Get out of debt free

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Jon Doe

This is a great website for people interested in learning the truth about how banks, credit card companies & debt collection agencies try to rob you of every last penny.

Beat the Banks and the Debt Collectors totally Lawfully and Get out of Debt Free...
We offer Template Letters, Simple Strategies and Permanent Solutions
Simply acting Lawfully, Honestly and Truthfully
Don't be intimidated by these Corporate Bullies!
Learn the Rules and Start Winning the Global Commerce Game NOW!

What have the rules of Monopoly have to do with getting out of debt? Find out now with this 30 minute lighthearted but powerful presentation by Jon Witterick, offering a unique insight into dealing with debt, Lawfully, Honestly and Truthfully.

Learn how Banks and the Courts conspire to rob you of your money. Learn how debt collectors intimidate you and trick you into contracts and learn how to empower yourself by using some strategies and simple rules...

Their plan is to take you for every penny you have!
Your plan is to stop them!

7 Reasons why Credit Card/Loan agreements are unlawful
or why you don't owe your bank/credit card company anything

Your Credit Card Agreement is an unlawful contract as it is ONLY signed by you- constituting a unilateral agreement. (Contract Law)
All contracts, in order to be valid, must be signed by someone able to bind the corporation in contract. (Contract Law)

Banks create money out of thin air- they have no money to lend you. (Fractional Reserve Banking)
It is not possible to actually pay the outstanding amount as the currency is based on worthless paper and 'electronic funds' on computers. (Fractional Reserve Banking)
You do not have to pay statements, only invoices. (Bills of Exchange Act 1882)
You are not lawfully bound to pay anything which is unsigned. (Bills of Exchange Act 1882)
The uppercase name on the credit card is not your name, but a 'corporate entity'. (Blacks Law Dictionary)
The banks have been so desperate to get us into debt, that they sold people mortgages, who they knew could NEVER afford to pay them back.

The governments are so desperate to keep this racket going, that they will bail out ANY bank that gets into trouble!
Being in debt is one of the consequences of playing the game

Why do you think your government is in debt?

There is not enough Money in circulation for everyone to pay off ALL the debts!

The whole system is totally fraudulent...

So what do we do? We start Playing the Game!

How to Get Out of Debt, for Free
These rules are for those who are unable to get further credit cards or if you have already defaulted on them OR if you simply no longer wish to play the game…

Clear your debt, without further borrowing, IVA's or bankruptcy. We provide full instructions, 'open source' sample letters and simple rules so that you can respond Lawfully, Honestly and Truthfully.

We suggest you use this for credit cards, overdrafts and unsecured loans or if debt collectors or the courts are pursuing you. Do not use for utility bills, council tax, secured loans or mortgages, at least until you have a lot more experience in these matters.

If you want to know how the financial system really works, i suggest you watch the videos also.

Get out of Debt by understanding the Global Commerce Game

the money masters

money as debt
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Great website. See my signature 😉

Have saved myself paying back 5k+ using this website. Some have written off £60k+.

The amount isnt really important, its all pretend numbers on a PC screen afterall.

Money - created out of thin air - by your own signature as credit.
yes! Amazing website and videos! I stumbled across this back in 2010 I believe it was. He helps put it into perspective for you and gives you the real way to clean yourself out of the spider web mess.