Do you need a Degree for IDB?


Hi all,

I will be finishing my A - levels in a year and half or so and really want to go into interdealing broking, working at firms like Tullet Prebon or BGC partners.......
I do however want to work when I leave school...... I could go to uni and do an economics degree but it would be at a top 10/russel group i.e not oxbridge/LSE/Warwick.......

SO my questions is can you get in a firm like BGC working at an interdealer broker from the word go? and can you be put on a revenue generating desk at the age of 18/19 with no degree but v. good Work experince and good A - levels?
Hi all,

I will be finishing my A - levels in a year and half or so and really want to go into interdealing broking, working at firms like Tullet Prebon or BGC partners.......
I do however want to work when I leave school...... I could go to uni and do an economics degree but it would be at a top 10/russel group i.e not oxbridge/LSE/Warwick.......

SO my questions is can you get in a firm like BGC working at an interdealer broker from the word go? and can you be put on a revenue generating desk at the age of 18/19 with no degree but v. good Work experince and good A - levels?

You could in the 80's & 90's but now you'll definately need a degree. Unless your 'v. good Work experince' is actually broking experience, which I pressume it isn't, just go to uni and enjoy it. Also, try and get fluent in another language by the time you apply.
You could in the 80's & 90's but now you'll definately need a degree. Unless your 'v. good Work experince' is actually broking experience, which I pressume it isn't, just go to uni and enjoy it. Also, try and get fluent in another language by the time you apply.

Ok thanks for your reply, the work experience which is line up this summer is at a couple of BB investment banks and also at at stockbroker's which is good but it's not IDB, I only raise the question because I have heard of conflicting data when it comes to the issue of wether or not a degree is needed to get you in at an IDB's