George Fontanills' Options Course


Well-known member
Hello Folks

Hope u all had a lovely Christmas? Looking forward to the new year?

Anyway, I received some promotional material from the wonderful? 'Fleet Street Publications' offering an Options Trading Course titled 'Wealth Without Worry' by one George Fontanills. Its priced @£187 and carries a 90 day money back guarantee.

Q: Has anyone out there read/used/attended any books, material or courses/seminars from Mr Fontanills? In particular has anyone taken This course which is obviously designed for the UK?

Thanx 4 feedback.
Sorry Mr Charts and trader333

Try this:
Right click on the link and "save target as"

This book is for people who actually wish to trade options and not get too heavily into the academic side.

I am pretty sure that you are not going to learn much more than in this free book by going on a £3000 options course.

The above book is the best options book I have ever read.
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I would think there would be a good case for a claim under the Trades Descriptions Act for using the title "Wealth Without Worry" for a course on Options.

What no headline ever mentions directly is that it is EASY to lose 100% of your stake within 1 - 5 days, unlike ordinary shares, where the chances of that happening are nearly zero. Using stop losses can often be worse than doing nothing, due to the extreme short term volatility of option prices.

They can also easily give you 40 - 100% gains very quickly, but the next 100% loss puts that starting stake in the bin.

Promoters cover themselves by making this 100% loss sound like a bonus, eg ' The wonderful thing about Options trading is you know at the outset what your maximum loss can be' etc, etc. They don't point out it can be all your money, quite quickly.

They compare this to ordinary shares by pointing out that it is possible to have unlimited losses on a share trade but not on an Options trade, and they are being truthful.

Wealth without worry has never applied to ordinary share trading so it certainly won't apply to options.
mos3329 - how do you quantify worry? Sure you can lose all your money on options quickly because of the gearing. But if you only trade the actual value that you can afford to lose, the limited loss claim is quite valid. I guess it depends what you do. Used properly, options can offer lower risk strategies than shares on their own, or used incorrectly they can lose your shirt in a matter of minutes - it's just a matter of choice.
Trader Pattern,
I'm getting site not found on all three urls and I've tried on two different machines, one dial up modem, and the other adsl.
Thanks for your efforts though

I agree you can just trade the amount you can afford to lose, but this then reduces your profit potential as well.

If you can only afford to lose £500 you can risk that on a £500 option trade, but, the same trader could trade £5000 worth of shares in the same stock and using a 10% stop loss (which is generous) still only risk the same £500. But the stock trade is much more likely to give you time to get out with a lesser loss if you think the stock is going to continue going bad. With the option trade you often don't have that luxury of time.
Mr. Charts said:
Trader Pattern,
I'm getting site not found on all three urls and I've tried on two different machines, one dial up modem, and the other adsl.
Thanks for your efforts though

If anyone wants a pdf'd copy of the best book on options trading that you are likely to come across, email me on [email protected], and send me a private message on trade2win so that I am reminded to reply to you.

I will then send out a mass email to all those who made the request.

But before you email me, please try this link:

Depending on your connection, the > 1MB file may take a little while to download.
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Options Course


Thanx 4 ur comments. However, have to agree with RogerM on the risk issue. Options ARE inherently more risky than shares but they are designed that way - you use LESS capital to achieve far greater returns in less time. The risk issue is really one of money and trade management. Blowing £500 in one option position is as easy as blowing £5000 on the same posn bcos of the increased number of contracts.

Its really all about how much of your capital you place at risk PER TRADE.

I'd suggest that if one had £500 to trade with, options are not your place just yet. £5000 is different, and with sound money management rules, you can certainly trade options (from what I know).

That said, can someone who's read GF or being on the course PLEASE speak up? Danke!

Segz 😉