Uranium Resources PLC URA


Thie sp on this one has been floored by the MM, is so oversold now, there is only one way it can go and that up. should easily double and then head back to the 9p level within days

This was copied from Citywire... Notice the comment... "I'm pretty confident we will find a deal in the next three to six months.".... That was made in February, and they now have Christopher Amies and Paul B. Birman on board. Almost 6 months up, and whispers are abound that there will be announcement sooner rather than later.

With uranium prices expected to rocket investors will be tempted to leap on this morning's listing of a Uranium Resources, a shell company backed by mining entrepreneur Bruce Rowan that intends to invest in uranium projects.Uranium Resources will list on the Alternative Investment Market (AIM) this morning raising about £1 million to begin with for working capital purposes.Given investor taste for natural resources stocks and the current desire for exposure to uranium this stock is likely to be in demand irrespective of its fundamentals. Earlier this month former England spin bowler Phil Edmond's latest venture, a cash shell named White Nile, floated at 10p and rose as high as 138.5p before being suspended this week pending an investment in an oil concern in Sudan.Uranium Resources' executive chairman David Steinepreis, an Australian with extensive experience in the mining sector at home, told Citywire: 'We are looking specifically in the uranium sector because it’s a very hot sector and we've got good contacts around the world. I'm pretty confident we will find a deal in the next three to six months.'The initial off-market placing was completed more than a week ago and Steinepreis reckons there is plenty of demand for his company's shares. Rowan, a friend of Steinepreis, will hold 12% to 15% of the company. The placing was at 1p but the chairman believes it will hit the market 'much higher than that'

I originally posted this back in February.... Look at the figures, and you can see why I am keen as mustard on this one... Hence holding all the while.... The prices I mentioned were when at 9p... Case of MM walkdown...

Only 41.83% of issued shares in circulation.
Rest are held by the people below.
A tad rocky at the moment, but the majority are tied in for the long period.
This will go northwards, and break the top price we have witnessed only a few days ago.

Name Number of Percentage of
Ordinary Shares issued share capital
following Admission
Ronald Bruce Rowan 24,500,000 11.95%
Ascent Capital Pty Ltd 16,280,000 7.94%
Treleaven Holdings Pty Ltd 10,000,000 4.88%
LeisureWest Consulting Pty Ltd 9,500,000 4.63%
Elliot Holdings Pty Ltd <atf CBM Family Trust> 9,280,000 4.53%
D Steinepreis 8,000,000 3.90%
Mr Timothy Leonard Weir <The Tim Weir Family Fund> 8,000,000 3.90%
Residium Nominees Pty Ltd 7,650,000 3.73%
Savannah Global Limited 7,000,000 3.41%
Stariver Holdings Pty Ltd 6,550,000 3.20%
Joanne Kenny <a/t Kenny Family Trust> 6,250,000 3.05%
Oro Resources Pty Ltd 6,250,000 3.05%

From another board...looks very exciting

This isnt a pie in the sky statement, I actually have a friend who works for a very well known investment house.
So as to protect him, and myself, I am going to state right here and now, that what I am writing is unsubstantiated rumour... OK.... But just remember you heard it here first...
URA have a target lined up, and apparently they are in the process of crossing the T's and dotting the i's. It's mentioned that it is big, and URA will have to go to the market for funding. Also mentioned that Investment houses etc will be the only ones open to the offer. Mentioned also that the price will be at a massive premium to todays price.

So, lets consider this to be unsubstantiated rumour... We know of the Directors pedigree..... We also know the 2 new guys tasked with sourcing these investments are go getting hungry young proffesionals, with an excellent past record, we know that Steinpreise (And his brother) love building massive stocks from shells. We also know they have many many contacts in the city. We also know that Uranium is "In", we also know uranium is fetching the highest prices on record, we also know there is a lack of companies in this exciting sector.
We have on record, Directors saying they expect to be able to make announcements soon. We also have on record directors saying they expect the shares to be at a much much higher level than flotation price, we also have on record Directors saying they have the necessary expertise, experience and enthusiasm to negotiate the purchase of appropriate uranium assets and strongly position the company in this exciting sector.

So, its make your mind up time...
Lets look at what the directors have said, then compare them to the "unsubstantiated rumour"..... Hmmmmm, looks like an almost exact match.... Almost word (rumour) for Word (Rumour).

This is the kind of news I keep under my belt until such times as I have a position on a stock, but as we are all aware, I have a position, and the stock is now lower than my investment in it is. I am hoping to be able to release more funds to aquire more, but the news can come at litterally anytime. Could be on market open Monday morning, could be hours/days/weeks, I would say Month, but am led to believe weeks is a better bet.
Who has seen the lottery advert? "You have to be in it to win it".
This stock has win win win written all over it, but without the 14M to 1 chance of coming up trumps as on the lottery.

Do as much research as you can, look at the pros and cons... Lots n lots of pro's here, with no cons that I can see.

Look also at a recent cash shell that is now at £1.50 when floated at 10p, being headed up by an ex cricketer.... Then look at the pedigree of our board, and where our price is... I know where my money would be, and where it is...

