FTSE, DAX, DOW Trading Ideas and discussions

Have you ever heard of the term "duty of care" ?

Well that's what this is, protecting the stupid from themselves (usually) 🙂

Hi CV, from a mods point of view I agree "duty of care" would be high on the list.

I have a limited time on the forum, so when I see someone who may have a real injection into a thread, it gets my attention. Not because I am some billy big blk's trader, but because it is simply a refreshing change.

This is a Darwinian game, the stupid will adapt or ....?
Have you ever heard of the term "duty of care" ?

Well that's what this is, protecting the stupid from themselves (usually) 🙂

.....It is worth adding I had a real see-too with Tr1@@ back in the day, so I'm not some DR fan, but I do like these guys adding their two pennies worth, the forum is a much better place with them in the mix.

As long as it can be kept semi civilized 🙂

Ahhhah now I understand the raised eyebrows when I first started posted.

Re: My choice of nickname : I'm no slut but the DAX certainly is. She'll give with one hand and rip you up with the other ...... sigh I do love her nonetheless which is why we keep coming back for more 🙂

Have a nice evening gentlemen.

// edit Back OT : 10820 🙂 Overnight limit 10879 (lets not be greedy this time I missed my limit by a measly few points last night grrrr)
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Ahhhah now I understand the raised eyebrows when I first started posted.

Re: My choice of nickname : I'm no slut but the DAX certainly is. She'll give with one hand and rip you up with the other ...... sigh I do love her nonetheless which is why we keep coming back for more 🙂

Have a nice evening gentlemen.

🙂 We know who you are....just so as you know 🙂
Just read through today's shenanigans, J@sus chr1@st almighty !!! No wonder people who might have value to add to this forum don't bother to post too much !!

It's more like a popularity contest isn't it !

If Davie-boy (as we assume it is indeed him) suckers people to follow him/her like a sheep onto a twitter account or into a darkened room & gets money out of them (or worse), then they shouldn't be anywhere near a buy or sell button, so he's probably saving them money in the long run.

Bring on more Davie-boys, the forum desperately needs a proper injection of someone with b@ll@x who will stimulate the space.

If you have been around the block a bit, why feel the need to be on playground watch looking out for the first years.

Just when it looks like it might have a bit of meat on the bone, it's stripped almost straight away.

Gutted I missed it as it unfolded in real time.
He talks a good job mate-his ideas are fatally flawed-he brings nothing to the table and makes schoolboy errors.he averaged down on a dax trade and held overnight with zero stops-S--T TRADING👎-he does produce amazingly coloured charts though.:whistling
he talks up a trade that is a 50/50 proposition-he backs this up by using fancy charts ,talking about the order book yellens speech etc-if he wins hes a hero-if he misses hes off-
same mo over and over again
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Morning all

NFP tomorrow...could be a range bound day with tests here and there. TradeStars analysis was perfectly logical..but I won't go into that.

Some areas im looking at today. Believe it or not, these are not calls....they are just possible areas. We posted 10940 area yday and it got taken out in a heartbeat...partly because of VW in my opinion.

WTI Oil got rejected from 48.00 ish.

Testing support again.

Euro has dropped to 1.08 previous support band for 1.08 - 1.10 - 1.12.
Expecting a bounce from these regions or further drops if Draghi continues to blabber about QE and rate cuts.

fwiw - Don't see Fed raising rates. Dollar likely to fall and oil continue rising.
no 10 pt stop?

Sounds like this is a reference to when I said I have a 10 point stop loss. Yess...when I'm scalping. But I'm trying to diversify a bit to develop a a system for times when I'm quite busy with other things. Like today. Oh well didnt work out.
Formation I'm tracking suggests we may see 11,000+ area today. but then a failure to hold it with sell offs on Monday and Tuesday, possibly going into Wednesday.
Areas I'm looking at today for scalps. Bigger areas - for position trading.
10785 (position - depending on time)
11030 (position)
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