FXCorrelator - Forex Trading view

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hmmmmm..............3160 looks hard work for the gu .......I am ready to start buying soon

and the GU as well

nice bounce plays there gang back up to 3174 so far 🙂 .........was not rocket science as the GBP was sitting on days low .........

have a good one all .....

hey all

London session finished a while back .......

GBP rules waves ........to +60 pips from 6am
NZD followed up to + 40s

unless you were buying them it was slim pickings

Big sells were the Euro and CHF.to -60's as well

USD had a mainly bear morning ......yen was rangy

big scalp plays were based on above naturally

E/G sells were really a nice option today to those in the know

nice 3 ducks message off the other thread :smart:👍

Hello NVP,
How you doing my friend ?
I wanted to share entry on GBP/USD. I used 3 time frames and used also 5M like trigger. I found that USD finished correction and also in the price action there is finished ABC formation so I bought. Will try to take 30-50 pips or more depend of the price action. 🙂

GBP is so far the strongest currency >

that's a real nice looking 3 ducks Peter 👍:smart:

its fair to say the GBP is the bull play ............yes 🙂

and look at that EG sell off the 5mins ........superb today !!!


  • EG rules.JPG
    EG rules.JPG
    120 KB · Views: 325
we will stick to scalp calls here ...

all the stuff on the 3 ducks corrie is on my main thread or below in links area 🙂

ive been on the GU as a rebuy alongside some of the other moves this afternoon

did anyone pick up the big big bounce at the recent 3230 levels ? .........what a superb move

morning all

AUD the bull play , GBP the main Bear .USD bear as well

6am starts ......
GBP the Sell........USD as well ........
bull action on Yen and AUD and cAD so far

early action was on AU buys and EA sells .....
last 30 mins I'm playing the Yen strength (EJ / UJ sells) and also reselling GU

all done a while back for this morning ..........

from the last post the market generally consolidated and not much extended .......

Euro has now been promising re more bull plays ........NZD has come more south breaking the mould....

but not much to pick from really this morning

have a good session......I see a promising ea bull unfolding as well

London morning over ..........

the promising EA bull from my last post has done real well ....to +50's on moves from 6am

GBP has sold off strongly as well........GU offered to -50 pip from 6am starts

that would have done nicely today
wont get to trade again today .........

US session interesting so far .......GBP been pretty bull at times , and the Euro

main sells the CAD and the NZD ......Chf coming last hour or so

USD rangy but now bull , yen rangy

pairwise nothing really diverged excessively to date ....EA buys , GU buys , UCAD buys , and now EA sells and EU and GU sells leading the charge .....

all over the place
morning all


usd is the sell..... gbp the main bull

6am starts

usd still falling...........chf and Euro so far the buys ....we are still only talking 10 pip ranges +/- the zero start line at 6am ........but good volatility that promises much here

selling the USd and yen now has got us a few scalps in the frame

EU , AU , GU buys and Ucad sells
EA buys , EJ buys

get amongst it ......

ok Friday ..........what do we look for ?

yep the retraces on the big moving currencies into the weekend 🙂

this week the GBP has done well.....its about 150 pips up for week

however its already been sold off from its double top on wed / thurs (+200 pips).... .so don't expect much more

CHF is the possible retrace bull buy ....shes 70 pips down for week and bouncing slowly off a 95pip low.........possibilities to buy that in for any traders still looking to close out CHF shorts against other stronger currencies in week

CHF is certainly doing well today

London over - how'd you do ?

gbp was ranging violently I see.....it went to +20 early from 6am the back to -20's later in session !
50 pip swing trade....great if you play a S/R level bounce reverse strategy on GBP pairs

yen slowly ground north in session ........usd after intial falls has come bull

cad a buy ...

pairs in action ...........well as stated if you played a gbp reverals it was a brave and lucrative strategy ...the gu fell sharply from 9.50 ....some 50 pips on the last swing low

otherwise the normal trend grinding generated a few decent pairs

EU EA GU buys early London

then selling GU and buying ucad later in session (as usd came north)

have a good us session
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on the triple corrie the signals are on


see how that grabs you for us session

YEN AND USD are off the bear sells at moment ........but they may come back hard south if US kicks off with gains on equities (carry play)

last 30 mins the gbp is coming south again ........you are not seeing the action on GU as usd is bear as well........but watch for breaches below that 3190 level
guys I wont be back scalping today ..........have a good one and i will post the weeks action over weekend

morning all

bank holiday in uk ........so tread carefully

yen bear ..to -50's
NZD the buy

London 6am ........

yen still selling..........GBP coming south also in last 10-15 mins
nzd the buy..........usd coming north

London 6am pairs

average volatility so far as expected (monday and BH in uk = low expected)

GU sells now showing as -15/16 pips from 6am opens ......

EJ / UJ buys showing as well

have a good one .........i'm busy today as its not a BH in US or Europe 🙁

since 6am the GU peaked at 3132.......now at 3100...........not bad and only decent pair in my stable giving pips ..........

UJ buys ok ish ...........ucad buys coming now