FXCorrelator - Forex Trading view

always have 3-5 pairs in the frame ..........that's the secret to me for scalping .......I have options based on where the move goes .........
damn .........lots of retraces off 7am bar .........minimal extention plays .....so far
so far my only real action is playing a ranging yen as already discussed ........I will play the usd weakness for a while as well ........

usd is a beut selloff..........GU is The buy ..........GBP flicked a little fake bear move then WHAM ...............north !!!
ok later ...........pips to make and only another 30-40 mins before calling it a day

market is now opening up

EA sells
GU buys
UCAD sells
AU buys
EU buys
UJ sells

7.30 bar rejects USD selloffs .........frustrating ..........will play the reversal
well I harvested most of the recent USD selloffs .........so doing ok .........will see how next 15 mins goes then over for the day

usd bear giving me plenty now ..........will hang in on the ride
ok later ...........pips to make and only another 30-40 mins before calling it a day

market is now opening up

EA sells
GU buys
UCAD sells
AU buys
EU buys
UJ sells


you do the math on most of the calls above :cool:
tidying up now ..............some decent hauls this morning so cant complain

have a good day

hey all

wont be trading this afternoon but looking at mornings outcomes ..........

market action for my ususal pairs was all over by 8am in truth

EJ & UJ sells + GU buys ......then it all went a little dead in the water ..........a sprinkling of yen buying and CAD selling later in morning but ZZZville generally so no tears from me

moving into the US session now ......

The Yen is still monster bear for day but a nice bull retracement from London so far .......everything else is a real mess to be honest ........so I would be having to drop down to last hour to be calling moves / trends , S/R etc etc

go with momentum plays .........but I would keep an eye on the yen bull moves for my EJ and UJ opps

good hunting
ucad the sell ............get ready 2580 will be a decent resell point ....may be earlier