Germany: Obama SuperStar !

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I just hope he doesn't get taken out by some nut with a rifle.

Not because it would be tragic but because all the conspiraloons would go hyper.

BSD, your such an ignorant fool. You'd believe anything the establishment laid in front of you. Do you actually think Osama rose to power in the shadow of Bush 1 & 2 and the CIA?
The guy is nothing more than a puppet. Now things are going to escalate, there going to continue on with there dictorial take-overs, the only difference is now the opposition won't be able to claim racism, because they'll be just as dumb as you, believing the whole 'show' that's being dramatically played out.
BSD, your such an ignorant fool. You'd believe anything the establishment laid in front of you. Do you actually think Osama rose to power in the shadow of Bush 1 & 2 and the CIA?
The guy is nothing more than a puppet. Now things are going to escalate, there going to continue on with there dictorial take-overs, the only difference is now the opposition won't be able to claim racism, because they'll be just as dumb as you, believing the whole 'show' that's being dramatically played out.

Depth Trade, I believe you are seriously mentally deranged, a certified lunatic with the reasoning skills of a kindergarten kid.

Nobody on this board has any interest in ANY of the BS you keep rubbishing threads with, so just make like the total loser you are and **** off.
Depth Trade, I believe you are seriously mentally deranged, a certified lunatic with the reasoning skills of a kindergarten kid.

Nobody on this board has any interest in ANY of the BS you keep rubbishing threads with, so just make like the total loser you are and **** off.
I am a genius.
The Sun's came out with the brilliant head GO-bama

As for the conspiracy theory, perhaps not but we need conspiracy theorists, just to give everything a perspective.

Our esteemed leaders were fighting this morning in the House of Commons about who is most like Obama. Bunch of muppets. But then I suppose Blair seemed perhaps as dynamic to us back in 1997 when he was elected. Perhaps Obama won't prove to be so crap.
Ha nice, is that Biden on the left?

Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones
Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The messianic fervor which has preceded Barack Obama’s expected ascension to the White House has alarming implications for freedom and is a painful reminder that most Americans have once again been suckered into believing that the two-party monopoly offers any kind of solution to the crisis that we face.

Barack Obama will ride into office with a gigantic approval rating to rival that of Bush after 9/11, along with a complete power monopoly over the executive, the legislative, the judicial as well as widespread media support.

For eight years during the term of Bill Clinton, Alex Jones was labeled a right-wing fascist for opposing him and for the past near-eight years Jones has been derided as a communist and even an Al-Qaeda member for railing against the Bush administration.

Now even regular readers of our own websites are calling Alex a right-wing racist once again merely for questioning the ascension of the new great leader - Barack Obama.

The messianic complex that has been attached to Obama is truly frightening. Bishops like Cornal Garnett Henning are calling Obama the new “Moses” while his supporters refer to him as “the black Jesus”.

In one You Tube clip, a woman hails Obama’s Godly powers by proclaiming that as soon as he is elected, all her problems will simply disappear, saying that Obama will help her personally almost like Jesus healed the sick and wounded.

The election of a new president should not be a mindless act of idolatry and fanfare, it should be a solemn commitment to find a leader who will follow the Constitution.

But Barack Obama will ride into office with a gigantic approval rating to rival that of Bush after 9/11, along with a complete power monopoly over the executive, the legislative, the judicial as well as widespread media support.

This makes Obama more dangerous than Bush and certainly a damn site more dangerous than a McCain administration, because his policies for at least a year or two will enjoy universal acclaim and voices of dissent will be drowned out by a wave of droning acquiescence.

Obama has all the political capital he needs to implement the terrifying policies that he has already announced and beef the architecture of the police state crafted by Bush.

- The creation of a “civilian national security force” that is “just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded” as the U.S. military to enforce Obama’s carbon tax scheme and the total regulation and control of the American middle class.

- Obama has talked openly about his intention to bomb Pakistan under the guise of pursuing terrorists, continuing a Bush administration policy of violating the sovereignty of foreign nations.

- The guarantee to “bankrupt” coal power plants, costing millions of American jobs and skyrocketing energy prices.

- Unbridled implementation and expansion of the banker bailout that is hated by the majority of American citizens yet was vigorously promoted by both Obama and McCain. Doling out taxpayer’s money to Wall Street, causing rampant inflation, a lowering in living standards and the destruction of the dollar.

