Part time? Anyone trading part time you have to admit you are making a statement regarding your trading and that is almost non-arguable?
With the amount of leverage and all other perspectives any successsful consistant trader will get everything they want from trading so why put another 40-50hrs a week into another profession if indeed they can trade? I can understand a successful trader going part time as they want to enjoy life but to go part time for another profession, you have to be honest with yourself and the statement you are making in doing that? Sorry part timers but do not understand it?
It is not for everyone, it is as I have stated before the game of the gods end of, everryone needs to be honest with themselves ultimately?
With the amount of leverage and all other perspectives any successsful consistant trader will get everything they want from trading so why put another 40-50hrs a week into another profession if indeed they can trade? I can understand a successful trader going part time as they want to enjoy life but to go part time for another profession, you have to be honest with yourself and the statement you are making in doing that? Sorry part timers but do not understand it?
It is not for everyone, it is as I have stated before the game of the gods end of, everryone needs to be honest with themselves ultimately?