Hey Skill, it's obvious you've been promoted to PR consultant for Futex, which is OK I suppose.
Yes I can qualify 'chumps' for you:
Futex are chumps, period.
Don't mean to be rude but you say you worked at futex for a year and it obviously didn't work out. What makes you think you can be profitable in this instance?
Also does the backer really understand the chances of him making/losing money from this?
Best of luck with whatever you decide.
Fair comment, however when I was there they were keeping trainees on the simulator forever, I started with TD and I understand he has only rescently come off the sim! With no salary and no chance at making I could no longer afford to live especialy with a £100 a week train fair to Woking! However with this I will not be on a sim and I can walk to work so the pressures to make money from the start will be a lot less. When you have no pressure to make money, it's a lot easier!
What's so bad about keeping people on a sim until they're ready for the live market? Seems a bit silly to give people real money to bin in the live market when they've not yet shown they can make consistent money on a sim.
Sim trading, mmmmmm not quite the same as a live market. Very different in fact. Not much is said about their retention/success rate of training new traders but why should they care when there are always a fresh set of grads to choose from every three months that they can cherry pick to keep. We will never be able to get an independant/unbiased view point about these issues. Forums like this are the only source of info for potential failed traders at Futex.
As you were.
Yes pray tell, who failed?
I have the test tomorrow, what do I need to know for the occupational and financial section?