Funny old world....

Not been postiny much recently as I am still trying to get my bloody exans - next go Wednesday next.

What I find interesting is the psychology of the markets at the moment. 6 weeks ago we were all on about how awful things were etc. Now there is hardly a whimper here or elsewhere - yet many companies are at (or close to) 52 week lows - eg. ARM, MONI, VOD...the list could go on...... This is coupled by the fact that other sectors eg. construction, which did well doing the tech crash, are also showing weakness.

Definite lack of panic this time....are we complacent, or hardened to things? Or are we better at spotting the oppportunities? Or are we simply biding time to make a killing on the next short term rally!!

Actually this way works fine for me, though I miss trendy markets to rest and enjoy the trend without having to jump in and out every time the sentiment changes...

It all depends on stopping and cutting losses, Mark... maybe we finally managed doing that...if we are now skilled enough to do that properly why complain about better buying opportunities provided again and again...

One thing about the current market situation is that UK stubbornly did not fully join the last rally which pushed Nasdaq up from around 1650 to over 2300...Ftse Techmrk100 however was only up from around 1750 to around 2150...a difference of around 250 points...on the way down however techmark lost more points than nasdaq...

Overall UK sentiment is inclined towards -ve whereas the US looking for any pretext to go +ve...I therefore think they will soon restart the buy on dips sentiment and recover quicker than the UK...the PW period will soon be over anyway...

Though retraced to brek through the upchannel, Nasdaq is still way away from the year low, a turn round from around the current level will be a good sign I think...that's why I find it early to beat the market collapse drums yet...

Riz, I actually agree that the previous trading conditions are training us to look for opportunities however the market trades. I tentatively went into ARM on friday, and depending on monday, will be looking to accumulate more. I hope there is an intraday drop - was kicking myself on Friday for not getting in at 250!

The thing with ARM - and similar, is that at this level, even a 3 or 4 day rally can gain 20% or more! And if there is momentum, it may be higher! So this time I AM buying on the dips. just glad of confirmation regarding this strategy!