Still do as much research as you can.
The info is "not from an insider" and all that malarky, but from a guy I actually got to know from dealing in shares about 5years ago. I have only ever been given one what might be called bum stear, and that was about 4 years ago, regards Mondas.... Mind you, it was a difficult time in the market, and stocks were crashing left right and centre. I chose to ignore his advise on a few occasions, and lost massively.. AIH, and another which I cant remember now, but both went bust.
Also remember that whilst info shared is as accurate as can be, it is not always guaranteed.
But, the points in my previous mail add up to 2 + 2 = 4.
If nothing else, I would encourage people to look at the Directors statements, look at the timescales implied in said statements, look at the appointment of Paul and Chris, look at Steinpreises history in turning small capped stocks into big money making machines, look at the Uranium exploration market as a whole, and then make their decision.
Also the directors comments regards price at flotation.
I think there are a lot lot more riskier places to put your money, at least URA are also cash positive with very little cash burn and no debts as well.
When it happens, it will happen big, the Directors are old hands at this game, and will ultimately seek to make themselves richer as they hold most of the stock, but the 48% of stock that is left is us smaller investors opportunity to grab some and share in that wealth.
One thing is for certain, the Steinpreises are hungry for more and more wealth, and they wont want to see the share price languishing where it is.
My info and gut feeling is it will be big. If I'm right, then we can all get wealthy, if i'm wrong, then we have to absorb a bit of a loss.
Odds are stacked in our favour, thats the first bit that has gone our way.

A copy of a post just made (By myself) on a different bb. But o so true about sector sentiment. We are in an age where companies are not being valued on prospects, projects, etc etc, but we are being driven by "Sector Sentiment". All because some overpaid suit and tie with a title of Resources "ANALyst" say's the sector is weak, what they invariably mean, is they want to take some long positions and it will be much more beneficial to them if they could depress prices.

I in a way disagree that it is a poor excuse... Its market sentiment only... The suits and ties dont tend to look at individual companies, but rather sectors as a whole..
They still make their margins, but if they were to actually look at individual companies, then there would need to be a lot lot more of them, so they get an understanding of what each individual companies progress etc is.
Your posts are spot on, and I for one thank you for sharing you info/ from chats you have had with them.
Sentiment will return... We all know that, we just have to turn the TV on and watch the news... Today telecom stocks rose because of strong results from Vodaphone.... Tommorrow... Telecom stocks fell today because of worries about Nokia, day after Supermarkets rose today because of strong sales figures from Tesco, day after that Supermarket stocks fell today because of worries over Morrison... Its all sector related.. Thats a fact.. I have on my watch list, 2 stocks which are currently undervalued on their NAV by over 200%... Shocking... But, they just so happen to be in a "sector" that is not in favour.... Give it another couple of months, for them to do the rounds, and they will get back to ours, when we will probably see on TV, exploration companies rose sharply today after a top ANALyst said the sector was undervalued.

Most of the price drop has been because of small investors selling off. Trouble is, most of the small investors selling off is what creates the dip, nothing to do with fundamentals, nor company projects, nor company progress... But because of Boredom (They want their stocks to rise every single day) and because of these so called ANALysts comments, likening all stocks in a particular sector under one heading, if this sector is out of favour, then small investors listen to these twa*z, and sell out.

Now, whilst Steinpreis and Rowan have proven track records, they will not have set up this vehicle to lose money, nor would they have set it up to double, treble or even quadruple there money... They will want to make HUGE BIG MEGGA bucks

Comment from our Director... (Made approx 6 months ago)
I'm pretty confident we will find a deal in the next three to six months.
Finally got an email response from URA, so Have a bit in Black and White...

"To Quote"........

"The directors are working towards maximising shareholders wealth"

"there has, in general, been a downturn in all mining stocks over the last few weeks"

There we have it gents..... You really need to see the whole mail to be able to read between the lines, but Directors ARE working hard to MAXIMISE shareholder value.... And yet another Company secretary going on record as saying there has been a downturn in all mining stocks (Market sentiment)...
If you want a good one, which will realise massive returns, then get you posteria into URA....
marbles456 said:
Finally got an email response from URA, so Have a bit in Black and White...

"To Quote"........

"The directors are working towards maximising shareholders wealth"

"there has, in general, been a downturn in all mining stocks over the last few weeks"

There we have it gents..... You really need to see the whole mail to be able to read between the lines, but Directors ARE working hard to MAXIMISE shareholder value.... And yet another Company secretary going on record as saying there has been a downturn in all mining stocks (Market sentiment)...
If you want a good one, which will realise massive returns, then get you posteria into URA....

Oh well that's ok then, I guess if the comapny says that then it must be a sure thing, after all no-one would ever mis-lead would they 😱
Thanks alot marbles456,
I'm now with you on this one. I've read the report on Uranium in this weeks edition of shares and searched onto your post then decided to put an order in for 19700 shares in URA .
I have to say I'm very optimistic about this company as the share price rose 31.6% on friday alone. I'm a little concerned about the big spread and the shares being illiquid although the gains can be so much higher on them of course.

hope this works out.

Once again many thanks for your post. Good luck.
I haven't even bothered to check with proquote where this share price is now - but why do I get the feeling this sort of ramp 'em post will only end in tears? it's a shame Sharky allows this sort of blatant self promotion of shares on hear....
Rio Tinto getting involved with Uranium Resources..
uranium ready for the next bull,
spot price 40 - 43 - 44 - onwards and upwards,
good signes... imo,