FXCorrelator - Forex Trading view

yen going bull............watch the EJ and UJ sells for opps here
3456/57 ..GU is really trying for one more bull blast here ........
work the sells now guys below the 50 ...........I don't think gbp is coming back for a while
pretty sloppy correlation in truth ..not perfect ...........yen , usd , gbp , eueo all a pattern . mess at present
getting clearer .yen and usd bull .............Sell gbp ....

oh you have :)

Gu 3441 .......
3436........here she comes .........nice :)

ok lunchbreak over for me and 1 half decent GU sell to 34's

back later guys

3424...........i'll go when I close my last 2 contracts out on this
jut been stopped on last contracts but if I had time I would look for more sells here ........usd is pretty bull still

ok back later
because you have sh-t hot signal settings thats taken years to find:devilish:

nope ........I didn't have a clue chasing GU down ......I can only get a handle on a price level when it starts rejecting ......ie like the 3400 support call where I was getting more of a feel for GBPs position :)
hey all

still tied up so cant trade at moment..........quick look

Euro bull in control
GBP bearish


ucad rebuys when offered , EA rebuys , EJ rebuys

4pm bar just put the bearish GBP thru the floor ........I bloody missed it

100 pips in 1 minute fall ..............majorly pissed off :(