- Obama has rhetorically supported the second amendment and an individual’s right to bear arms, but his actions tell a different story. Obama supports local gun ban laws, including his endorsement of a state ban on the sale and possession of handguns in Illinois.

- Obama grandstands on the notion that he supports environmentalism with his climate change rhetoric, but his intention to extend biofuel subsidies will only accelerate price food costs that have already risen 75 per cent since 2002, causing economic distress and rioting in such countries as Haiti, Egypt, and Somalia, as well as deforestation on a massive scale.

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Mark our words - the causes that the liberal left has been fighting for over the last eight years will simply be forgotten just like conservatives were put to sleep when Bush came to power. Obama is the pacifier that the establishment needs to quiet the simmering anger amongst Americans that has been threatening to boil over.

It will no longer be “fashionable” to fight the police state amongst the political left.

Mark our words - there will be no repeal of the Patriot Act, there will be no repeal of the John Warner Defense Authorization Act, there will be no repeal of warrantless secret surveillance of American citizens.

Democratic control of Congress and the Senate since the 2006 elections has achieved nothing in the way of reversing the Bush administration’s assaults on the Constitution, so why should we expect Obama to do anything different?

Obama may eventually withdraw a portion of troops from Iraq but mark our words, they won’t be home long before they are sent off to bomb another broken-backed third world country, this time in the name of a United Nations-backed “humanitarian” war, just as Bill Clinton presided over in Somalia and Serbia with the full support of the establishment political left.

Indeed, Obama’s running mate Joe Biden has already “promised” and “guaranteed” that Obama will be faced with an international crisis that will mandate him to take “unpopular” and “tough” decisions in the context of foreign policy.

Don’t think for a second that our warnings about Obama are an endorsement for John McCain. We have tirelessly attempted to educate Americans about the two party monopoly and the fact that Democrats and Republicans serve the interests of the elite, not the people, and have for at least five decades since Kennedy was killed.

Obama is Coca-Cola and McCain is Pepsi - at the end of the day you’re still drinking the same beverage.

The two-party monopoly offers no solutions for the problems we face, in fact the two-party monopoly that you will be helping to maintain should you vote for either Obama or McCain - is the problem.

Stop falling for the same bait and switch trick again and again every eight years.

When George W. Bush was elected, conservatives were in adulation and awe, confident that after eight years of federal government expansion under Clinton, Bush - complete with slick conservative rhetoric and promises of change - would shrink the size of government and restore dignity to the office of President.

Nearly eight years later and what have we witnessed, a record expansion in the size of government and an almost universal contempt for America around the world.

When Tony Blair swept into power with a landslide in the British general election in 1997, the country breathed a collective sigh of relief that this new young dynamo would put right years of Tory malfeasance and provide the “change” that everyone was crying out for.

When Blair left office in 2007 he had created a Socialist surveillance police state and eliminated a huge popular approval lead the Labour Party had enjoyed over the Tories, leaving most of the public once again to demand Conservative rule.

When are we going to wake up to the fact that voting in the lesser of two evils is not a solution?

When are we going to realize that participating in a rigged system, where our vote means virtually nothing anyway because it is counted by a completely compromised and hackable voting machine, not only fails to address any of our problems, but actually compounds them because of our passive obedience in participating in the phony virtual reality presented to us as “democracy”?

When are we going to realize that by continually electing Democrats and Republicans, we are voting away our own freedom as the march towards a new world order and an American police state proceeds no matter who takes office?


Go google lil black helicopters. Many simple Americans honestly believe the UN has fleets of em in an attempt to take over the US.

Many Americans also believe Obama is a planted foreign agent whose objective is to destroy the US.

Where Depth Trade shows up the only result is another thread destroyed with nothing but imbecilic,incoherent ramblings and BS.




"People willing to trade their freedom for temporary security deserve neither and will lose both."Benjamin Franklin, one of the Founding Fathers of the USA.

Clever words, even back then. He already knew that all the talk of freedom in the USA is and was little but hypocrisy whose chief reason for existence was to lull sheeples all too willing to be scaremongered into inanities like McCarthys communist witch hunt...

