Futures Trading Rooms


I know there has been plenty of debate over the years on Trade2win over the merits and scams relating to Live Trading Rooms, with the majority thinking they are in the main full of BS. Although my own limited experience of a few rooms have been mixed, I believe they can be a positive support to traders particularly in the early days when experienced support can be confidence building and beneficial. The big danger is joining a scam site where entries, exits and stops are not communicated clearly, becoming dependent on them and not taking accountability for each of your trades etc.. .

Anyway, enough said. The purpose of this thread was to share an article of a few months I came across via google. Written by a chap Dean Handley in the States , he has done an evaluation of a shed load of these rooms to try to separate the wheat from the chaff....It initially was published on the 'Futures Truth' website. This may be helpful in avoiding the scam artists and plethora of BS one finds when looking for a trading room. For reference I have never used any of the ones he lists and have nothing to do with Dr Handley


Chap Dean Handley here

I know there has been plenty of debate over the years on Trade2win over the merits and scams relating to Live Trading Rooms, with the majority thinking they are in the main full of BS. Although my own limited experience of a few rooms have been mixed, I believe they can be a positive support to traders particularly in the early days when experienced support can be confidence building and beneficial. The big danger is joining a scam site where entries, exits and stops are not communicated clearly, becoming dependent on them and not taking accountability for each of your trades etc.. .

Anyway, enough said. The purpose of this thread was to share an article of a few months I came across via google. Written by a chap Dean Handley in the States , he has done an evaluation of a shed load of these rooms to try to separate the wheat from the chaff....It initially was published on the 'Futures Truth' website. This may be helpful in avoiding the scam artists and plethora of BS one finds when looking for a trading room. For reference I have never used any of the ones he lists and have nothing to do with Dr Handley

Thanks man - all of my articles are here as downloadable pdf files:
Trading Floors

It is such a shame that these articles regarding scam trading floors tend to reflect on all trading floors. Our trading floors like im sure many others have no hidden agenda and are simply here as a community to traders and that it is somewhere where we can support anyone who needs it.🙂
Scammers amongst us

In fact the vast majority of the 563 rooms I have seen are scammers in that they sell but do not trade, promote success but do not measure it, sell systems or strategies that are not calibrated or verified to do anything. Selling is far more lucrative than trading.
A Sores offers Dr. Dean money to recommend his room; Dr. Dean declines


This video will tell you all about Dr. Dean Handley himself.

Soares emails Dr. Dean: Now my proposal to you is giving you 10% and give your client a one time discount of 10% on all the services that I´am selling right now with the use of a coupon code that you have to put on your website. The 10% that is going to you will be for every month that your referral is in the room. 70% of all my clients are buying the video course and are on average 6 months in the trade room.If you raise 10 clients for me and 70% will buy the video course you will raise: 7x$49,90= $349,3 with regards to the video course 10 x $29,90 = $299,90 per month with regards to the subscription of the room.

Dr. Dean declines to Soares: I have to decline your kind offer - I do not accept money for the recommendations I give; I wish you all the best, I have removed your logo from my library and I am off to my next rooms, best wishes, Dean

Then inquires to Dr. Dean about dropping Soares & Trading Price Action on Futures:
Hi Dean, I see that you dropped Trading Price Action On Futures from "Currently Under Evaluation" and that you did not include them as a recommended room. Is there a reason that they didn't get recommended?

Dr. Dean tells the hard truth:
He was a hard one; over 38 trading days he averaged 1.29 trades/day and $63.40/3 contract trade; you decide...
This video will tell you all about Dr. Dean Handley himself.

I don't know much about him, but every time I get spam email from him, presumably from some email list he's bought, I'm always surprised that someone with the letters PhD, MBA, JD after his name has to resort to such tactics to try to build his business. That certainly doesn't endear him to me, to put it mildly.

I don't know much about him, but every time I get spam email from him, presumably from some email list he's bought, I'm always surprised that someone with the letters PhD, MBA, JD after his name has to resort to such tactics to try to build his business. That certainly doesn't endear him to me, to put it mildly.

And since all my emails have this: If you wish to unsubscribe, email me back and I will drop you from this list, was it too complicated for you to figure out?
Dr. Handley's Rebuttal to Alex Soares

Soares emails Dr. Dean: Now my proposal to you is giving you 10% and give your client a one time discount of 10% on all the services that I´am selling right now with the use of a coupon code that you have to put on your website. The 10% that is going to you will be for every month that your referral is in the room. 70% of all my clients are buying the video course and are on average 6 months in the trade room.If you raise 10 clients for me and 70% will buy the video course you will raise: 7x$49,90= $349,3 with regards to the video course 10 x $29,90 = $299,90 per month with regards to the subscription of the room.

Dr. Dean declines to Soares: I have to decline your kind offer - I do not accept money for the recommendations I give; I wish you all the best, I have removed your logo from my library and I am off to my next rooms, best wishes, Dean

Then inquires to Dr. Dean about dropping Soares & Trading Price Action on Futures:
Hi Dean, I see that you dropped Trading Price Action On Futures from "Currently Under Evaluation" and that you did not include them as a recommended room. Is there a reason that they didn't get recommended?

Dr. Dean tells the hard truth:
He was a hard one; over 38 trading days he averaged 1.29 trades/day and $63.40/3 contract trade; you decide...

Alex Soares of Trading Price Action on Futures accused Dr. Handley of charging for room evaluations. Dr. Handley denies that accusation and presents information to refute such a claim. Dr. Handley will evaluate Trading Price Action on Futures and show its lackluster performance and minimal room attendance, including trade stats and private emails from other room attendees.
Response is here:
And since all my emails have this: If you wish to unsubscribe, email me back and I will drop you from this list, was it too complicated for you to figure out?

I don't reply to people who send out spam email. All that does is confirm to the spammer that your email address exists and is being attended to.

Since I never opted in, in the first place, you have absolutely no business spamming me with unsolicited bulk commercial email. That's illegal, and I'd have thought someone who allegedly went to law school might understand that. Telling me that I can reply to you and ask you to stop isn't a satisfactory answer at all.
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