FXCorrelator - Forex Trading view

nothing has breached 10 pip range from 6am so far .............veeeerrry early doors still

be patient
if yen breaches a R level soon I will start to believe its bull .......but sloooooooow
gu sells warming up .......jees gimme a break here .........wheres the action ?
3105 the support line for Ucad.........but I am scared of a usd selloff

3110 now but still too early ...........maybe if I was further down the pipe with a lot of pips in bag I would have gone
EJ sells first solid signals of the day ..........buckle up
ok we have got 10 pips from 6am bar now on some pairs ......


usd is confirming a bull london so far
GBP , CAD sells
yen has gone bull

trades flowing

morning all

been webdesigning since 4am (don't ask)......

ok now trading - much more bloody fun .....

usd bails to -30's .........that's interesting
euro weak as well.....bulls are nzd, GBP......yen swinging like Sinatra at moment

London early doors - indexes

Cad dumping ....sell
usd bounced bull........get ready to resell it
still early

pairs I'm on / in

UCAD buys to +10 so far , EA to +10......as stated beware the usd ........I figure shes coming south soon

but I will trade what I see as ususal

have a good one ...........I will.........never been so awake at this time !!!


ok so far we have only seen the extension of the 2 mentioned above to around +20 pips............so early doors
ok I am letting yen dominate my pair trades at moment ............yen is having a good bull london so selling EJ and UJ as signals present

oooooo usd selling now ........

hint / advice

NEVER CHASE THE EARLY MOVES.........let the currency settle a little .....................sure you can all see loads of pips on GU , EU buys

but seriously ?..........where would you have entered ?

give it a little breathing space to reconfirm now :smart:

eu from 1230 GU from 4518

NOW let them reconfirm before you buy
only to 26.....???......cmon gimme a break here ..............