Or like then-Gov. Ronald Reagan (who) spent years unlawfully trying to quash the voices and careers of students and faculty deemed subversive at the University of California, the San Francisco Chronicle reported.

For years the FBI denied engaging in such activities at the university. But a 17-year legal challenge brought by a Chronicle reporter under the Freedom of Information Act forced the agency to release more than 200,000 pages of confidential records covering the 1940s to the 1970s, the newspaper reported in a special section for its Sunday editions.

Those documents describe the sweeping nature of the FBI's activities and show they ranged far beyond the campus and into state politics as the agency plotted to end the career of UC President Clark Kerr while aiding Reagan's political career.

Only after federal judges repeatedly ruled that the FBI had drifted unlawfully from intelligence gathering into politics — and the case was about to be heard by the Supreme Court — did the FBI settle, removing much of the blacked-out material in the files.

Or the current police state the US has under Bush's disastrous Patriot Act that has more in common with a dictatorship than any real democracy.

Freedom has nothing to do with the total police state the US has evolved into:

Los Angeles: An innocent abroad
One minute Dudi Appleton was strolling in Los Angeles. The next he was on his way to jail. His crime? Crossing the road

It was 1am on a Monday morning and I had just been thrown a "welcome to laid-back California" dinner by friends. Later (and, yes, sober) I walked 300 yards to buy a phonecard: 1am in LA is 9am in London, and the perfect time to make vital calls home.
Emerging from the 7-11 store with two phonecards and a bottle of Vanilla Coke, I dandered across a virtually deserted Santa Monica Boulevard and strolled down La Cienega.

Minutes later, a sheriff's car screeched onto the pavement behind me. Hunting down some notorious LA criminal, I thought. No doubt they wanted to know whether I had seen anyone suspicious.

"Come here," said one of the car's occupants. Keen to help, I walked towards them, only to find myself pushed face down onto the car bonnet.

"Do you always do that?" the woman officer (she did all the talking, pushing and prodding) barked as she yanked my arms back bending my thumbs sharply upwards. What was my crime, I wondered: whistling Irish folk tunes in a built-up area?

"Do what?" I ventured.
"Walk across the road."
Fearing a trick question I said nothing.
"In my pocket."
"Which pocket?"
I gestured with my chin. "That one, I think."
"Get it."

Now I was really confused. My arms were pinioned behind me while my face was being lightly seared on the metal of the cop car. The next thing I knew, I was being cuffed and thrown into the back of the car. Having decided that my ID was insufficient they told me they were "taking me in". In the Cagney and Lacey, rather than the Orphan Annie sense.

That is absolutely insane !


Speaking of freedom in connection with what the US has evolved into is nothing but fact twisting Orwellian Doublespeak.

People were fearmongered into believing that communists were about to take over the country, then it was socialists, now it was Iraqis, and the latest victim of US conservative fearmongering is poor Obama himself, the latest scapegoat whose sole reason for existence is allegedly the destruction of the US.

One really can't help but feel sorry for all the normal people in the US that think and feel like the rest of us, but have had to put up with this right wing manipulation and conspiracy nonsense for the last half century that has cost them so much of their freedom, their countries wealth that was squandered on not least a corrupt oil war, and that has destroyed their countries standing in the world.

Obama is and will be the last chance for a very long time to turn things around and make a new beginning, take power away from the so called conservatives and all of their corruption, hypocrisy and yesterdayism, and to instead focus on the original values of the US, focus on freedom and liberty that isn't freedom and liberty only in name but nothing else, to fill those core American values with life again, and to give progress a real chance.


Go google lil black helicopters. Many simple Americans honestly believe the UN has fleets of em in an attempt to take over the US.

Many Americans also believe Obama is a planted foreign agent whose objective is to destroy the US.

Where Depth Trade shows up the only result is another thread destroyed with nothing but imbecilic,incoherent ramblings and BS.
Maybe you just don't care BSD. Your such a weakling, you can't even for a moment let your guard down to take in & absorb what's happening right in front of your eyes.
Militarization of the USA, then global take over.

Two More U.S. Military Units Assigned For Homeland Security
Northcom to train 4,700 service members for “specialized domestic operations”

Paul Joseph Watson / Prison | November 4, 2008

Northcom has announced that two more U.S. military units will be assigned for domestic homeland security missions, bringing the total number of combat ready service members operating inside the U.S. to around 4,700, as fears grow about the increasing militarization of law enforcement.

