Picking high quality tech stocks..

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The following words of Nomura's technology guru Keith Woolcock certainly do attract attention and make me wonder if his advice could be the best path we can follow with regard to investing in tech stocks...

"Since September, tech shares have fallen and over the past couple of weeks this has turned into a full blooded rout. Investors and analysts are now in a state of panic. While we would not be surprised if tech stocks fall another 20%, we feel the time might now be right to pick high-quality shares which, we feel, could be well up on the present prices."

He picked ARM as one such quality stock and upgraded his "sell" recommendation to "buy". ARM was usp today +75p to 515p..

I do agree that ARM is a quality tech stock..

What other high-quality tech stocks are traded at bargain prices? Let's keep this thread ongoing and post our messages regarding our pick of high quality tech stocks here...wouldn't it be much helpful if we can reach a consensus of opinions on, say, top 10 high quality tech stocks?

If you agree, post your picks here please...
Baltimore always amplifies market movements. When the market goes south, it drops like a stone. However, when it rises, it soars.

In general terms, the city like it - good response to Q3 results. Since then it has announced a series of big contracts.

It has just come off a year low, with big volumes. When the market does rally -be it next week if the election is sorted, or on the predicted 11th, then this will lead the way. However, this will only occur when the market as a whole rises - not before, certainly not in isolation. I am already in - far far to early. Best to wait to see how on monday it responds to Naz coming off todays highs(+profit taking), before jumping in.


Been out of it for a few weeks,tempted back by SIP and (i've fogiven it) PRH looking very cheap, for a lttle dabble.
My favorites for long term are MSY- MONI-LOG-BLM in that order
Good luck to all DYOR


And for me: blm, arm, sge, moni msy, log are worth to get in and hold for mid/long term..
Those suggested so far:

ARM at 515 suggested by rizgar, raj
BLM at 341 suggestd by rizgar, raj, mark, col
KCOM at 283 by raj
LOG at 1561 by rizgar, col
MONI at 735 by rizgar, col, steve
MSY at 585 by rizgar, col
PON at 255 by raj
SGE at 392 by rizgar, raj, steve

more suggestions will be added to the above list..