FXCorrelator - Forex Trading view

ok ..nice steady action here

UJ been nice from 107.00 to 107.18 so far
EA 5240,s to 5268
AU 7450's to 7440
GU 4558's - 4547's
UCAD 2720's to 2735
EU 68's to 60's

not all lottery winners but the moves are there

I trade by taking at least 2 contracts on a pair ...I grab 5 pips min on 1 contract and run the others ..........(keeping it simple)

you have to accept the rules of scalping ..its not like other trading


superb rebounce to 82 (y)
hey all .....coffee break time

jees a lot of action since 8am .........

staying on bias from 6am I would have been rebuying EA on dips and a couple of good resells on GU.....a little reselling AU as well

at this moment its all about GBP selling .............so would be on GU sells .......E/G buys (if offered) ...........EU sells on offer as well........but would look for 1370's for best prices.......ranging there
AU sells popping up as well..........again wait for good prices offered.......7440 would be nice
yen bear fighting back .........

UJ buys if back on offer at around 107.05's - 10's
took a slightly risky resell on GU from 40's ......don't try that at home
uj actually setting up for a sell here ............go on breach 107.03
the longer a move delays the less I like it ...always remember that
gotta take the GU rise on next confirmation .............missed a 10 pip move