The announcement follows the controversy surrounding a September 8 Army Times report (revised on September 30), which revealed that the 3rd Infantry Division�s 1st Brigade Combat Team, fresh from combat duties in Iraq, would be operating inside America for tasks including “civil unrest and crowd control,” a detail that was later denied by Northcom despite the concession that forces would be armed with both non-lethal and lethal weapons as well as having access to tanks.

“In the next three years the military plans to activate and train an estimated 4,700 service members for specialized domestic operations, according to Air Force Gen. Gene Renuart, commander of U.S. Northern Command, which was created in 2002 for homeland defense missions,” reports the Colorado Independent.

�It�s to help us manage the consequences of a large-scale event,� said Renuart. �We have one [unit] now trained and equipped and assigned to the Northern Command. We�ll grow a second one this calendar year of 2009 and a third one in the calendar year 2010 so we can provide the nation three sets of capabilities that could respond to an event of the size of 9/11 or larger.�

But as Mike German, national security counsel for the American Civil Liberties Union�s legislative office in Washington., D.C., points out, �This isn�t a military police brigade or a civil affairs brigade. This is actually a combat brigade being assigned a domestic mission.�


�It�s fine for the general to say that,� said counter-terrorist operations specialist German. �But we want to know what the policies actually are, what the roles are and what the regulations are to see whether this is actually complying with the law.�

The ACLU has filed a Freedom Of Information Request demanding more information on the purpose and scope of military assets under Northcom control being deployed domestically.

Despite Northcom’s insistence that the deployments are purely related to natural disaster and mass casualty response, the original Army Times report quoted 1st BCT commander Col. Roger Cloutier as saying that the unit would be trained in the use of “nonlethal weapons designed to subdue unruly or dangerous individuals” for the purposes of “crowd and traffic control”.

The use of U.S. troops in law enforcement duties is a complete violation of the Posse Comitatus Act and the Insurrection Act, which substantially limit the powers of the federal government to use the military for law enforcement unless under precise and extreme circumstances.

Section 1385 of the Posse Comitatus Act states, “Whoever, except in cases and under circumstances expressly authorized by the Constitution or Act of Congress, willfully uses any part of the Army or the Air Force as a posse comitatus or otherwise to execute the laws shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than two years, or both.”

Under the John Warner Defense Authorization Act, signed by President Bush on October 17, 2006, the law was changed to state, “The President may employ the armed forces to restore public order in any State of the United States the President determines hinders the execution of laws or deprives people of a right, privilege, immunity, or protection named in the Constitution and secured by law or opposes or obstructs the execution of the laws of the United States or impedes the course of justice under those laws.”

However, these changes were repealed in their entirety by HR 4986: National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008, reverting back to the original state of the Insurrection Act of 1807. Despite this repeal, President Bush attached a signing statement saying that he did not feel bound by the repeal.

Fears of active duty military assets being called upon to administer martial law in the aftermath of an economic collapse or a large scale terrorist attack were heightened after we revealed the existence of a FEMA-run program which is training Pastors and other religious representatives to become secret police enforcers who teach their congregations to “obey the government” in preparation for a declaration of martial law, property and firearm seizures, and forced relocation.

Debunkers and “urban myth” websites - such as The Museum of Hoaxes - dismissed the story as a hoax, yet it was later confirmed in triplicate by mainstream news reports.
Maybe you just don't care BSD. Your such a weakling, you can't even for a moment let your guard down to take in & absorb what's happening right in front of your eyes.
Militarization of the USA, then global take over.

Two More U.S. Military Units Assigned For Homeland Security
Northcom to train 4,700 service members for “specialized domestic operations”

Paul Joseph Watson / Prison | November 4, 2008

Northcom has announced that two more U.S. military units will be assigned for domestic homeland security missions, bringing the total number of combat ready service members operating inside the U.S. to around 4,700, as fears grow about the increasing militarization of law enforcement.

The announcement follows the controversy surrounding a September 8 Army Times report (revised on September 30), which revealed that the 3rd Infantry Division�s 1st Brigade Combat Team, fresh from combat duties in Iraq, would be operating inside America for tasks including “civil unrest and crowd control,” a detail that was later denied by Northcom despite the concession that forces would be armed with both non-lethal and lethal weapons as well as having access to tanks.

