

Have you thought about getting a degree? Might be useful whatever you end up wanting to do.
yeah i thinks that what i'm going to have to do. means i have to wait another 3 years before i can get a job, I need a job asap really. You need a degree for basically every job nowadays :-( I wish i new trading existed when i was 16 (20 now) cheers
Why not trade online in the evenings while you work? Develop your method and slowly transfer to full-time. You say you're hard-working and won't disappoint... you can put your money where your mouth is by trading on your own. In fact, isn't this a possible route to a job? Prove you can trade with a good track-record and then apply to various hedge funds? 🙂
some arcades will still look at you.

could also try the brokerage gni. on the floor they had a policy of employing NO grads, as they thought grads were too laid back. maybe this policy is still in force today?