you are my hero! 😎
I can only make the Delta points work in retrospect, and only by giving a lot of leeway to the analysis, which I would not do if I had money on the line.
hope you can give a review of it at some point. your opinions will carry much weight. (hope that doesnt worry you)
Cable long at 9755, stops 20 pips.
Think you mean heroine!!!! lol (unless you know something I don't!)
Does the Vegas incorporate the 365ma Zuke? We bounced off the 365 on the 4hr this morning giving weight to longs.
whichever you prefer, JillyB; its an accolade not to be sniffed at. 😆
anyway, no more trades for me today;
interestingly, over May, my account has grown by 5.5% this month, including todays loss.
bit dire in all honesty, as the drawdown was 3 times that much. most losses were due to wanting to be in the game, and finding an excuse to be in.
but, I have been taking my losses like a good boy.
need to go off and do some more number crunching to identify further patterns.
hope you guys had a profitable month.
a horrendous month was saved by 3 "hunch" trades on GBP/CAD. All of them were in the direction of the trend and helped bag 600 pips, which means my account did quite well this month. On the down side, my Dow short is looking ominous (currently short from 13660, but there is a lot of talk about it going to 13800)
excellent going zuke.
that can be frustrating; when the shoot-from-the-hip trades generate the stellar returns, rather than the plodding bread-and-butter returns from clear rules.
(but, of course, the rules are open to objective back-testing, the intuitive ones arent)
It's tough. I've back tested my 3 main strategies (intraday trending strategy -30 Min PSAR), my longer term position strategy (modified 1 & 4H Vegas Tunnel) and my ranging strategy (a modified BAT ATR method from Forex Factory)) - to death, but sometimes my "intuition" yields far better results!
well, short 1.9793 at the mo. Just need 1.9785 to giveway.