“In the next three years the military plans to activate and train an estimated 4,700 service members for specialized domestic operations, according to Air Force Gen. Gene Renuart, commander of U.S. Northern Command, which was created in 2002 for homeland defense missions,” reports the Colorado Independent.

�It�s to help us manage the consequences of a large-scale event,� said Renuart. �We have one [unit] now trained and equipped and assigned to the Northern Command. We�ll grow a second one this calendar year of 2009 and a third one in the calendar year 2010 so we can provide the nation three sets of capabilities that could respond to an event of the size of 9/11 or larger.�

But as Mike German, national security counsel for the American Civil Liberties Union�s legislative office in Washington., D.C., points out, �This isn�t a military police brigade or a civil affairs brigade. This is actually a combat brigade being assigned a domestic mission.�


�It�s fine for the general to say that,� said counter-terrorist operations specialist German. �But we want to know what the policies actually are, what the roles are and what the regulations are to see whether this is actually complying with the law.�

The ACLU has filed a Freedom Of Information Request demanding more information on the purpose and scope of military assets under Northcom control being deployed domestically.

Despite Northcom’s insistence that the deployments are purely related to natural disaster and mass casualty response, the original Army Times report quoted 1st BCT commander Col. Roger Cloutier as saying that the unit would be trained in the use of “nonlethal weapons designed to subdue unruly or dangerous individuals” for the purposes of “crowd and traffic control”.

The use of U.S. troops in law enforcement duties is a complete violation of the Posse Comitatus Act and the Insurrection Act, which substantially limit the powers of the federal government to use the military for law enforcement unless under precise and extreme circumstances.

Section 1385 of the Posse Comitatus Act states, “Whoever, except in cases and under circumstances expressly authorized by the Constitution or Act of Congress, willfully uses any part of the Army or the Air Force as a posse comitatus or otherwise to execute the laws shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than two years, or both.”

Under the John Warner Defense Authorization Act, signed by President Bush on October 17, 2006, the law was changed to state, “The President may employ the armed forces to restore public order in any State of the United States the President determines hinders the execution of laws or deprives people of a right, privilege, immunity, or protection named in the Constitution and secured by law or opposes or obstructs the execution of the laws of the United States or impedes the course of justice under those laws.”

However, these changes were repealed in their entirety by HR 4986: National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008, reverting back to the original state of the Insurrection Act of 1807. Despite this repeal, President Bush attached a signing statement saying that he did not feel bound by the repeal.

Fears of active duty military assets being called upon to administer martial law in the aftermath of an economic collapse or a large scale terrorist attack were heightened after we revealed the existence of a FEMA-run program which is training Pastors and other religious representatives to become secret police enforcers who teach their congregations to “obey the government” in preparation for a declaration of martial law, property and firearm seizures, and forced relocation.

Debunkers and “urban myth” websites - such as The Museum of Hoaxes - dismissed the story as a hoax, yet it was later confirmed in triplicate by mainstream news reports.

Maybe you just don't care BSD. Your such a weakling, you can't even for a moment let your guard down to take in & absorb what's happening right in front of your eyes.
Militarization of the USA, then global take over.

Can you at least try and not make like a total RedNeck all the time with your permanent and entirely unwarranted rudeness that does nothing but underline your total lack of own debating skills let alone own arguments.

YouTube - Rednecks of the South

Two More U.S. Military Units Assigned For Homeland Security
Northcom to train 4,700 service members for “specialized domestic operations”

Under the John Warner Defense Authorization Act, signed by President Bush on October 17, 2006, the law was changed to state, “The President may employ the armed forces to restore public order in any State of the United States the President determines hinders the execution of laws or deprives people of a right, privilege, immunity, or protection named in the Constitution and secured by law or opposes or obstructs the execution of the laws of the United States or impedes the course of justice under those laws.”

However, these changes were repealed in their entirety by HR 4986: National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008, reverting back to the original state of the Insurrection Act of 1807. Despite this repeal, President Bush attached a signing statement saying that he did not feel bound by the repeal.

But that's what I have been saying all along...

