fund management looking for consistent, profitable EAs



EurAsia Markets is looking for EAs/traders/fund managers to trade clients' accounts. Anyone can apply!

The company has about $10,000,000 worth of managed accounts. Successful applicants will be given a test account before a live account is designated. Payout is on a profit sharing basis. Depending on performance, it ranges from 20/80 to 40/60. Contact me for details.

1. EAs are allowed
2. minimum of 15 trades a month
3. Drawdown of not more than 30%
4. Average profit of 2% a month
5. win rate of at least 55% - break even is considered a win
6. You MUST have a track record of at least 1 year. I.E. At least 52 weeks of live trading
7. Not more than 3 losing months in a year. not more than 2 consecutive losing months
8. ALL trading techniques are allowed.

For your information:
1. EurAsia Markets uses ECN
2. EurAsia Markets has a maximum leverage of 1:100

How to apply
contact me with details of your track record and your trading style
You may also contact me for queries
[email protected]

EurAsia Markets Pty Ltd (ACN 166 422 386) is an authorised representative of Global Prime Pty Ltd (ABN 58 136 930 526) (AFSL 385620) to provide financial services online and offline to institutional and retail investors.
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