The US response of utter and total paranoia to an admittedly evil terror attack had nothing to do with the actions of a strong and self confident and capable nation, but all with the panicked reactions of an insecure and cowardly nation given to falling for the simplest and most primitive instigations of fearmongering emanating from it's leadership.

9-11 was bad, but the utter destruction of democracy that you let Bush get away with afterwards was in no way justifiable in view of the threat stemming from a handful bunch of ragtag deluded terrorists, and the ensuing oil war of aggression against Iraq was completely concocted out of thin air anyway.

The Nazis and Soviets could be overcome without resorting to the excesses of the Bush regime, but then the people of that time were probably made of a different wood and could manage to leave their houses without getting a heart attack from fear, or without needing the false security of a gun that only makes ones own death more likely in the event.

Cowardice leads to paranoia and panic, and those two make the worst and most counterproductive of advisors.

Rednecks may feel they convey an impression of strength when they ride around in their ramshackle broken down pickups with a big gun in the window rack and a confederate flag waving away...

What the rest of the world sees is nothing than a fearful, paranoid boy in the body of a man who never learned to cope with a world in which he senses he will never have a future, and to which he reacts with the only means at his disposal naked aggression and hatred.
Can you at least try and not make like a total RedNeck all the time with your permanent and entirely unwarranted rudeness that does nothing but underline your total lack of own debating skills let alone own arguments.

YouTube - Rednecks of the South

But that's what I have been saying all along...

The US response of utter and total paranoia to an admittedly evil terror attack had nothing to do with the actions of a strong and self confident and capable nation, but all with the panicked reactions of an insecure and cowardly nation given to falling for the simplest and most primitive instigations of fearmongering emanating from it's leadership.

9-11 was bad, but the utter destruction of democracy that you let Bush get away with afterwards was in no way justifiable in view of the threat stemming from a handful bunch of ragtag deluded terrorists, and the ensuing oil war of aggression against Iraq was completely concocted out of thin air anyway.

The Nazis and Soviets could be overcome without resorting to the excesses of the Bush regime, but then the people of that time were probably made of a different wood and could manage to leave their houses without getting a heart attack from fear, or without needing the false security of a gun that only makes ones own death more likely in the event.

Cowardice leads to paranoia and panic, and those two make the worst and most counterproductive of advisors.

Rednecks may feel they convey an impression of strength when they ride around in their ramshackle broken down pickups with a big gun in the window rack and a confederate flag waving away...

What the rest of the world sees is nothing than a fearful, paranoid boy in the body of a man who never learned to cope with a world in which he senses he will never have a future, and to which he reacts with the only means at his disposal naked aggression and hatred.
What about trading, how is it that you spend all your time here, yet you have zero clue what is going on and never do anything associated with trading.
Why the heck are you on here.

I can just imagine, you give yourself a weekly limit on how much you can lose, while telling your wife and inlaws your a currency trader.

Beyond funny.
Can you at least try and not make like a total RedNeck all the time with your permanent and entirely unwarranted rudeness that does nothing but underline your total lack of own debating skills let alone own arguments.

YouTube - Rednecks of the South

But that's what I have been saying all along...

The US response of utter and total paranoia to an admittedly evil terror attack had nothing to do with the actions of a strong and self confident and capable nation, but all with the panicked reactions of an insecure and cowardly nation given to falling for the simplest and most primitive instigations of fearmongering emanating from it's leadership.

9-11 was bad, but the utter destruction of democracy that you let Bush get away with afterwards was in no way justifiable in view of the threat stemming from a handful bunch of ragtag deluded terrorists, and the ensuing oil war of aggression against Iraq was completely concocted out of thin air anyway.

The Nazis and Soviets could be overcome without resorting to the excesses of the Bush regime, but then the people of that time were probably made of a different wood and could manage to leave their houses without getting a heart attack from fear, or without needing the false security of a gun that only makes ones own death more likely in the event.

Cowardice leads to paranoia and panic, and those two make the worst and most counterproductive of advisors.

Rednecks may feel they convey an impression of strength when they ride around in their ramshackle broken down pickups with a big gun in the window rack and a confederate flag waving away...

What the rest of the world sees is nothing than a fearful, paranoid boy in the body of a man who never learned to cope with a world in which he senses he will never have a future, and to which he reacts with the only means at his disposal naked aggression and hatred.
Follow this man and I guarantee in 200 years your children will live as slaves.